Bringing the New React Native Architecture to the OSS community

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At the end of 2021, we successfully rolled out the New React Native Architecture in the Facebook app.

Now, it’s time to empower every React Native developer on the globe to use the New React Native Architecture, both the new Fabric renderer and the new TurboModule system.

But migrating an entire ecosystem to a New Architecture is no easy task.

To support the whole community in this endeavor, we lined up a set of tools and materials that will help both app and library developers to join us in this journey.

In the talk, we will present how the New React Native Architecture looks in the OSS space. We will discuss the impact this will have on developing React Native projects. Lastly, we will cover what we learned from the React Native New Architecture migration at Meta, and how you can tackle your migration in your organization.

This talk has been presented at React Summit 2022, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


The new React Native architecture represents a major rewrite of the framework's internals, designed to improve performance by eliminating the bridge component used for communication between JavaScript and native layers. It introduces unified rendering pipelines and internal components, utilizing C++ for consistent cross-platform behavior.

Developers should migrate to the new React Native architecture to benefit from improved performance, enhanced type safety, and reduced discrepancies between platforms. The architecture eliminates the bridge, leading to better communication efficiency between JavaScript and native code layers.

The rollout of the new React Native architecture began internally at Facebook in 2018 and was completed by 2021. It is currently being introduced to the broader open-source community.

The new architecture is composed of several key components: Fabric (the new renderer), Turbo Modules (the new native module system), CodeGen (for generating boilerplate code), and Bridgeless Mode (eliminating the traditional bridge component).

Developers can enable the new architecture by setting environment variables or project properties. For iOS, use 'NewArchEnabled=1' during pod install. For Android, set 'NewArchEnabled' to true in the '' file.

CodeGen automates the generation of boilerplate code for native modules, enhancing developer productivity and ensuring type safety. It supports defining specs in TypeScript or Flow, which it then uses to generate corresponding native code for Android and iOS.

The introduction of the new architecture has led to changes in build tools, including the use of CMake and a custom React Native Gradle plugin for Android, and custom Ruby logic for CocoaPods integration on iOS. These changes support the building of C++ code and improve the overall build process.

React Native tightly couples its versioning with React. For instance, to use new features in React 18, developers must upgrade to at least React Native 69, which supports these features only when the new architecture is enabled.

Nicola Corti
Nicola Corti
25 min
21 Jun, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription
Today's Talk introduces the new React Native architecture and its rollout to the open-source community. The new architecture eliminates the bridge component, improves performance, and enhances the developer experience. It includes features such as Fabric, Turbo Module, and Cogent component. The architecture also supports modern languages like TypeScript and Kotlin. Upgrading to the new architecture enables the use of React 18's concurrent features and new APIs. Proper documentation and a new architecture section on the website provide valuable resources for contributors and advanced developers.

1. Introduction to React Native New Architecture

Short description:

Today, we're going to talk about bringing the new React Native architecture to the open source community. My name is Nicola Corti, an Android engineer in the React Native team at Meta. I want to focus on the valuable videos about React Native new architecture on YouTube. We started talking about it in 2018 at React Conf, and the latest talk is from 2021 React Native EU by Joshua Gross.

Hi everyone, and thank you very much for joining me in this session. Today, we're going to talk about bringing the new React Native architecture to the open source community.

Mandatory slide about myself. My name is Nicola Corti and I work as an Android engineer in the React Native team at Meta. You can find me online as cortinico either on Twitter or on GitHub.

As we have so much to cover, let's jump straight into the content. So if you were to search today React Native new architecture on Google or on YouTube, you will find actually quite a lot of content. I want to focus a little bit on YouTube because there are several videos that are actually really valuable. And as you can see, from the dates, we actually started talking about React Native new architecture in 2018 at React Conf. So much time has passed. The last talk is from 2021 React Native EU from my colleague Joshua Gross. I actually want to invite you to watch the talk if you haven't yet.

2. React Native New Architecture Rollout

Short description:

Joshua discussed the timeline of the new architecture, which took three years to roll out. Initially planned for six months, the extensive use of React Native within the Facebook app posed challenges. In 2021, the new architecture was fully rolled out, and the focus shifted to empowering the open-source community. The new architecture eliminates the bridge component, improving performance and restructuring the framework's internals. Using C++, a single implementation of the renderer ensures consistency across platforms and enables the sharing of optimizations. The developer experience is enhanced with best practices and the Cogent component for type safety. The new architecture also enables new capabilities and is built upon several pillars.

Joshua in his talk was talking about the timeline of the new architecture and how long it took us to do the rollout of this technology, which essentially is a major rewrite of the React Native internals within the Facebook app. It took us essentially three years. And so I want to start from this timeline, from what Joshua said in that talk. And where do we go from there? So he mentioned that, again, we started in 2018 in Q2. And initially, this project was supposed to last roughly six months. But the reality is that React Native is used so extensively inside the Facebook app, and a lot of teams try to squeeze as many milliseconds of performance from every screen that rolling out such a big change was quite a challenge. That's why it took us so long.

And in 2021, we finished to fully roll out the new architecture, specifically the new render fabric on all the surfaces of the Facebook app. And then, well, what's next? What's next is that we looked at the open source community and we actually wanted to allow everyone out there to benefit from this new major rewrite of the internals of React Native. So what comes next is actually rolling out the new architecture outside of meta and empower everyone to use what we developed so far. And that's where we are now. So end of 2021 and beginning of 2022, we started creating content and material to empower people outside of meta to use the new architecture. So today I'm going to present a lot of material and content that we developed so far and that will help you embrace the new architecture of React Native.

But first, I want to reiterate a little bit on the why because I get asked over and over, why should I migrate to the new architecture? And if you still haven't got it, the why is all about the bridge. The new architecture is essentially a substantial rewrite on a lot of components of the internals of React Native that allows us first to get rid of the bridge. The bridge was a component that was making possible the communication between the JavaScript layer and the underlying native layers. With a new architecture, this component is essentially gone. And with that comes a lot of improvements in terms of performance and generally like is a restructure of the internals of the framework. As we wrote a lot of the internals, we actually took a stand to re-implement a lot of the rendering pipelines and internal components of React Native using a shared language.

So we decided to use C++ to, again, have a single implementation of the renderer that allows us essentially to reduce a lot of discrepancies between different platforms. Historically, there used to be different renders for Android and for iOS, so things will behave a little bit different on the two platforms. Thanks to the new architecture, we are essentially having a single implementation of our internals and we can ensure that whatever we develop is consistent within the two platforms. Similarly, we can also re-share a lot of the optimizations we develop for one single platform across all of them. This is possible thanks to having a single implementation of the of the renderer and internals. We also took a stance at the developer experience and we try to implement a lot of best practices and blend them inside the core component of the React Native new architecture. Specifically, we develop a component called the Cogent that allows us to bring type safety inside our code base. And finally, the new architecture is, as I said, about performance, but also about a lot of new capabilities that we are building on top of those new foundation. So it's sort of like we took a stance, we wrote a lot of internals thinking about what new capabilities this allows us to develop in the in the coming years. So whenever we refer to the new architecture, we refer to a lot of components that we often call pillars. So the new architecture of React Native is actually composed by several pillars.

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