April 29, 2022

TypeScript Congress 2022
The Type of Conference Developers Need
TS Congress is an online event for web developers on all things TypesScript. Learn from industry professionals and community members, exchange ideas, interact, and collaborate in the form of a modern tech event. September 21 & 22, 2023.
This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.
This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.

Mark Erikson
Replay.io, USA
Talk: Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
Mark Erikson is a Senior Front-End Engineer at Replay, and lives in southwest Ohio, USA. Mark is a Redux maintainer, creator of Redux Toolkit, and general keeper of the Redux docs. He tweets at @acemarke, and blogs at https://blog.isquaredsoftware.com. He spends much of his time answering questions about React and Redux anywhere there's a comment box on the internet, and usually hangs out in the Reactiflux chat channels.
Daniel Roe
Nuxt, UK
Talk: TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
Daniel leads the Nuxt core team - previously CTO of SaaS startup and founder of a creative agency focusing on clarity of vision and message. His open-source work has a focus in the Vue.js and Nuxt ecosystems and he's involved in consultancy with companies around the world, particularly around JAMstack, serverless and software architecture. He's based in Scotland where he lives with his family and cat.

Dan Vanderkam
Google, USA
Talk: TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
Dan Vanderkam is the author of Effective TypeScript (O'Reilly 2019) and a Principal Software Engineer at Sidewalk Labs. He previously worked on open source genome visualizations at Mt. Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine and on search features used by billions of users at Google (try "population of france" or "sunset nyc"). He has a long history of working on open source projects, including the popular dygraphs library and source-map-explorer, a tool for visualizing JavaScript code size. He is also a co-founder of the NYC TypeScript meetup and blogs at effectivetypescript.com. When he's not programming, Dan enjoys playing bridge and climbing rocks near his home in New York's Hudson Valley.

Titian-Cornel Cernicova-Dragomir
Bloomberg, Romania
Talk: Understanding types as sets, 'TypeChat' Panel Discussion
I am a developer in the JavaScript infrastructure team at Bloomberg where I work on JavaScript and TypeScript tooling for internal developers.
I am very passionate about TypeScript and try to help others by answering TypeScript questions on Stack Overflow. I am currently the number 3 answerer for the TypeScript tag. (https://stackoverflow.com/tags/typescript/topusers).
I am also a TypeScript compiler contributor, where I recently contributed the implementation of ES class private methods and private static members. (https://github.com/microsoft/TypeScript/graphs/contributors).

Loren Sands-Ramshaw
Temporal.io, USA
Talk: How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
Loren is a Language Runtime Engineer at Temporal, maintaining the TypeScript runtime. They also wrote a book on GraphQL (The GraphQL Guide) and spent over a decade doing full-stack web and mobile development. They love swing dancing and authentic relating, and they secretly miss CoffeeScript 😄.

Lili Kastilio
Snyk, UK
Talk: Plug-in architecture: how TypeScript let us paint-by-numbers
Working closely with customers designing & building TypeScript solutions. Recently a Lead Engineer at Snyk working on extending our current languages offering by introducing new languages and language specific concepts into our system in the shape of libs, parsers and microservices. When not coding I like to spend my time hanging upside down doing circus things.

Ashley Claymore
Bloomberg , UK
Talk: Alternatives to TypeScript
Ashley is a software engineer at Bloomberg in the Trading Analytics team. He has been using TypeScript since v1.8 and contributed to the TypeScript implementation of the new 'Ergonomic brand checks for private fields' syntax. He is also a Bloomberg TC39 delegate currently working on the 'Change Array by copy' proposal.

Ondrej Polesny
Kontent.ai, Czech Republic
Talk: How to properly handle URL slug changes in Next.js
Ondrej is a Jamstack enthusiast focused mostly on React and Vue-based tools. As a Developer Evangelist at Kontent.ai, he constantly stays connected with in-house and partner developers, which brings him closer to many interesting digital projects built with various tools. Always interested in problems that everyone claims have no solution, Ondrej enjoys building the architecture of components or applications and figuring out how all parts fit together. He also creates videos and speaks at conferences and podcasts.

Sylvana Santos
Codecademy, USA
Talk: Onboarding React Developers to Typescript
After working as a science teacher for a few years, Sylvana transitioned into software engineering as a means to provide a quality education to all learners. She began her career as an apprentice at Codecademy and is now a software engineer at the company. During her time at Codecademy, she has gained experience with React, Next.js, and Typescript and has led initiatives like the tech reading club and dev workshops.