This is a complicated question. And there's no one-size-fits-all answer to it. A lot of it depends on what kind of role you have within the community. And we could spend all day talking about there's so many different kinds of roles people can play. But we only have so much time together, so I'm going to focus on three in specific. I'm going to focus on the role of companies, focus on the role of developer relations, and on that of project maintainers themselves.
Let's start by talking about companies and the role they have to play in the JavaScript community. Because really these days, companies stand on the shoulders of open source giants. Every single web app I can think of that's out there today I'm sure has open source at the heart of it. How many web apps that companies have created are getting out there, getting customers and all of that, how many of those products are based on top of Node.js in the or Python or some of the other open source server runtimes? How many apps are written using React? How many are written using Webpack to build? How many use TypeScript? VS Code? All of these are open source. Some of these were created by companies, yes, but not all of them. But they're all open source regardless. And so, you know, the fact that we can build code so much faster, we can build more complicated apps faster than we used to be able to, even if it still feels like it's, you know, pulling teeth at times, there's so many options. We have improved so much because of open source. And companies benefit from this. And so, you know, I think it's really important for companies to give back. And the main way that companies can do this is supporting with time and money. And, you know, I know this sounds like, you know, companies should be altruistic, but it's not really the case. There's a symbiosis between companies and the open source community. And companies supporting open source ultimately helps them, too.
As a good example, I used to work at a startup called Observable. And we based our code editor on the open source project CodeMirror, which is a great project, by the way. Just a lot of great work from Ren, the lead maintainer, and everyone else who worked on it. And because we were using this as such a core part of our product, Observable actually ended up sponsoring the project. You know, donating money to it specifically so that, you know, all of the maintainers on the project could focus on it full-time. And by doing so, the project grew faster, it became more reliable, bug fixes, all of that that ended up helping us in return. We didn't have to hire someone to do it ourselves because we could, like, you know, enable the project to do it for us. It was a great symbiotic relationship between the two. I think all companies, at least if there's, like, open source was a really core part of what you do, if there's especially one or two projects that are at the heart of what you do, you know, think about how you can contribute. With the Node.js project, for example, companies can become members of the OpenJS Foundation, which oversees the project.