How Remix and Prisma Make Frontend Devs Fullstack

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Remix gives developers the power to write their frontend and backend code in one unified location and language, which drops the fullstack barrier significantly for frontend devs and newer developers. The remaining piece, however, is the database. Throw Prisma into the mix and you've got a powerful fullstack experience with a very low learning curve. In this talk, we'll take a look at the amazing developer experience you get when you combine the two.

This talk has been presented at Remix Conf Europe 2022, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


The main topic of the talk at RemixConf is how Remix and Prisma enable front-end developers to become full-stack developers by allowing them to work across different parts of the stack without needing to learn the intricate details of the database or API layers.

The speaker at RemixConf is Saban Adams, a developer advocate at Prisma.

You can contact Saban Adams by sending a message to his Twitter handle, @SabanTheDev. He answers his DMs and monitors them closely.

Remix and Prisma aim to provide a good developer experience by allowing developers to quickly start building their products without worrying about initial setup and configuration. They make it easy to work across the full stack.

Front-end developers focus on user interactions, visuals of the website, user experience, and interacting with APIs to display data on the UI.

Back-end developers focus on building business logic, persisting data into the database, ensuring application security, and exposing data through APIs and endpoints.

Database developers focus on data modeling, schema migrations, and optimizing performance through indexing and efficient query writing.

Remix provides a framework that blurs the lines between front-end and back-end development, while Prisma offers tools for easy database interaction and management. Together, they allow developers to work across the full stack using one language and organization pattern.

You can build full-stack applications that are type-safe and easy to set up, allowing for quick development of functional applications with integrated front-end and back-end code.

Prisma offers type-safe database interactions, schema migrations, and a modeling language that makes data modeling easier. It allows developers to interact with the database using JavaScript, reducing the need for specialized database knowledge.

Sabin Adams
Sabin Adams
22 min
18 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription

Remix and Prisma enable front-end developers to become full-stack developers by working across different parts of the stack without diving into complexities. They provide a great framework for writing code and interacting with databases, making it easier to be a full-stack developer. Prisma's ORM allows mapping database models to JavaScript or JSON models. Developing a full stack app with Remix requires structuring components and loaders differently, but simplifies development by focusing on one place.

1. Introduction to Remix and Prisma

Short description:

Welcome to RemixConf! Today, I'll be talking about how Remix and Prisma enable front-end developers to become full-stack developers. These technologies allow you to work across different parts of the stack without diving into all the complexities of the database and API layers. Let me introduce myself. I'm Saban Adams, a developer advocate at Prisma. Feel free to reach out to me on Twitter @SabanTheDev if you have any questions or want to discuss Remix or Prisma.

Welcome, everybody. Thank you so much for joining me here today at RemixConf. I'm super excited to be talking here, and I know that the speaker lineup is super cool and there's a lot of cool talks going on and a lot of exciting stuff being said, so I really appreciate you taking the time to stop by and listen to what I have to say about Remix and Prisma. It's super exciting for me to be talking here about this because I use Remix and Prisma on a daily basis. I get to work with these two technologies a lot, and I've actually really enjoyed it, and I've had a lot of cool findings, so I'm super excited to be able to talk about some of the stuff that I've been learning today.

And as the title suggests, and as you may have guessed, what I'm really going to be talking about is how Remix and Prisma allow front-end developers to become sort of like full-stack developers. They get to be able to work in all different parts of the stack together without having to learn all of the nitty-gritty like really hard details of working in the database layer or the API layer, where you may be used to only working in the front-end layer. Remix and Prisma together allow you to do this easily and it sort of blurs the lines between the different stacks, so that's what this talk is going to be focused on.

But before I actually get into some of the nitty-gritty of that, let's introduce myself a little bit. I am Saban Adams, I'm a developer advocate at Prisma, so I get to play with Prisma on a daily basis, and I've gotten to work a lot with it using Remix as well, so I've got to play around quite a bit with this stack and I've really enjoyed it and I'm super excited to be sharing what I've found. If you want to shoot me a message or ask me a question about this talk or about anything in general, whether it be Remix or Prisma, feel free to shoot me a message to my Twitter, at SabanTheDev. I answer my DMs and I'll be monitoring those very closely so you can expect a response from me as soon as I can get to it.

2. The Synergy of Remix and Prisma

Short description:

Remix and Prisma are focused on providing a good developer experience, allowing you to start building your software quickly. In this talk, I'll demonstrate some tricks and show you how to set up a project with Remix and Prisma.

But yeah, let's jump right in. The first thing I've got here is just a very simple statement, Remix loves Prisma, and the statement goes the other way around, too. Prisma loves Remix. Our two products are very, very focused on the exact same goal, which is providing a good developer experience. Without that, we would have no mission. Our mission is to allow developers to jump into their product idea and just immediately start developing without any of those rough patches in the beginning where you're trying to get things up and running, set things up, figure out your data model, all of that stuff. Our goal as our individual products, Remix and Prisma is to make that process very easy for you and allow you to jump in and start building your products, building your software as soon as you can, without having to worry about those things. So that's our goals. Remix and Prisma allow you to do this, and when you put those two together, they allow you to do a lot more a lot quicker. And so that's what we're really going to be talking about today. And actually, near the end of this talk, I'll actually be jumping into a demo where I'm going to be showing you some of these little tricks and showing you how to set up a project with Remix and Prisma.


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