October 20 - 23, 2023

London, UK & Online
React Advanced 2023
We will be diving deep
Are you into modern web development with React, React Native, GraphQL, TypeScript and hungry to learn from the best? The React ecosystem and community have grown drastically in the past years, and so did the complexity of web and JavaScript app development.
It's highly recommended to take this journey with the help of others – connect with the global network of field experts and explore the framework at the main React Conference in London! Engineers of any level are welcome, but be prepared for hardcore.
This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this React Conference are available on the Brand Website.

Miško Hevery
Builder.io, USA
Talk: Speeding Up Your React App With Less Javascript
As CTO, Miško oversees the technology division that powers the Builder.io applications and software. Before joining Builder.io, he created Open Source platforms for Google, including Angular, AngularJS and was co-creator of Karma. While at Google, he brought a testing culture there with his blog. Before focusing on making the web better, he believes testing is the key to success.
Miško started his career designing digital circuits and moved to databases, full-stack development and finally, front-end frameworks, giving him a unique perspective. He understands all of the layers from the web down to a transistor. In addition to Google, he worked for tech powerhouses Adobe Systems and Sun Microsystems.
He holds an MS/BS from Rochester Institute of Technology and an MBA from Santa Clara University.

Tejas Kumar
DataStax, Germany
Talk: Why Everybody Needs a Framework
Tejas Kumar is an international keynote speaker, best selling author, and host of the developer-loved ConTejas Code podcast with an engineering background spanning 23 years, from design to frontend to backend to devops. Today, Tejas shares talks at large with developer communities worldwide, equipping them to do their best work.

Mark Erikson
Replay.io, USA
Talk: Building Better React Debugging with Replay Analysis, Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects
Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com. He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.

Joe Savona
Meta, USA
Talk: React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
Joe was planning to major in math and philosophy but got into computer science after writing physics simulations in Matlab. Prior to React, he worked on Relay, RSocket.js, and the Skip programming language. While he’s not building some sort of reactive system he enjoys running, studying Japanese, and spending time with his family.

Josh Goldberg
Open Source, USA
Talk: Power Fixing React Performance Woes
Hi, I’m Josh! I’m an independent full time open source developer. I work on projects in the TypeScript ecosystem, most notably typescript-eslint: the tooling that enables ESLint and Prettier to run on TypeScript code. I’m also the author of the O’Reilly Learning TypeScript book, a Microsoft MVP for developer technologies, and an active conference speaker. My personal projects range from static analysis to meta-languages to recreating retro games in the browser. Also cats.

Hidde de Vries
Web Developer, Netherlands
Talk: How Popovers Are About to Become a Whole Lot Easier to Build
Hidde (@hdv) is a web developer in developer relations. He is interested in web standards, browsers and authoring tools, as well as how they can work together to build a web that puts people first. Hidde writes about these things and more on hidde.blog.
Lenz Weber-Tronic
Apollo GraphQL, Germany
Talk: The Rocky Journey of Data Fetching Libraries in React’s New Streaming SSR
Lenz Weber-Tronic works as a Senior Staff Software Engineer at Apollo GraphQL, where he is part of the team maintaining the Apollo TypeScript Client.
He is a maintainer of Redux Toolkit and if he’s not currently trying to summon elder gods with weird TypeScript incantations he can usually be found on StackOverflow answering questions on Apollo and Redux usage or opening random PRs on GitHub.

Alexandre Moureaux
BAM, France
Talk: Flashlight, a Lighthouse for Mobile Apps
Hi, I'm a tech lead at BAM where I've been developing React Native apps for 8 years. My obsession is mobile apps performance 🚀. I truly believe it's our responsibility to develop performant apps, as one way to fight against climate change!

Anselm Eickhoff
Garden Computing, UK
Talk: Jazz: Build Real-Time, Local-First React Apps With Sync & Secure Collaborative Data
I've been building web apps for 15 years, since my teenage years. I've painfully realised that some of the tools and conventions we take for granted make things much more difficult than they feel they "should" be. We spend most of our time doing stuff over and over again that doesn't really feel related to each individual app (persistence, permissions, shared state). But four years ago, I found out about a new abstraction (CRDTs) and a co-discovered a new way of building apps (local-first). Ever since I've been trying to wrap up this alien new tech in a familiar, ergonomic interface.

Alexandra Spalato
Storyblok, Spain
Talk: Remix: Embracing Web Standards to Redefine Modern Web Development
Alexandra Spalato is a DevRel Engineer at Storyblok, specializing in JAMstack & headless architecture. With a background in freelance dev & entrepreneurship, she brings a unique perspective to successful web projects. Alexandra drives progress in tech industry through speaking at conferences & empowering developers.

Mo Khazali
Theodo UK, UK
Talk: “Microfrontends” for Mobile in React Native
Mo is the Head of Mobile and a Tech Lead at Theodo UK, having worked on several projects with startups and established enterprises to create cross-platform mobile application in React Native. He's passionate about React Native, MobileDevOps, and pushing the boundaries of combining code across web and mobile.
Before joining Theodo, Mo was a full-stack developer at Nasdaq. He is a graduate from the University of Edinburgh.

Kathryn Grayson Nanz
Progress Software, USA
Talk: Usability Testing Without a UX Specialist
In 2013, I graduated with a BFA and took my first job as a Junior Graphic Designer at a small, boutique ad agency. While there, my Creative Director warned me to never let anyone find out I could code, because if I did I'd be stuck doing it forever. I ignored his warning; it turns out he was completely right, but I've never been happier. I currently work as a developer advocate on a wonderful team where I help people build web applications in React, design and maintain their UI component libraries, and desperately attempt to stop back-end devs from writing any more CSS.

Negar Jamalifard
Lightspeed Commerce, Canada
Talk: Type-safe Styling for React Component Packages: Vanilla Extract CSS
Negar is a senior software developer at Lightspeed Commerce, based in Montreal, Canada, with a focus on frontend development. With expertise in React, Vue, and a passion for CSS and web styling, she excels at simplifying complex concepts to make them accessible to all.

Giorgio Boa
Claranet, Italy
Talk: Micro-Frontends With React & Vite Module Federation
Giorgio Boa is a full stack developer and the front-end ecosystem is his passion. He started to develop applications in 2006 and in 2012 he falls in love with JavaScript. He is also active in open source ecosystem, he loves learn and studies new things. He is very ambitious and he tries to improve himself every day.

Daniel Afonso
PagerDuty, Portugal
Talk: All You Need Is a Contract…
Daniel Afonso is a Senior Developer Advocate at PagerDuty, SolidJS DX team member, Instructor at Egghead.io, and Author of State Management with React Query. Daniel has a full-stack background, having worked with different languages and frameworks on various projects from IoT to Fraud Detection. He is passionate about learning and teaching and has spoken at multiple conferences around the world about topics he loves. In his free time, when he's not learning new technologies or writing about them, he's probably reading comics or watching superhero movies and shows.
Matheus Albuquerque
Medallia, Czech Republic
Talk: Hydration, Islands, Streaming, Resumability… Oh My!
Matheus is a Staff Front-End Engineer at Medallia, building their surveys platform and helping them shape the customer experience market with React, and a Google Developer Expert in Web Performance.
His areas of interest include React and its ecosystem, JS and compile-to-JS languages, DX, and perceived performance optimization. Aside from public speaking about these, he also volunteers at TechLabs, teaching front-end development.

Alessia Bellisario
Apollo GraphQL, USA
Talk: How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences, Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects
Alessia lives in New York City with her wife, son, and rambunctious cat. She loves ECMAScript, building in the open, and making plotter art with her two trusty drawing robots.

Harsh Shah
Pedals Up, India
Talk: Simplifying Data Management in React With React Query
Hi, I’m Harsh Shah. I am a self-taught developer I am currently working as CTO at Pedals Up Blockchain Studio & Polygon Advocate. I started my coding journey in 2009. That was the first time when I ran my first code in the C language “Hello World!”. Then after there was no look back, I learned C, C++, Html, CSS, Javascript, Python, SQL and many more technical languages & frameworks. I am always a curious person about technology. When I started working in the industry, I worked with various Startup Companies across the globe, like Elemetor, KDE(GSOC), Wikimedia(GSOC), Mokko(USA Based), Dataone, Pycon Taiwan, etc.
I am also a community builder. I started my first community at college with the help of some of my friends, Then after I started contributing to other communities like Makerfest, GDG Ahmedabad, Echai, Pydata, and IIT-B Ecell. Currently, I am a co-organizer of GDG Cloud Ahmedabad & Pydata Ahmedabad. I am also a Polygon Advocate.
I have given more than 30+ talks on several topics like Google Cardboard (VR), Google Cloud Tech (GCP), Python tech, React Js, React Native, and Design Systems at the Local & Global levels.
Currently, I am also working on Web 3 space for the last 3 years. And worked with more than 10+ startups in the Web 3 space. We at Pedals Up(company) work with clients like, Biconomy, Nord Finance, Pillow Funds, Scallop, Kalamint, NFT, and so on.
Zbyszek Tenerowicz
MetaMask, Poland
Talk: I Run Code From the Internet!
Full-stack engineer and technology researcher. Leads Security Lab team at MetaMask working on LavaMoat and Endo. Started using Node.js at v0.8 and never stopped. Enjoys innovating and teaching security, diagnostics and maintainability. One of the oldest members of meet.js Poland community - both as a speaker and organizer. Hacking JavaScript since his teenage years.

Federico Terzi
AnimaApp, Italy
Talk: Figma to React With AI, Are We There Yet?
Software Architect at AnimaApp, Creator of Espanso.org.
An engineer with a strong passion for tech, programming and products. Besides working hard to automate the boring parts of front-end development, he also enjoys building side projects, giving talks and cooking.

Fredrik Höglund
ephem.dev, Sweden
Talk: A Practical Guide for Migrating to Server Components, Panel Discussion: Open Source & “Perceived Competition” Between Projects
Fredrik is currently a freelance consultant and has been working with and been weirdly fascinated by React Server Rendering for the last 8 years. He is a React Query contributor, has written his own custom server renderer(s), and though he wishes he had time to contribute more actual code to open source than he currently does, his issues, discussions, suggestions and explanations on mostly SSR-related matters litters many corners of GitHub and the wider internet.
He lives in Stockholm, Sweden, is a Cognitive Scientist by education and likes brewing beer in his free time, that is, when he isn’t playing Zelda with his kids. Zelda is incidentally also the name of his dog.
Luca Del Puppo
Nearform, Italy
Talk: Zod === TypeScript, but at Runtime in Your React Applications
I'm a Senior Software Developer, Microsoft MVP, Google Developer Expert Codemotion Ambassador and GitKraken Ambassador. I love JavaScript and TypeScript.
In my free time, I love studying new technologies, improving myself, creating YouTube content or writing technical articles. I can’t stay without trail running and love to do it in my love Dolomiti.

Tiger Oakes
Microsoft, USA
Talk: Hacking an e-Reader with React
After growing up with dead zones in Hawaii, Tiger wants to make apps that work offline and load fast. Today, he programs web apps as a senior engineer at Microsoft. Tiger is an enthusiastic member of the W3C working on new standards for the web, and has previously worked on Microsoft Edge, Firefox for Android, and Google Chrome. He creates art projects out of old devices, including junk phone wall decor and an e-reader tea menu. In his spare time, Tiger performs improv with his wife.

Lucas Estevão
Avenue Code, USA
Talk: Shield Your Next.js App With a Content Security Policy
Lucas is a proud dad and kickboxing brown belt. He has over 15 years of experience in large-scale software development, from system design and architecture to engineering management of front-end teams. In addition, he invests time in influencing technical recruitment processes, mentoring engineers, and, most recently, hosting a career podcast in Brazilian Portuguese. Currently working at Apple as a contractor from Avenue Code.

Gilad Shoham
Bit, Israel
Talk: Code on Demand: The Future of Code Collaboration
Currently leading the development team at Bit. A former architect and team lead at Sisense. Founder of Propcy and Stunity, and a graduate of an IDF elite programming unit.
An experienced speaker, blogger and podcaster about JS, architecture, Frontend, and home automation.
I have been writing code since I can remember and had my share of successes and failures but always kept the love for what I do. As a contributor to the open-source community, I believe that software is the most powerful way to make our lives better every day.
Jerel Miller
Apollo GraphQL, USA
Talk: How to Use Suspense and GraphQL with Apollo to Build Great User Experiences
Jerel is a Principal Software Engineer at Apollo GraphQL maintaining the Apollo TypeScript Client living in beautiful Colorado, USA. He loves the art of software development and finding creative solutions to challenging problems.

Karol Kozer
intive, Poland
Talk: Implementation of Schedules and Timelines
A graduate of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology. He is currently working as a Senior Software Engineer. He has been working in the industry for several years, developing large commercial projects and developing solutions for key clients. Front-end is his hobby and passion.

Nikola Mitrovic
Vega IT, Serbia
Talk: Superpowers of Browser’s Web API
Experienced JavaScript Software Engineer with 7 years in the industry. More skilled in Front-end Development, with high level of experience in working with Micro Front-end architecture, designing projects as a set of standalone components that include their own interfaces, logic, and storage, developing mini-applications independently, and composing them all together in the browser with different integration techniques.
Passionate about web performance and ensuring the best possible User Experience of web applications.

Cat Johnson
Khan Academy, USA
Talk: Nested Interactive Elements: An Nightmare in Accessibility
I am a Senior Frontend Engineer at Khan Academy and I’ve been working in the industry for over 6 years. During my day job I work mostly on React web components and focus on Accessible Technology. On my off hours I love talking about how to create more accessible and inclusive web applications and hosting a podcast discussing new technology creating positive social impact in our world today. I firmly believe technology can be used to create a more inclusive and equitable world as long as we keep it in check.

Gil Eckstein
Wix, Israel
Talk: Winning the Performance Race
I'm a Performance Architect @ Wix Viewer. For the last 7 years, I’ve been a part of building the application that renders Wix websites With over 10 years of experience in software development, I started my career in networking and Linux but was always passionate about web development. In the last 3 years, I have been a part of the performance team, where we improve the performance of Wix websites, and make sure Wix websites are the fastest in the world. In my free time, you can find me working out at the park, playing basketball, and also working and maintaining my own NBA website.

Mofei Zhang
Meta, USA
Talk: React Compiler - Understanding Idiomatic React (React Forget)
Mofei started programming when she realized it can help her cheat in video games. She focused on operating systems in undergrad / grad school, but now finds herself happily tinkering on React. Outside of work, she enjoys debugging bouldering problems and planning her next backpacking trip(s).

Stephanie Shaw
Beamery, UK
Talk: Thinking Differently About a11y – Accessible Website Design for the Neurospicy
Stephanie is a Senior Frontend Engineer at Beamery, and a seasoned full-stack engineer with considerable experience in the financial and public sectors. She's a passionate advocate for tech-for-good, diversity, and developer education. As a speaker, she's known for her entertaining talks and irreverent sense of humour. She is currently developing Beamery's AI-powered talent lifecycle management platform.

Lorenzo Sciandra
London, UK
Lorenzo Sciandra is a Senior Software Engineer and mental health/open-source advocate. From 2018 to 2024, he served as a core maintainer of React Native, and spent four years at Microsoft driving its adoption both internally and across the wider community. More recently, he contributed to open-source sustainability at the Sovereign Tech Fund. Currently taking time to recharge, but always happy to open a call and chat.

Keren Kenzi
Senior Software Engineer, Israel
Talk: Is It the One? (How to Select an Open-Source Library?)
Keren is a senior software engineer with over a decade of experience in the industry. She holds an M.Sc. in Computer Science and is passionate about React and learning new technologies. Keren volunteers as a program manager at Baot, a community that supports women in R&D in their professional growth. She instructs and inspires developers to write blogs in her tech blogging workshops. Keren has experience as a dev community leader and a co-organizer of meetups and events. And in her not-so-spare time, she studies psychology. Her hobbies include drawing, photography, and singing.