But this is just a good sampling to kind of show you, hey, if you implement these standards, it's one less cognitive thing that people who are onboarded to your project have to think about, because they're standards that everybody already knows, okay?
By the way, just at the time of this talk, it is important to note this warning at the top of the style guide, and that is it's currently a bit outdated. Most of the examples are in the Options API only, and there are no rules regarding Script Setup and the Composition API. However, as you just saw, a lot of the things for styling don't even necessarily have to deal with one API or another. All of the component naming things could apply to either API. So this is still a great resource, but do expect it to be updated in the future, okay?
Another really great resource for standards is the officially recommended tooling for Vue.js, all right? That's found on the tooling page of the official Vue.js docs. It provides reference to things like Vite for your development server and Opinion for global state management. This might seem like it could go without saying, but maybe I've ignored some of my own advice in the past and I want to make sure you don't do the same. What do I mean? Well, one of the projects I was working on prior to joining Vue School, of course, needed global state management. Well, I wasn't thrilled about the DX that Vuex provided, and so I came up with my own global state management solution based around the Vue.Observable API in Vue 2. Long story short is, yes, there were some DX improvements. However, there were more downsides than upsides. There were caching issues that I didn't handle that Vuex would have already handled for me under the hood. There were onboarding issues when it came to moving new people to the project who I had to explain this custom solution to that if I just used Vuex they would have already been familiar with it or at least I could have just pointed them in the direction of the Vuex docs, right? So the key takeaway here is if there is an officially recommended solution for your problem, definitely think long and hard before you use anything else, okay?
So predictability from the style guide, predictability from the officially recommended tooling, and then finally another great source, I think, of predictability is the metaframework NUX3, okay? It makes a lot of opinionated decisions and it's such a huge player in the Vue.js community a lot of people are going to be familiar with the conventions that it provides. So definitely recommend taking cues from NUX3 when it comes to structuring your application or just using NUX3 to begin with. By the way, you will see NUX3 come up a few more times in this talk because I think it's such an excellent piece of software.
Alright, so tip number two is to take full advantage of your IDE. This is after all the software that you're going to be using most in order to develop your application. Number one, that means make sure to install Volar, that's probably pretty obvious. However, number two is also make sure you have ESLint installed on all your projects. I've had projects that I've worked on before where we didn't do this. Let me tell you, it was an absolute pain because ESLint is going to help you catch items directly inside of your IDE without having to wait to find out about them at runtime. In fact, it's gonna show you errors in your IDE that you might not even get hard errors for within the browser, all right?
So, for example, in this little piece of code, we're using a V4 to loop over item in items but we have left off the key. This would not error in the browser but my IDE knows now because of ESLint I should really add this key to my V4. And then the same thing down here for this Hello World component. It's being imported and registered. However, it's not actually being used anywhere inside of my template. And so ESLint is saving my end user from having to download this extra code that's never even used. Right, I get this essentially for free just by installing ESLint, okay?
Similar to this is making sure your IDE's formatting is set up appropriately. Okay, this could be the formatting that is built in with ESLint or it could be a more opinionated formatter like Prettier.