Hi there, I'm Luca De Pupo, and today I talk about how you can guarantee your TypeSystem at runtime using Zot! So, first of all, who I am? I'm Luca De Pupo, I sign on Software Engine at Dreams, JavaScript and TypeScript Lovers, and in my free time I try to keep content in my YouTube channel and also write some blog posts. I love running, hiking and animal.
By the way, I want to start with a history, so today, almost 10 years ago, born TypeScript, and every JavaScript developer in the world probably was happy. We started to create our interfaces, our types and so on. The world was perfect, but a day, a back-end developer decided to change an API and, unfortunately, change a property from String to Number or Number to String and the result in our application is something like this. Not a number, a string, and so on. This is because TypeScript is not able to check the types at runtime because the code that runs in your browser is Javascript. But how can we prevent this mistake? So our superhero is Zod. Zod is a simple NPM library that allows you to create a custom schema. In this case, the schema is a JavaScript object, so the schema rests alive also at runtime. And this schema contains a definition of your type. In this case, as you can notice, the customer schema is an object with four properties, id of type Number, name, email and phone of type String. Then you can also convert this type, this schema, into a TypeScript type, in this case using the type of method. It's pretty simple, you can use the schema and convert it to TypeScript. This helps you to get all the benefits of TypeScript, but also guarantees your type system at runtime.
Last but not least, each schema exposes a method called parse. This method is used to check if the object is like expected by the schema. In this case, if the object parsed to the parse method is like expected. The customer variable is of type Customer and contains the object. Otherwise, the parse raises an error. This error is of type ZodError and contains the issue and error to understand what is wrong. Which are the benefits of using Zod in our application? Typically, when you create an application, you have your react application and some API to get the data. Using Zod you can create a validation layer between your application and the API. At runtime, you can check if the result of the API is like expected during the development and in this case you are able to run the code only if the types respect the expected type in this case. Otherwise, you can erase an error, show an error to the user and send a notification to Datadog or maybe to Sentry to fix the problem as soon as possible.
So now it's time to see a simple demo to understand how we can use Zod and the benefits of using it. So the demo is pretty simple. There is a list of order and each order has a different property in this case. For instance, if I change my back end, in this case I change the amount from number to string and go back to the application and refresh the page. As you can notice, in this case Zod erased an error and Scribd, which is the problem.