Diving Into Server Islands

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In this talk, we'll explore building full-stack web applications powered by Astro and Astro DB.

We'll start by discovering the basics of Astro, why and where it's useful, and how to build a simple web application with it. We'll discover how to use Astro's hybrid rendering mode to add API routes and dynamic server-side rendering to the application.

Then we'll dive into Astro DB, a simple, yet powerful ORM used to communicate between a LibSQL database and your Astro application. Also, Astro 5.0-beta has been released, we’ll round up the talk by looking at the new features, some demos and discovering how to upgrade.

This talk has been presented at React Advanced 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


Elion is the Lead Developer Relations at React Bricks and an Astron maintainer. He works with the BGS team organizing conferences and has experience in developer experience and documentation.

Astro is a web framework for content-driven development, offering features like single file components and zero JavaScript shipping by default, making it ideal for content-driven websites.

Astro is content-driven, focusing on an HTML-first approach with opt-in complexity, making it suitable for content-heavy sites. It ships zero JavaScript by default, enhancing performance and SEO.

Client directives in Astro allow developers to control when and how JavaScript is loaded for interactivity, using options like client load, client idle, client media, and client only.

Server islands in Astro enable server-side rendering with deferred content loading, allowing dynamic content to be fetched and rendered efficiently, similar to partial pre-rendering in Next.js.

The Astro Content Layer API allows for loading and querying data from various sources, including APIs and markdown files, making it versatile for different content types.

To learn more about Astro, visit Astro.build. You can contact Elion on social media at @ElionCode or join the Astro Discord community at Astro.build/chat.

Astro's islands of interactivity do not inherently support context like React, but state management can be implemented if necessary, although it's not typically recommended for Astro's intended use cases.

Astro Actions enable server-side functions to be executed securely without publicly exposing APIs, useful for operations like form data validation.

AstroDB is a first-party API for managing databases using libSQL or any compatible SQL database, providing ORM capabilities for efficient data handling.

Elian Van Cutsem
Elian Van Cutsem
27 min
25 Oct, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Hello, everybody. I'm Elion, the Lead Developer Relations at React Bricks. Astro is a web framework for content-driven development, similar to Next or Nuxt. It supports TypeScript and JavaScript and compiles down to HTML and CSS, resulting in excellent indexability and SEO. HTML and JavaScript can be used together with Astro through client directives, allowing for interactive websites while optimizing performance. Astro's server islands architecture delays rendering until all content is available, and client-side interactivity is achieved through battery API and server authentication. Astro provides native data loading and supports open-source loaders for different content types. Collections and Astro Actions make content reuse and API usage easier. Zalt Schema, AstraDB, and ORM are available for form data handling. AstroDB and Starlight enable the use of different databases and on-demand rendering. Astro 5.0 introduces better localization, simplified rendering modes, and a content layer API. There is an upgrade guide for Astro 5.0 and it integrates well with React. Astro is recommended for content-driven websites but may not be ideal for building dashboards or authentication services. Astro has influenced other frameworks and aims to push the web towards better standards.
Available in Español: Diving Into Server Islands

1. Introduction and Background

Short description:

Hello, everybody. I'm Elion, the Lead Developer Relations at React Bricks. I'm also an Astron maintainer and have experience working in the core team. If you want to talk about CMSs or apply as a speaker, feel free to reach out.

All right. Hello, everybody. Good to be here in London. It's actually not raining today, so I'm really happy. Who am I? Well, Nathaniel already introduced me. I'm Elion. I'm the Lead Developer Relations currently at React Bricks. So if you want to talk about CMSs, you can find me. Also, I'm freelancing on the side. I'm an Astron maintainer. I used to work in the core team for about a year, focusing on developer experience and documentation and everything. I work with the BGS team, which is a team that organizes conferences in Belgium, Paris, and soon will be in Africa as well. So if you want to be there, you can also come to talk to me or if you want to apply as a speaker or whatever, I can give you some advice.

2. Introduction to Astro

Short description:

Astro is a web framework for content-driven development. It's a meta framework, similar to Next or Nuxt, but with some unique features. It uses single file components, supports TypeScript and JavaScript, and compiles down to HTML and CSS by default, resulting in excellent indexability, SEO, and accessibility for content-driven websites.

Cool. Of course, you're not here for me. You're here for Astro content and diving into server islands, and we'll do that for sure. But of course, first let's talk a little bit about Astro since it's kind of necessary to understand where we're coming from and how server islands came to be because it's kind of important.

So Astro, when I talk about Astro and typically like when the core team does, we talk about it as being the web framework for content driven development, not content first, which we used to say, but it's content driven development because it's way, way, way more, especially now. It has some twists though. So think of it as a comparable framework to Next or Nuxt, a meta framework, but it has some quirks that you probably aren't used to.

So it's single file components, just like you would have with something like Vue or Svelte even. Your scripts are at the top. You can use TypeScript. You can use JavaScript as you would normally do. And everything below that is just JSX like you would expect it to behave. It's amazing. We don't use class name. We use class since we're true to the HTML spec. But the weird thing about Astro is that by default, it ships zero kilobytes of JavaScript to the end user. We'll go deeper into this. I'll explain this concept in a more visual way.

So imagine this page, it's a theoretical page of our homepage or website that we are building. All of these components in a typical meta framework, it depends, of course, which one, requires JavaScript to render all of those components. And it actually doesn't really make sense because for instance, that footer there, it has multiple links, whatever. That's all static content. So why are we actually requiring the browser to ship JavaScript, to have JavaScript, to still re-render all of that? That doesn't necessarily make sense. So by default, Astro takes all of that and compiles it down to just HTML and CSS, which is the browser default. And because of that, it's amazing for content-driven websites. It's indexability. For instance, your SEO by default will be amazing. Your accessibility, if you keep track of your areas and alt tags and whatever, it's there by default. So we give you a good tool to start building your app. And that's why I say it's ideal for content-driven websites development, whatever.


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