Access control generally means that a user cannot act outside their intended permissions. And a failure obviously means that a user is well capable to do that, like an invisible man who cannot be seen and can do whatever they please. So yeah. This can lead to many things, like unauthorized information disclosure, people being able to modify things they shouldn't be able to, or even distractions. Yeah. I'm looking at you, course, or took a manipulation. This could happen.
So okay. Let's get a little deeper into the parallels. Invisibility can hint to unauthorized access. Because an attacker can operate unseen, such as Griffin can. They can go in, they will not be seen, they can wreck Harvard, read stuff, access sensible data, stuff like that. And such as Griffin did by doing crimes and stuff. It's abuse of the power of inability. Or in security terms, abuse of power beyond what should be allowed. Quite good parallel.
Another one is a false sense of security. If you can see a perpetrator, you feel safe, right? Because there's nothing. And those people which are not seen, either an invisible man or an attacker, cannot be stopped. Because guards and locks cannot stop what they cannot detect, right? Pretty bad. So poorly implemented access can lead to a false sense of security. And even worse, if you don't block it, you cannot know that there is a breach, maybe. And last but not least, an invisible attacker will leave no traces. As said, when it comes to without purple locking, nothing happens. You can exploit your data. And you have a mess.
So what can we do to survive invisible man? Or broken access control? Your default mode of operation would be denying by default. If you have, for example, a default user without any assignment, for example, they shouldn't be able to do anything, unless the user or the endpoint is a public resource. You should try to minimize harm by using rate limiters in your API and in your controllers. So if people can do more than they intended to do, it's just a small area of damage.