ESLint One for All Made Easy

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ESLint Flat Config is a new feature in version 9.0 that simplifies configurations using native ES module imports. The video explains the differences between the legacy ESLint RSA config and the new Flat Config, highlighting the ease of renaming or switching plugins without changing array rules. The ESLint config inspect tool visualizes the final resolved config, aiding in understanding each config item. The ESLint Flat Config utilities library provides a compose function for resolving different types of configurations. The video also touches on using ESLint as a formatter and its flexibility compared to Prettier. Various plugins support ESLint for different languages, including TypeScript, Vue, and JSON. The speaker also discusses using ESLint for code modifications with the ESLint-plugin-command and how meta frameworks like Nuxt benefit from project-aware configurations.

From Author:

Introduce to the new ESLint flat config format, and see how it can greatly improve our experience for both rule makers and users. Make the black box transparent, and easy to understand.

This talk has been presented at JSNation 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Anthony Fu is a co-member of Vite, Vue, and Nuxt, and the creator of several projects including Vite's LightDev, Uno CSS Type Challenges, and Elk. He is also the maintainer of ESLink, StylistLink, and Cheeky2slash, and currently works at Nuzlab on the framework team.

SlideF is a markdown-based presentation tool built on top of web technologies. It allows users to create presentations using markdown files and provides features like embedding interactive components and applications.

ESLint Flat Config is a new configuration system introduced in ESLint version 9.0. It simplifies configuration by using native ES module imports and allows for more explicit and flexible setups.

To migrate to ESLint Flat Config, you can use the CLI tool `ESLint/migration-config` which automatically converts your legacy code to a Flat Config. Additionally, you can refer to the ESLint documentation for a detailed migration guide.

Some tools and plugins that support ESLint Flat Config include `ESLint-config-inspect` for visualizing and inspecting your final resolved config, and `ESLint-flat-config-utilities` for composing and managing different types of configurations.

Yes, ESLint can be configured to lint other languages such as TypeScript, Vue components, Svelte components, Astro, JSON, YAML, and more. There are various plugins available to support these languages.

The ESLint Stylistic project gathers all stylistic rules for JavaScript, TypeScript, and JSX into one organization. This project helps maintain these rules and allows users to use ESLint as a formatter.

Yes, ESLint can be used as a code mod tool. For example, the `ESLint-plugin-command` allows for on-demand micro code modifications using magic comments.

ESLint Flat Config allows meta frameworks like Nuxt to provide project-aware configurations. This means that different files and directories can have specific linting rules applied automatically, based on the project's setup.

You can inspect your ESLint Flat Config by using the `ESLint --inspect-config` command in your CLI. This opens a browser page with a visual interface where you can see all config items and how they contribute to the final configuration.

Anthony Fu
Anthony Fu
27 min
13 Jun, 2024


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  • Stanisław Gregor
    Stanisław Gregor
    IDEALIGN Stanisław Gregor
    Thank you, Anthony, for this presentation. My only regret is that it was so short and that you had to hurry. I hope I'll be able to see and hear you live sometime! Thank you once more <3
  • Kevin Cocquyt
    Kevin Cocquyt
    Great talk and thanks for the information. Within my team, devs (and myself) find it confusing to know when ESLint or Prettier is doing all the work. I'll try and test if Stylistic would do the necessary work for me (instead of Prettier) and might propose it to the team afterwards.

Video Transcription

Available in Español: ESLint Uno para Todos Hecho Fácil

1. Introduction to ESLink and Flat Config

Short description:

Hello, everyone! Thank you for being here. I'm Anthony Fu, a co-member of Vite, Vue, and Knox. I'm excited to share my findings and practices with ESLink. ESLink is a popular and constantly improving tool. Today, I'll talk about ESLinks One for All Made Easy and the new features in version 9.0, like Flat Config. If you haven't heard about it, I'll explain why you should consider using it.

Alright. How's everybody doing? Okay. Hello, everyone, and thank you so much for being here and I didn't expect we have so many of you here, so thank you.

I'm so glad to be here at JS Nation.

So, first let me introduce myself a little bit. Okay, it worked. Okay. And yeah, my name is Anthony Fu, and I'm a co-member of Vite, Vue, and Knox, and also the creator of Vite's LightDev, Uno CSS Type Challenges, and Elk. I'm also the maintainer of ESLink, StylistLink, and Cheeky2slash. I'm currently working at Nuzlab on the framework team and you can find me on the links, with the links below.

So, as you can see that I'm pretty enthusiastic about open source and driven me into working in many projects. So, I love building tools and figuring out the problems I encounter. Like, for example, like the slide you are looking at is powered by SlideF, a markdown-based presentation tool that's built on top of web technologies. It's born when I find that existing tools was not flexible enough for me to present my code. So, similarly, when I look into ESLink and its ecosystem a few months ago, I find that many things are very interesting but it's not yet fully explored. So, today I'd like to share with you some of my findings and practice during my recent explorations around it. And actually, this is, like, a 30-minute talk but I find that I only have 20 minutes, so I need to rush it and hope you don't mind.

11 years since ESLink comes out, at this moment, it's easily one of the most popular tools that's basically every project we use. And despite its being around for such a long time, it's a tool that's still consistently improving and evolving. And today, I'd like to give a board ambitious topic like ESLinks One for All Made Easy, and to share with you some of the new perspective and the patterns of using ESLink with the latest features they just rolled out.

So, you probably have heard, like, ESLink version 9.0 just released roughly two months ago, and the main highlight is the major version is rolling out the new configuration system called Flat Config. So, before we start, I'd like to do a quick survey here, like, have you ever heard about, like, ESLink Flat Config? Could you please raise your hand for me? Okay. That's a lot. Okay. And how many of you are already using or migrate to ESLink? Okay. That's a few, like, 20-something? Okay. Good. Okay. Thank you. And so, for those who haven't on Flat Config yet, so, today, I'm here to tell you why you should.

2. Comparison of Legacy ESLink Config and Flat Config

Short description:

Let's compare the legacy ESLink RSA config with the new Flat Config. The legacy config uses .ESLinkRC and convention-based extents, while the Flat Config uses ESLink.config.ts and native imports. With the Flat Config, you can easily rename or switch plugins without changing array rules. It simplifies the complex tree structure of shared configs and has been in the works for five years. ESLinux has put in a lot of effort, publishing blog posts and sharing the roadmap. The biggest benefit of Flat Config is the full control and simplicity it offers in JavaScript with native imports.

So, in case you have never heard about it and here, let me do a quick comparison between the legacy ESLink RSA config and the new Flat Config for you. And to differentiate between those two configuration formats is rather straightforward, and the legacy config is named with .ESLinkRC that supports various extensions such you could have, like, .js, .jsum, or sometimes you can also read the config from your package.jsum. And in the Flat Config, on the other hand, it's only loaded from ESLink.config.ts, a JavaScript config file that's as the single source of choose.

And when it comes to reusing the shared config, the legacy config format implicitly uses a convention-based extents to load the config from your local node modules. And, by the way, this was like created before, like, we have ESL modules or something. So, you would need to learn a little bit about, like, how this convention work and to know how it's resolved and how it's mapping to the package you have. Well, the Flat Config will use native ESL import where it's more explicit and it also gives you more control. And for plugins, it takes an array of strings. It used to take an array of strings, which again is also convention-based and coupled with the plugin's package name. And now, in the Flat Config, it takes a name object for plugins. And this means you can now rename this plugin easily or switch to a fork without being forced to change array rules in your config.

So, also, the inherent nature of extents might result in very complex tree structure because the shared config can also have nettings in extent inside. So, in the Flat Config, it gets simplified a lot, where you explicitly import a shared config as multiple objects or arrays and you can compose them into a single flat array. So, that's why it's called Flat Config. So, to give a little bit more context, here's a graph I draw to demonstrating the timeline. While the Flat Config might sound new to some of you, it actually has been planned for five years already. The RFC was created in January 2019 and the first implementation is available in version 8.21 as experimental, which is two years ago, and become stable in 8.45 and now it becomes default recently in V9. And in between, ESLinux has pushed a lot. It's also like a published multiple blog post to explain the reason why they want to introduce the new format and share the roadmap of rolling out plan. And that's a lot of effort spent across these five years' plan. So, huge respect to the ESLinux team. And as we mentioned in a previous slide, the biggest benefit of Flat Config now is in JavaScript where you have full control and also use native imports to resolve the plugins and the configs, making the inheritance and overriding a lot simpler.


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