Okay, I get feedback from someone that your volume is a bit low. Can you turn it up a little bit? Yeah, definitely. Awesome. Is that better? Oh, well, where is the Loud? No, it's fine. Sorry, lame joke. I couldn't resist.
Next question is from Austin. Is there a way to share cache between on-pull request jobs and merge jobs? Oh, yeah, good. Good question. Yeah, so the share cache, that's usually referring to, for example, the node modules directory. And so, you know, off the top of my head, there's, I can't think of an easy way to do it, but I would not be surprised to find somebody else had created, like, a third party action that would perhaps allow you to, you know, take some sort of representation of what would be on disk. So, for example, with node modules, one way to sort of represent that is to, like, hash the package-lock.json file. And so, you could hash that and compress node modules. You could then write that tarball to, like, Amazon S3. And then in a different run, you could have another action that checks S3 before running NPM install and then, sort of, you know, download it based on that hash. And if it's there, then you download the file. If it's not, you would then perform, like, an NPM install. So, I would not be surprised if somebody has a third-party GitHub action out there just for that.
All right. So, if someone knows about this, then let us know in the Discord channel if this is available so we can help out. We have time for one more question. And it's from Martin. What method of deployment do you recommend with GitHub Actions? What method of deployment? Well, really, that all, sort of, depends on, you know, however your infrastructure is set up. So, you know, with these CI tools, they're quite independent from your deployment process, so if you're deploying to Heroku or, you know, Kubernetes, or maybe you're just SSHing into a remote machine, you know, you can still use any of those deployment tools with GitHub Actions. And so, I've got, like, a side project it'll build a file, push an image to a remote Docker container, and then, you know, instruct Kubernetes to then download that image and then rerun the application. So, you know, I would not actually recommend any particular deployment approach, but I would say that with GitHub Actions, you can really support many different deployment tools. Whatever suits your needs. Yeah. So, like I said, we have no more time. We did get an...