November 3 - 4, 2022
TestJS Summit

TestJS Summit 2022

Test JavaScript. Test with JavaScript.

TestJS Summit is getting back in 2023 in hybrid format with the first in-person day streamed from the Berlin venue including hybrid networking features and interactive entertainment; and second day, as well as the numerous free workshops, streamed to the global audience online. TestJS Summit is event for QAs and software developers to get up to date with JS testing best practices, sharpen skills and get latest updates from top products core teams. Get a full ticket to participate in workshops, and network with others JS testing folks on December 7-11, 2023.

This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.
 Stefan Judis
Stefan Judis
Checkly, Germany
Talk: Playwright Can Do This?
Stefan works in Checkly's Developer Relations and quickly fell in love with web performance, new technologies, and accessibility. He is also a curator of the online resource Tiny Helpers, Tiny Teachers, contributes to a variety of open source projects, and enjoys sharing nerdy discoveries.
Artem Zakharchenko
Artem Zakharchenko
Freelancer, Czechia
Talk: Dissecting Complexity in Tests
Hi! My name is Artem. I'm a self-taught software engineer. I've built this thing called Mock Service Worker, which has changed the lives of developers all around the world. I'm extremely thankful for that. I love testing, and I love writing and teaching about it even more. And coffee, yes, I like that one as well.
Shai Reznik
Shai Reznik, Israel
Shai Reznik or "That guy who always talks about testing..." is the founder of which focuses on cost effective testing training. Being a leading part of the JavaScript community since 2012 and a Google Developer Expert, Shai has been speaking all over the world giving wild and entertaining talks. His courses and training have helped thousands of developers enjoy a stress free life and while increasing their code confidence, quality and efficiency. And his lectures have been viewed by over 170,000 developers (and probably a few random people as well!) As a hobby, Shai does improv and standup comedy and love to tease friends with weird sweaters.
David Burns
David Burns
BrowserStack, UK
Talk: 5 Habits to Treat Your Test Code Like Production
David Burns, heads the Open Source office at BrowserStack. He is also a core contributor to the Selenium project and Chair for the W3C Browser Testing and Tools Working Group.
Oleg Šelajev
Oleg Šelajev
AtomicJar, Estonia
Talk: Delightful Integration Tests With Testcontainers
Oleg Šelajev is a developer advocate at AtomicJar working on making integration tests with Testcontainers better for everyone in the community. VirtualJUG leader. In 2017 became a Java Champion.
Shivay Lamba
Shivay Lamba
TensorFlowJS Working Group Lead
Talk: Machine Learning based Unit Tesing in JavaScript
Shivay Lamba is a software developer specializing in DevOps, Machine Learning and Full Stack Development. He is an Open Source Enthusiast and has been part of various programs like Google Code In and Google Summer of Code as a Mentor and has also been a MLH Fellow. He is actively involved in community work as well. He is a TensorflowJS SIG member, Mentor in OpenMined and CNCF Service Mesh Community, SODA Foundation and has given talks at various conferences like Github Satellite, Voice Global, Fossasia Tech Summit, TensorflowJS Show & Tell.
Tsahi Levent-Levi
Tsahi Levent-Levi
Spearline, Israel
Talk: Challenges of Testing and Monitoring WebRTC Applications
I am Tsahi Levent-Levi. The person behind and Chief Product Officer at Spearline. My blog focuses on rumblings about technology usually boiling down to WebRTC, CPaaS, Messaging, Disruption and other topics (Science Fiction anyone?) To put food on the table, I also consult in these domains, publish my own reports and run a WebRTC training. During the past decade (and then some) I have taken part in the development of various telecommunication projects - mainly those related to VoIP and 3G. I've done so as a programmer, manager, marketer and CTO. This included developing the 3G-324M protocol stack from scratch, as well as managing the team that was in charge of developing and maintaining the H.323 protocol stack, along with other interesting projects. I was the cofounder and CEO of testRTC, a self service SaaS company focused on testing, monitoring and support for WebRTC applications. In 2021, we sold the company to Spearline. These days I am working as a consultant, analyst and entrepreneur on anything related to VoIP, but it mainly focuses on CPaaS, WebRTC and their potential for disruption. I have an MSc in Computer Science and an MBA degree with a focus in Entrepreneurship and Strategy. Included in my resume are a few patents and being the chairman of different activity groups in the IMTC – an organization focused on interoperability of multimedia standards. You can use the social media links to reach me or learn more about what I do and where.
Marie Cruz
Marie Cruz
Grafana Labs, UK
Talk: A Medley of Frontend and Backend Performance Testing
Marie is currently a Developer Advocate at, a Grafana Labs company. In the past, she has been an Engineering Manager, a Principal Engineer and a Test Consultant. She is also a tech blogger at, an accessibility advocate and an online course instructor at Ministry of Testing and Test Automation University.
Filip Hric
Filip Hric, Slovakia
Talk: Full-Circle Testing With Cypress
Filip Hric is a DevRel at He teaches testers about web development and developers about testing. Filip has a ambassador, leads a “Learn” community on Discord and has a blog at where he publishes tips. He’s an international keynote speaker and leading expert on test automation in As author and instructor of live Cypress workshop, he has taught hundreds of testers and developers about good practices and advanced concepts for testing in Cypress. Enjoys running, playing guitar and spending time with his wife and four children.
Colin Ihrig
Colin Ihrig
Node.js Technical Steering Committee, USA
Talk: Zero Dependency Testing With Node.js
Member of the Node.js Technical Steering Committee & a hapi core team member. Colin Ihrig is a software engineer working primarily with Node.js. He is the author of Pro Node.js for Developers, and co-author of Full Stack JavaScript Development with MEAN.
Florian Rappl
Florian Rappl
smapiot, Germany
Talk: Testing CLI Utilities
Dr. Florian Rappl is a solution architect from Germany who specializes in the creation of scalable distributed web applications. He is almost exclusively working on micro frontend solutions. Florian is a long-time Microsoft MVP in the development tools area.
Rafaela Azevedo
Rafaela Azevedo
The Chain Academy, London, UK
Talk: E2E Tests for Web3 Applications
Recently diving into the entrepreneurship world with the mission of expanding the Web3 Community through The ChainAcademy Full Stack SDET with +16 years of Experience in QA, +14 years of Experience in Test Automation, and +9 years in Leadership, Delivering and Releasing Software on different platforms (Mobile, Desktop, Web) TechWomen 2023 Awards Winner and became a STEM Ambassador, Google Developer Experts and a STEM Women Member making an impact and bringing more people to the STEM area.
Matt Fellows
Matt Fellows
Pactflow, Australia
Talk: Beyond Rest - Contract Testing in the Age of gRPC, Kafka and GraphQL
Matt Fellows is a core contributor to the Pact contract-testing framework, and co-founder of the microservices continuous delivery platform – Pactflow. A self-described polyglot who enjoys working at the intersection of technology, humans and ideas – ideally fully caffeinated. He's passionate about giving back to the tech community, sharing learnings at local meetups and conferences, and is a core contributor to the popular Pact microservices testing framework and author of the Muxy chaos testing tool. When not absorbing the Internet via osmosis, he can be found teaching kids at Code Club, playing basketball or pumping iron like Arnie.
Daniel Irvine
Daniel Irvine
Concisely Crafted, UK
Talk: Overtesting: why it happens and how to avoid it
Daniel Irvine is a soft ware consultant based in London. He works with a variety of languages including JavaScript and Ruby. He’s a mentor and coach for junior developers and runs TDD and XP workshops and courses. When he’s not working, he spends time cooking and practicing yoga. He co-founded the Queer Code London meetup and is an active member of the European software craft community.
Evyatar Alush
Evyatar Alush
Meta, Israel
Talk: Using Tests for What?!
Evyatar is a Front End Engineer at Meta. He is a strong advocate for open source software and is the author of several high-profile projects, including Vest validation framework and emoji-picker-react. Evyatar is passionate about API design, dev ergonomics, and building tools for developers.
Scott Gerlach
Scott Gerlach
StackHawk, USA
Talk: Automated Security Testing for JS Apps
Scott Gerlach is Co-founder and Chief Security Officer at StackHawk, a Denver-based startup focused on empowering engineers to easily identify and remediate security bugs. Scott brings over two decades of security and engineering experience to his current role, having served as CSO, CISO, and in other executive leadership functions at companies like SendGrid, Twilio, and GoDaddy. When he's not at work, you'll find Scott spending time with family, brewing beer, and playing guitar.
Murat K Ozcan
Murat K Ozcan
Extend, USA
Talk: CCTDD: Cypress Component Test Driven Design
Murat was born in Turkey and has lived around Chicago for over 20 years. He graduated from Illinois Institute of Technology with a computer engineering bachelor's and contributed at Siemens for over a decade. He is married with two daughters; 9 and 11 years old. He lives to do corrective deeds; learn, teach, fix what is broken, improve and optimize all things around at work, open source, and home life. He is a tech enthusiast in love with testing, development, devops, web and cloud. Currently he is a Staff Engineer & Test Architect at Extend.
Lia Moreira
Lia Moreira
Blip, Portugal
Mentorship available
Talk: How to Choose an Automation Tool
Software developer in test automation, with major focus on Frontend. Huge passion to learn and pass through the knwolegde that already have.
Filip Voska
Filip Voska
Infinum, Croatia
Talk: Unit Testing Angular Applications
Filip graduated from Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb in 2017 and has started his careers at Infinum as JavaScript Engineer. Over the years, FIlip gathered knowledge of various Frontend topics, with focus on Angular, and became Angular Lead Engineer. Some more time passed and Filip started focusing more on soft-skills and became JavaScript Team Lead at Infinum, while still continuing to do Angular development and being involved in architecture-level decision-making. As for FIlip's personal interests and hobbies, he likes PC/Nintendo Switch Gaming, messing around with HiFi gear and mehcnical keyboards, and being a loving husband & father to his wife & child.
Kat Kmiotek
Kat Kmiotek
Zoopla, Scotland
Talk: Testing Mail Service With Playwright
Kat works as Quality Engineer at Zoopla. Tried lots of paths: fine arts, comparative literature, social psychology and cognitive science studies before discovering the most enjoyable so far tech path. Kat solves automation testing challenges at work and jigsaw after work. Lives in Scotland.