Debugging a Non Reproducible Crash

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POV: Your app has a crash affecting thousands of users, but for the life of you, you can't reproduce it and have no idea what's causing it. Hear the story of an epic struggle to vanquish a non reproducible bug and learn what to do (and what not to do) when facing such a foe.

This talk has been presented at React Advanced 2021, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


The speaker of the story is Alex, a tech lead at BAM.

The app was preparing for an October 11th live event.

The team used Sentry as their crash reporting tool.

The exception causing the app to crash was a JS application illegal argument exception error while updating a style property in a shadownode of a React Native component.

The crash rate of the app was about 10%.

The two native dependencies upgraded were React Native SVG and native navigation.

The team attempted to identify the cause of the crash by analyzing the stack trace, using debugger tools, and testing the app on multiple devices.

The ultimate cause of the crash was a race condition in the React Native SVG library, which was using a function from the main thread that was not thread-safe.

The team learned the importance of using crash reporting tools extensively, monitoring release health, rolling out updates to a subset of users, and digging deeper into the source code to understand and fix bugs.

The team decided to roll out updates to 10% of users first to monitor the release health and protect the majority of users from potential crashes.

Alexandre Moureaux
Alexandre Moureaux
20 min
25 Oct, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription
The Talk discusses a vicious bug that caused 20,000 crashes in a JS application. The bug was an array index out of bounds exception in the SimplePool class. The team used a debugger to analyze the bug and discovered a race condition caused by an upgrade to React Native SVG. They collaborated with React Native contributors to fix the issue and deployed a patched version. The Talk emphasizes the importance of using a crash reporting tool, monitoring release health, and learning from bugs and source code analysis.

1. The Story of the Vicious Bug

Short description:

Today, I'm going to tell you a story, the story of a bug and our fight against this bug. A bug so vicious and cruel that it actually caused us no less than 20,000 crashes. Our crash rate goes up significantly and our crash reporting tool is reporting an exception every minute. It's a JS application illegal argument exception error while updating a style property in a shadownode of type a React Native component. It happens for every user, every Android device, and all Android devices are affected.

Today, I'm going to tell you a story, the story of a bug and our fight against this bug. A bug so vicious and cruel that it actually caused us no less than 20,000 crashes. But introductions first.

Hi, everyone. I'm Alex. I'm very excited to be here at React Advanced London. I'm a tech lead at BAM. We're based in Paris and we develop mobile apps in Flutter, Native, and of course React Native. And our story begins in October. And we're a team of nine people, and we're very happy and proud to release version 4.3 of our app. Why are we so happy and proud? Well, because actually we were getting ready for our October 11th live event that the app was covering, and we were adding a lot of essential features to the app. Super. We're super happy.

But then, the unexpected hope occurs. Suddenly, our crash rate actually goes up significantly. And actually, our crash reporting tool that we're using, Sentry, is under heavy fire. It's reporting an exception every minute, then, a lot of exceptions every minute. Then, it's basically an exception every second, and it's getting overwhelming. And all of those exceptions are a bit different, but they're all kind of have the same shape. They're like this. Basically, it's a JS application illegal argument exception error while updating a style property in a shadownode of type a react Native component.

And so, well, first thought, is like, well, you know, we did QA this release, we did test it out a lot. Why did we not see this happening? And also, if you search a bit more about this error, this tends to happen if you set a wrong value to a style. For example, if I set padding top to NAN, not a number, this is what would occur. So it kind of sounds like something quite easy to detect. So, like, well, maybe it happens only in certain extreme cases that we have not tested properly before. But it turns out that Sentry is basically reporting that it happens for every user, every Android device so this is an Android issue only, but all Android devices are affected. And also in our app you can actually favor the team, for example, to change a bit the experience of the app. But it doesn't matter whichever team you're actually favoriting doesn't impact this. You're getting the crash.

2. Analyzing the Crash and Reproduction Attempts

Short description:

We have a big crash on startup that affects any device and user. We couldn't reproduce it, so we analyzed the stack trace and found an array index out of bound exception in the SimplePool class. Rolling back the release was not an option, as it had high user value. With a 10% crash rate, we attempted to reproduce the issue on multiple devices but didn't get any crashes.

All right. Well, we have a big crash, we have a big fire to put out, so let's start by trying to reproduce the crash, right? So fortunately we configured for Sentry or crash reporting tool to tell us what the user was doing before triggering the crash. So here we see that the user is actually opening the app, starting the first screen of the app, which is called Home. And boom, actually it crashes instantly.

All right, so basically you're telling me that it affects any device, it crashes on startup, it affects any user and we can't reproduce it? We've never seen it before, how is that even possible?

All right, well I guess step two, if you can't really reproduce, is analyzing the stack trace. So let's take a look. Okay, I did say that we have several different errors. I guess, let's take a look at the first one. So this one is an array index out of bound exception. It's a Java error. And it's happening in the class called SimplePool and it's a class from Android v4 support library. And it's happening in SimplePool.release, like 116 of And well, to be honest, at this point I'm like I don't even know what SimplePool is. And I don't even know why I'm even in the Android source code. Like there's a big fire to put out and it feels like it's going to take a lot of time to actually figure out what's going on because I don't really understand this. So I guess let's find an easier solution to put out the fire.

So one idea would be, well, could we just roll back our release? Well, if you're a mobile app developer you know that we can't actually really roll back the release? We actually have to deploy a new release with the old code. It's kind of annoying and it means that certain users, you know, the users will get an update of the app just reverting everything. And at this point in time, we actually know that our crash rate is about 10%. So it seems that basically a user opening the app has one out of 10 chances to crash the app. But it seems that whenever they try to restore it, it works. And also, this release has actually great value for users. It turned out to be one of the highest-rated releases despite this outstanding crash. So we thought, well, no, let's not roll back. It's not the end of the world. It's outrageously big to have 10% crash rate, but let's try to fix it in another way.

All right, we know that the crash rate is 10%, so I'm like, okay, I can devise a battle plan. I'm just going to take six Android devices, I'm going to trigger with a script 10 app launch per device, so statistically I should get like five to 10 crashes, right? And at least that would be some kind of reproduction. I would be able to finally see the issue, and if I get a fix, then I would be able to test it out. The result was that I didn't get any crashes.

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