All You Need Is a Contract…

How many times have you had to wait for your backend team to finish building the API so you can start your tasks? What if all you needed to move that task to in progress was the API contract? What if there was a library that did this for REST and GraphQL APIs and, at the same time, taking your tests to the next level? Join me and prepare to enhance your developer experience while learning all the battle-earned experiences of using one of my favorite libraries: Mock Service Worker.

This talk has been presented at React Advanced 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Watch video on a separate page


The three main issues are unmaintainable code, unmaintainable and flaky tests, and tasks arriving late into the sprint.

The team solved the issue of unmaintainable code by using React Query, which helped manage server state more effectively.

Server state is the state that exists somewhere on the Internet external to your application. It is challenging because it involves caching, deduping requests, and data prefetching.

The team addressed unmaintainable and flaky tests by using Mock Service Worker (MSW) to intercept actual requests and return mock data based on predefined contracts.

Mock Service Worker (MSW) is an API mocking library that uses ServiceWorker API to intercept requests and return mock data. It works by defining request handlers and response resolvers to specify the API and the data to be returned.

Yes, MSW can be used in both browser and Node environments. In the browser, it uses service workers, and in Node environments, it uses a node intercepting package.

The team handled tasks arriving late into the sprint by defining contracts at the beginning of the sprint and using MSW to mock the APIs. This allowed them to work on frontend tasks while the backend was still in development.

The key steps are: 1. Delete all existing mocks. 2. Define the request handlers and response resolvers. 3. Start the service worker or server before running tests.

MSW improves the testing process by providing a single source of truth for mock data, reducing flakiness, and simplifying the setup and maintenance of test environments.

Before opting for DIY overengineering, consider that someone may have already solved your problem and published an open-source package that is maintained, tested, and secure. Using such tools can save time and resources.

Daniel Afonso
Daniel Afonso
29 min
20 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
The speaker discusses the challenges of server state and test maintenance, and how they found solutions using React Query and Mock Service Worker. They emphasize the benefits of defining contracts for faster development and stress reduction. The speaker also highlights the advantages of using Mock Service Worker over mock servers and explains how it allows for easy customization and test overrides. They mention the upcoming release of V2 of MS-Double and encourage the audience to stay updated.

1. Introduction and Annoyances as a Developer

Short description:

In this part, the speaker expresses gratitude towards the audience and acknowledges the hard work of the conference organizers. They also mention three things that annoy them as a developer: unmaintainable code, tests affected by unmaintainability, and late tasks in sprints. The speaker promises to share a story about how they and their team fixed these issues.

Okay, so let me just clear up the room. There's not going to be contract testing here. This is a joke we were talking before coming on stage. Also, I'm going to move a lot, so I'm trying to figure out the spot. That's cool, if I don't get blinded by the light.

Before anything else, React Advance, thank you so much for having me here. It's a pleasure. I'll walk around for that spot because apparently the camera won't get me on the other one, so I'll try not to move a lot.

I just wanted to start this talk with like, I would like to give a cheerful applause, because there was so many hard work setting up this conference for everyone from Git nation, everyone from the tech team. I don't know if you're aware, but when we started today, we were having some issues plugging everything, and now everything is working up already so far, so can I get an everyone that's working on this? Okay. Thank you so much.

So, let's start this because already one minute went away, and there are really three things that annoy me as a developer. The first one is when you have unmaintainable code. You know the feeling. Your code is not really that good sometimes. The more you add, the worse it gets. It's struggling. Yeah, it's hard. And then the second thing that really annoys me, it's when that unmaintainability finds a way of getting into your tests. Now it's not bad that your code is not good, your tests are not good as well. Probably you're not sleeping that well at night because you know what flaky tests feel like. And the third thing that really annoys me, and I'll promise to not start a rant here, is when you have a task that arrives late into the sprint. I know some of you relate to the feeling. Let's picture we have a team where two parts are working on a task and the first part takes 98% of the time, and once the task gets to you, you have 2% of the time. So obviously your product manager is going to expect you to deliver that thing yesterday. And this is a feeling that I could start talking about here and I wouldn't stop.

So let's continue, because I have a story about how me and my team fixed these issues a couple of years ago. So let's start at the beginning on how we had just cleared up the first issue. Me and my team had just defeated the unmaintainable code monster. Because this had been something that is been working around, it was threatening us, it was hard.

2. Server State Challenges and Test Issues

Short description:

The speaker discusses the challenges of server state and how they had to implement various functionalities themselves. They then discovered React query, which solved their server state issues. However, a new challenge arose with unmaintainable and flaky tests. The speaker eventually found a solution and introduces themselves as Daniel Alfonso, a developer advocate at OLX.

And what was the reason? Well, the reason was server state. Now, I don't know if you are aware of what server state is. It's typically the state that exists somewhere on the Internet as external to your application. And it has a bunch of challenges. Caching, deduping requests, data prefetching. There is a maintainer here from React query which you can talk about of many of these challenges and you can probably understand how much pain it is understanding and having to implement this thing by hand and I can tell you that me and my team, we didn't have React query back then or in the beginning, we didn't. So we were implementing all of these things by ourselves and the more code we were having, the worse got the unmaintainable code monster. So we started thinking, why are we implementing this ourselves again? What are we trying to prove to going in this direction? And well, a couple of months went by and this was when a couple of, well, these months went by, a co-worker, like the King Arthur in the Sword and the Stone movie. I think that's how you say it in English. Sorry, non-native English speaker here. One co-worker approached the stone and brought out a 10-stack query. So apparently, this new thing, React query, had just come up and it was the solution for our issues. And 10-stack query brought harmony to our code because now all the stuff and issues we had with server state were solved and we didn't have to worry about implementing that thing for a while that is.

Now, a new threat was lurking in the shadows. You see, that unmaintainability found a way outside of our code and going inside of our tests. Now, I don't know if you remember this image I showed you a couple of minutes ago, but this is Hydra. And you know what they say about Hydras. Cut one head, two more take its place. And this is kind of what was starting to happen with us because now our tests were not just unmaintainable. They were flaky. They were complex. I couldn't sleep at night because I had no trust on what the heck I was doing and now you're wondering, okay, what's the relation? What are we going to see? Well, safely now, a couple of years ago I can tell you that me and my team managed to fix these issues. And the fun part was that all we needed was a contract. So this is the part where I actually start the talk.

Let me just introduce myself real quickly. I'm Daniel Alfonso. I'm working as a developer advocate at OLX. I'm an AGIT instructor and an out-there ambassador and you can find me, I'm going to say Twitter because of the pool before on Twitter and pretty much any social network at the end So Daniel GC Alfonso. Also something about me, I recently published a book called State Management with React Query. Thanks.


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