Video Summary and Transcription
In the video, the speaker discusses how to perform visual testing for React components using Cypress. The talk covers topics like the importance of visual regression testing to ensure components maintain their intended appearance. Cypress can be used for testing React components by mounting them directly within the test environment. The Cypress image snapshot plugin is highlighted for its ability to capture and compare screenshots to detect visual changes. The speaker also explains how changing CSS can impact component testing and the strategies to handle such changes, including the use of visual testing tools. Handling flakiness in tests is addressed with strategies like retries and controlling external dependencies. The video also touches on how Cypress ensures consistent testing across different environments using Docker containers.
1. Introduction to Visual Testing of React Components
In this part, Gleb Akhmetov, VP of Engineering at Cypress Atayo, explains how to visually test React components. He emphasizes the importance of taking action to address climate change and encourages collaboration. Gleb then introduces a React application, specifically a Sudoku app, and discusses its structure and components.
Hi everyone. Thanks for inviting me. I'm Gleb Akhmetov, VP of Engineering at Cypress Atayo, and I'm gonna tell you how to visually test your React components. The title of my talk is, I see what is going on. And through my presentation, you will see what's going on.
Before we start, just a quick slide. Our planet is still in imminent danger despite COVID. So, if we don't change our climate policy, we're going to go extinct. So the time to act is yesterday really. You can change your life, but also you should join an organization because we cannot do it alone. We have to work together.
Okay, so let's take a React application. In this case, it's a Sudoku. I really like this app because it looks nice, it plays nice, and it has a very good style. It even has responsive styling so you can see how it changes from desktop to tablet to phone. This application is a React application and it's built under the hood from React components. So if we look at the application and we look at the source code, we can see individual files. And even by name, you can kind of tell that, for example, the footer is the footer component, the header is the header component, and so on. If we have React dev tools installed in our browser, we can hover over the list of components on the left and see each component and where it's presented in the DOM on the right. We can look at the source code. It's a typical React application. The index.js file has an app component that it renders. The app component imports the game component and surrounds it with a context provider where all the data is stored. The app component also imports application CSS file with all the styles. The game component is where the most of the logic is contained. It imports all other components like header and game section status and initializes the game. And then it's renders the header, the game section, status, footer, and for those children components, it actually passes different handlers as props. This is very standard React application architecture. So let's look at individual components. They take some inputs and they produce DOM, they react to user events.
2. Component Testing and Mounting in Cypress
Let's look at what a component expects. The numbers component shows numbers from one to nine in the Sudoku grid. It can highlight a specific number based on the context. The component accepts props, such as onClickNumber, to handle user interactions. We can think of the numbers component as a unit of code that responds to different properties, context values, and user events. To write component tests, we need to install Cypress and Cypress React unit test. We also need to configure Cypress to bundle the component tests. In the numbers spec, we mount the numbers component and use Cypress commands to interact with it. However, the numbers don't look correct compared to a real application.
Let's look at what a component expects. I'm gonna talk about this numbers component. It shows numbers or digits from one to nine that I can enter into the Sudoku grid. You can see the component on the right bottom corner. You can highlight a specific number because that's the number you're about to enter. The highlighted number comes from the context. So you don't have to pass it through all the components. Instead, the numbers component just grabs it from the Sudoku context and then uses it to highlight a number.
But this numbers component also accepts props. And in this case, the parent component passes onClickNumber property. Whenever a user clicks a number, that property is involved with a number that the user selects. So we really can think of our numbers component as being this unit of code where we feed different properties, different context values, and user events like clicks. And in response, the numbers component generates a different thumb and outputs property calls. This view of components as just units of code is not just this presentation. I've given my philosophy on components being units in other talks as well that you can check out.
So let's write component tests. I'm going to install Cypress, which is open source free to use, MIT licensed test runner. And I'm also going to install Cypress React unit test, which is an adopter for Cypress that allows you to mount React components directly. I'm going to add Cypress React units to the Cypress support file, and I'm going to add it to the plugins file. And this will allow Cypress to bundle specs the same ways as your application is bundling its code. Because this is still an experimental feature, I'll have to set in Cypress config file experimental component testing true and tell Cypress that my component tests live in the source file, the source folder, excuse me, next to the source files.
So here's a numbers spec that will test numbers. I will import a mount function from Cypress React unit test, and I will import my component numbers from numbers file. And then here's where the magic happens. I'm going to mount my numbers component using mount numbers. After it's mounted, which is an asynchronous command, I will take each digit, each number from one to nine, and I'll write a Cypress contains command because then I can use any Cypress command to interact with my application. And it is a real full application. The numbers component is mounted and scaffolded and runs as a mini web application inside Cypress, as you can see in this screenshot. But the numbers don't look right. They don't look anything like the component in a real application.
3. Styling and Testing Components
In this part, we learn about the importance of styling in our application and how it affects the appearance of our components. We discuss the need to accurately render components by providing the necessary structure and styles. We also explore how to test component props, clicks, and context providers. Additionally, we delve into the challenges of CSS changes and the impact they have on different components and the overall application. Finally, we highlight the need to manually review and save screenshots of the application to ensure it meets our design expectations.
And that's because we don't have styles. We're only mounting the numbers. In our application, the app CSS is imported by the app component. Because we don't have app component, we're working with just numbers right now. We'll import app CSS ourselves from the spec files, and it will include it in the scaffolded app.
So now, our numbers component will render more accurately, but not perfectly yet. Because as you can see, it's all spread out. It is because our component and our styles assume a certain dump structure. So in order for us to render the numbers component accurately, we have to surround it in a div with a class inter, in a container, and in a section with class status. In this case, the mount will be exactly what our CSS and the dump structure expects. And now I can see those numbers on a screen inside my real browser, the way they look in a real application.
Great, what about all the props and clicks? When I'm mounting numbers from my test, I can pass a property on click number and I can create a stub so that whenever numbers is interacted with, like, right here, contains, sorry, it's right behind, I will actually get the click back. And I can see in a command log, in Cypress command log, I can see that those stubs were actually involved on user click. Excellent, so the last piece of input to my component is the context provider, where the data, like, selected number is fetched from. So in this case, when I'm mounting, I'm surrounding numbers component with sudoku context provider. And I'm setting the number selected to four. And then I can see that my number in the DOM will actually have the class that I expect it to have. So this test confirms that the component is working as expected. But now is the crux of the matter in my talk. What if I change CSS, or selectors, or the DOM structure, or the layout parameters? Just a little bit. My application will still probably work because I didn't break logic. But does it look right? You can kind of see that for numbers component it's easier to say, yeah, it's just numbers, and if a selected number should be blue and it should be in the grid. But what about bigger components? They have a lot of nice, unique styles in this case. And if I interact and have different context properties, they'll look differently because the most I said. Will changing CSS for one component suddenly affect some other component in another part of a game? And what about the entire application? It looks really, really nice on desktop. Does it still look as nice on a desktop? Does it still look good on tablet? And does it still look good on mobile? Do you manually go for your application every time you change a little bit of CSS? You probably cannot. So the trick here is to understand that you only have to do it manually as a human being wants. When you work on application, when you design in CSS, you want to look at the application in your browser and say, yeah, this is what I want. Computers cannot do that automatically. So instead, when you're happy with your result, you want to save a screenshot of your application.
4. Visual Testing and Image Snapshots
Say, this is what I want my application to look like. Computers can determine if it looks exactly the same pixel by pixel. In component testing, we use Cypress image snapshot plugin to save a section of the DOM as an image. This image serves as a baseline for future comparisons. If CSS changes affect the components, the match snapshot command generates a slightly different image. The diff output shows the baseline image, the current image, and pixel differences. Manual visual inspection allows for easy identification of changes. Generating the same image snapshot is crucial. The timer component in our game counts the seconds from the start.
Say, this is what I want my application to look like. But computers, on the other hand, are really good at another task. Instead of saying this looks right, they are very good at saying, this looks exactly the same pixel by pixel like it used to look before. So we substitute the problem of does this look good or correct with, does it look the same? And this is what computers can do.
So in our component test, I will install one more free and open source plugin called Cypress image snapshot. I will add this plugin to my support file and in my plugins file. What it will do is that in this test that we had before, where we set one number as selected and confirm that that number in the DOM has the class status number selected. After that, we do one more thing. We now have this match image snapshot command that comes from this plugin. And this command, first time you run this test, will save that section of a render DOM into an image. It will save it in cypress snapshot name of a test folder. You should commit this image file into your source repository, right next to the source file. Because this image will tell you this is how replication of this component should look from now on.
Now let's do a change. Let's say someone goes into CSS file and changes the padding from 12 pixels to 10 pixels. How will this affect all our components? Well, you run the test, and that command to match snapshot now will generate an image but looks slightly different. It will save that difference into a diff output folder as an image itself. And this image has three columns. On the left, you see the baseline image. That's the one you looked at before and stored in your source repository. On the right, you see the current image. And in the middle, you see pixel by pixel difference with red being very, very different pixels and yellow being pixels that are slightly different. And now you can tell what has changed visually, right? As a human being. And now you can say, yeah, this is what I wanted. Oh no, I don't want this. And it's easy to say, oh, just compare all components pixel by pixel and that's the end of the story. And unfortunately, it's not. You have to generate precisely the same image snapshot every time you run the task. In our game, we have a timer component. As you can see, it just counts the seconds from the start of the game.
5. Taking Snapshots of Timers
To generate the same image pixel by pixel, we need to control the data. Cypress provides the CyClock command to freeze the clock, allowing us to take snapshots at specific times. We can also fast forward the clock to capture snapshots with different time values. By controlling the clock and using constant data, we can generate accurate and consistent timer snapshots.
Well, how do we take a snapshot of a timer? We can probably take a snapshot of a timer at time zero, zero, zero, right? Our matching the snapshot might be fast enough to just capture it as soon as the timer displays zero, zero. But what if we want to wait for 10 minutes? What if we want to take a snapshot of a timer and sometimes it takes us on this second and sometimes it takes on the second second, right? What if we catch this transition? We'll create an image with different pixels and it will be very flaky test. So what do we have to do in this case to generate precisely the same image pixel by pixel? We have to control the data. In this case, we have to stop the clock and Cypress includes this command in its API. It's called CyClock. So once we freeze the clock, it frees all the intervals, all the timers, everything. Then we can mount the application, confirm that status time zero zero is displayed and then take a snapshot. And this is the image we get. Then in addition to CyClock, but freezes the clock, we can fast forward the clock by in this case, 700 seconds. And once we fast forward, it still stays frozen. So we fast forward the clock instantly, replication updates itself because it thinks 700 seconds pass and then we can take accurate snapshot from constant data and it generates the same timer snapshot.
6. Taking Snapshots of the Entire Game Board
We can take a snapshot of the entire game board to confirm that all components and UI elements look the same. However, generating a new game board with different numbers each time makes it challenging to compare snapshots. To mock the board generation, we can save the initial and solved arrays of numbers as JSON files and import them in our tests. By freezing the clock and controlling the data, we can generate consistent snapshots with different moves. Cypress's time traveling debugger allows us to analyze the changes and appearance of the board during the test. Additionally, we discuss how to handle snapshots locally and on a continuous integration server, considering factors such as resolution differences and pixel density.
But that's not everything, right? We've looked at small components. Why not take the snapshot of the entire game board, right? After all, our game is a tree of components and we'll really have written tests for the small components, why not write a test for the app component? In a single snapshot, you would confirm with the entire board with all data and all components and all the UI elements looks the same. But it's not that easy because every time you click on new game, right? It actually creates a new game by definition. So it generates a different board and you cannot compare both boards, right? They will always have pixel difference because of different numbers. So how do we mock the board generation? Well, we have to look at our source code. In this game, I mean, this game.js file, we can see that getUniqueSudoku is imported from another module. And then it's used to generate initial array of numbers and the solved array of numbers. So, I went to DevTools and in one iteration of the game, I just grabbed those variables and I saved exactly those variables as two JSON files in Cypress fixture folder. Then inside my test, I import that module wildcard as an object. And then in that object, I can use a side stop, you know, the same approach that I use to stop click handlers. And I said, on that is six module, stop getUniqueSudoku method and always it on the same arrays. Now, freeze the clock, take the snapshot. From now on, every time I run the game, it will generate exactly the same board. I can build on that. If I have the same board, I can play a move, confirm it was done, and then take another snapshot and now there's a snapshot of a board with a single move. Even better, Cypress has a time traveling debugger. So when working with component tests, I can hover over each command and see what happened during the test. What did I click? How the board has changed? How does it look now? I can see everything that's going on during my React component test. Now I talked about component tests, I showed how to set up visual snapshotting test, and I talked about how to control your data so you get the same pixel by pixel images. Now let's talk about how it works locally and on CI. So first problem, if I run Cypress in interactive mode, I see the results and I look at the screenshot that I saved, I can see what their resolution is actually twice as large as if I ran Cypress in headless mode on Mac because of pixel density. So the first trick I do when I work with snapshot locally is I actually disable them. I don't take them in interactive mode because their resolution will be twice as large as in headless mode, even on the same map. So instead, I skip them, I can see where I skip and every time I wanna add a new screenshot image, I just run Cypress run headlessly. If I have an updated snapshot and I really want to save a new image, I run Cypress headlessly and I set an environment variable but tells the plugin to update the snapshot and not fail on differences. Good, this is what I do locally, right? But then I push my code and my snapshot images to continuous integration server. And guess what, there is a pixel by pixel difference. Even the timer, on the left you can see the output of a headless screenshot on Mac. On the right, you see the output of headless screenshot on Linux. In the middle, there are slight differences in font rendering, in restoration, in aliasing.
7. Visual Testing with Docker and Cypress
To ensure consistent visual testing across different operating systems, Gleb uses a Docker container with the cypress-included image. This eliminates the need to install anything and ensures that all dependencies and rendering are the same. When running tests on CI, Gleb uses a container that matches the image. By allowing all images to be generated and using a script to check for visual differences, Gleb ensures the accuracy of the snapshots. In summary, Cypress React-Unit test is ideal for component testing and visual snapshots with Cypress image snapshot. Gleb recommends considering a third-party paid service for easier implementation.
I cannot recreate the same pixel by pixel content on Mac, Windows, and Linux. So the trick here is to use exactly the same environment, exactly the same operating system, with exactly the same libraries and fonts and browsers, version, everything, locally and on CI.
So what happens is that in my package, JSON, instead of just saying, a Yarn, Cypress run, I set up a command that runs Cypress test using Docker, and we have a Docker image called cypress-included. So I don't have to install anything. So every time I want to update screenshots or add new ones, I actually run that command, which starts with our Docker container and runs everything. When I run things on CI, I run them in a container that matches exactly that image. Cypress-excluded is just built on top of Cypress browsers. So I know that all operating system dependencies, all fonts, everything is the same. The rendering should be the same.
So on pull request, I don't fail the images. I just let them all be generated, and then I use a little script to post a GitHub status check on snapshot. In this case, there was one visual difference, and when updated, no visual snapshot diffs. So everything is good. So in summary, Cypress React-Unit test is great for component testing, visual snapshots with Cypress image snapshot. We talk about marking data in the flow. And to be honest, I love Cypress image snapshots, but there is a lot of effort to get everything working. So if you can consider a third-party paid service. Thank you very much. You can find the slides online and you can find the example in the repository. Thank you. Wooo.
Thank you, Gleb. I'm going to mop my head because my brain just exploded. What a great talk. Would you mind coming up and answering a few questions live please? Absolutely, Bruce. Thanks for watching everyone. It was amazing. Thank you. We have a few questions for you. We like to call this the five minutes ruthless interrogation.
Using Cypress and Cypress React Unit Test
If I do make you cry, just tell me to stop. In which situations would you use Cypress over another component rendering package like storybook? We love storybook at Cypress. It allows you to mount a React component, design it, fit different inputs, and compare how it looked before. With Cypress, you can mount a component, interact with it like a user, and see what it does. If you want to interact with a component, give Cypress React Unit test a try.
If I do make you cry, just tell me to stop.
First question, which we have from Dennis or Dennis 1975 and similar questions from other peoples. In which situations would you use Cypress over another component rendering package like storybook for example? So we love storybook at Cypress. We use it ourselves, right? It allows you to mount a React component and design it, fit a different inputs. Maybe take a screenshot and compare how it looked before. And with Cypress we always want to say mount a component and then click on a button like a user would interact, see what the component does, maybe it makes a network request. So if you want to interact with a component, you probably want to give Cypress React Unio test a try because your component is mounted and becomes a mini-web application. That's why you would use it.
Another question. Will we be able to use real WebGL with Cypress? So that's not what Cypress controls, right? Generating a screenshot, we believe it should generate and include WebGL part, but I have an experiment, so I cannot confirm. After you generate an image, it doesn't matter what generated the image, right? Was it a DOM? Was it a canvas? Was it WebGL? At that point, it's just pixels, and after that, you can compare them. I think the trouble with WebGL is that you don't know when the rendering has stopped, right? When to take a screenshot. So somehow, when you render WebGL scene, you have to maybe set a property or expose some kind of observable attribute where Cypress knows, I have to wait for that, and then take a screenshot. If you can do that, then I think the image comparison should work just fine. Thank you.
Microsoft's Move to Chromium and Cypress Support
We were very happy when Microsoft announced that it was moving to the Chromium engine. The new Microsoft Edge browser is built on Chromium, which allows Cypress to support multiple browsers. It was a user pool request that implemented this feature, and we were blown away by the contribution. Props to the Microsoft team and the user contribution, showcasing the beauty of open-source.
A question from somebody called Metin. How pleased was your team when Microsoft announced that it was moving to the Chromium engine? We were very happy. So, the new Microsoft Edge browser is built on Chromium, that means Cypress can open that browser and control it using the same approach, the same flags, the same hooks that we use to control regular Chrome and Electron. That really allows us to say we support multiple browsers. The fun part about that is that we did not do it ourselves, it was a user pool request that actually implemented that. When we just polished it up, it was complete user contribution into open-source project. We were really blown away by this particular contribution and props to Microsoft team for moving forward to a browser. Props to the Microsoft team and props to the user contribution, the beauty of open-source there.
Avoiding Flakiness and Test Retries
In Cyprus, we fight hard to make commands flake-free. We have a built-in retry mechanism and handle waiting for elements to be enabled and visible. However, there are other sources of flakiness, such as server issues, network problems, and browser rendering. We are addressing this by providing analytics in our dashboard to help you decide if a test is reliably failing or if it should be ignored. We are also adding test retries as a core feature to automatically rerun failed tests.
Another question is, what can we do to avoid flakiness and how can we detect that automatically? Excellent question. In Cyprus, we fight really hard to make individual commands as flake free as possible. Cyprus has a built-in retry mechanism, but we'll wait for the bottom to be enabled and visible before clicking. We take care of that. But there are other sources of flake. For example, when you test the full application that makes request to a server, comes back, refreshes the UI, there are so many things that can temporarily go down and then back up. Maybe the server was busy, did not respond. Maybe the network went down. Maybe the browser had a hiccup and did not render.
Flakiness, Future Roadmap, and Comfort Food
Out of a 100 big end-to-end tests, there might be occasional failures. Cypress is introducing analytics in the dashboard to help you determine if a test is reliably failing or should be ignored. They are also adding test retries as a core feature, allowing you to rerun failed tests. Cypress has a roadmap with upcoming features, including experimental flags for shadow dump support and window.fetch polyfill. The documentation is kept up to date with all the features that are coming up. Lastly, Gleb is asked about his favorite comfort food.
In that case, out of a 100 big end-to-end tests, you might have one that fails occasionally. Now, you rerun it and it always passes. You don't want to block the pipeline, and yet you have to do something. We are doing two things to solve it. First, in our dashboard, we now have analytics that will show you all the historical information about each test. You can decide, is this test reliably failing? Should it be failing? Is it non-flake or should I just ignore it? We're also adding a complimentary test retries. It's already available in Cypress as a plugin where if you run a test, you can designate a specific test and say, if it fails, rerun it up to let's say two times. Or you can enable it globally. We are adding it as a core feature. Just watch for our release notes. It's coming soon. You'll be able to control it globally or per test. I think that will solve all this outside of your control, flakiness, which is so frustrating.
Now we've tempted you into talking about what may be coming up in the future. A question from Iraudir. A question from Davulca. What roadmap do you have for the next releases? So we have lots of features coming up. We have a link on our documentation to roadmap. The big ones is solidifying what we released as experimental flags. We already have experimental flag for shadow dump support, which was a huge feature. We have new experimental flag which is coming out on Monday with window.fetch polyfill. And this is a temporary measure before we release full network stubbing that will allow you to do anything you want from your test, stop static resources, control how you stop GraphQL, all those things. So look at our documentation. We have a roadmap, we keep it up to date and you'll find out about all the features that are coming up.
Up to date documentation, these are words that I love to hear, but seldom find. So thank you, Gleb. Last question, as you can tell, of the four MCs, four of us are avid cooks. What is your favorite comfort food? If for example, a build breaks or GitHub goes down.
Q&A: Comfort Food, Cypress vs Puppeteer+Jest
Last question: favorite comfort food? Docker run slow on commit hook? Cypress allows specifying test files using spec parameter. Run sanity tests on every commit, full set on pull requests. No plans for React Native support. Cypress is a targeted end-to-end testing tool with built-in features. Difference from Puppeteer plus Jest: Cypress has time-traveling debugger, cross-browser support, and all tools for CIs and debugging failed tests.
Last question, as you can tell, of the four MCs, four of us are avid cooks. What is your favorite comfort food? If for example, a build breaks or GitHub goes down. Does beer count as food? Because I love beer. Does beer count as food? I'm an Englishman. Beer is food, absolutely. Absolutely, totally.
I mentioned Iraldeer had a question. It is getting in the nitty gritty question. They say, we found that a Docker run can be fairly slow on a commit hook. Any way to give confidence on a commit basis rather than just PR? Look at our documentation. You know, you can define what test you wanna run, right? It probably is more involved than just saying run all the tests, right? So it's up to you, what do you have confidence in? Cypress allows you to specify which test files you wanna run using the spec parameter. So maybe you wanna run just a few sanity tests on every commit, and only if they pass then run the full set of tests, right? I think that will speed up your testing and yet give you full confidence. You probably should run the full set of tests on pull requests and on master branch or main branches, we renamed our branches. But for smaller commits, you probably want to run at least a small subset of tests.
Nice, another question about the future, will there be support for React Native in the future? We don't have any concrete plans. As you can see, even like React web application support is still as experimental feature. You probably will be able to run a lot of tests while the component is rendered into the browser. Once it's rendered into mobile application, we don't have any plans. It's a very different platform. So we have no plans to dominate mobile testing yet. Gotcha, 10 people upvoted this question. How do you see the difference between Cypress and Puppeteer plus Jest? Well, we would love for everyone to write more Puppeteer tests, more Jest tests and more Cypress tests. We really are not competing to take away Puppeteer's market share, right? We think that 90% of developers are not writing any end-to-end tests. So Puppeteer can take 45%, we will take 45. I think the difference is that with Cypress, you have a built-in specifically targeted at testing, end-to-end testing tool. With time-traveling debugger, with cross-browser support, with all the nice assertions built in, you don't have to install anything. We already installed everything we configure and we test it to the kazoo, right? And we have all the tools and all the niceties for running it on CIs, for observing the results, for debugging failed tests. With Puppeteer and Jest, you do have some parts of it, but it becomes not a single system, but becomes a combination of two disparate systems that you will have to maintain. So, sorry. Sorry, muted.
Why Use jQuery in Cypress?
Somebody asked why you use jQuery and I'll give a better background to this. jQuery allows you to work with elements on a page for finding them in a nice battle-tested liable manner. Cypress bundles many things, and a single jQuery download will not add any weight. It's been battle tested for a long time, runs on all browsers, and does what it's told. Thank you, Gleb, for your knowledge and answering our questions.
Lastly, this question had 10 upvotes as well. Somebody asked why you use jQuery and I'll give a better background to this, but recently I had to use, I was on a project that was using jQuery and I loved it. It was lovely to use a little library that did what I wanted rather than make me do what it wanted. And I know that jQuery isn't necessarily the cool thing, but I think the HTTP archives almanac showed that it's on 70% of the websites or something like that. So why are you still using it? Well, there is nothing wrong with jQuery. It allows you to work with elements on a page for finding them in a nice battle-tested liable manner. So we can argue about every other technology but for like finding an element on a page jQuery is perfect.
Now you might say, well, isn't it heavy or doesn't it add like overhead? Well, Cypress bundles so many things in order to control the browser and run the tasks. A single jQuery in a desktop download what you do just once will not add any weight. It's a nice library that if we are not happy with we actually rewrite parts, right? But the API stays the same. So jQuery is just a great tool. So we'll use it, right? Yeah, I mean, like you said, it's been battle tested for as long as... It's been going since I didn't have white hair. It runs on all browsers. And yeah, what I love about is it does what it's told. It doesn't demand that I architect in a certain way or change the way I work.
Gleb, it's been fabulous to talk to you. I'm gonna wave my magic whisk and transport you back to the speaker's room because I know that there's gonna be a Zoom call where paid ticket holders will be able to interrogate you further. Hopefully I haven't given you too much of a horrible time. Thank you very much for your knowledge and answering our questions. Thank you, Bruce. Thanks everyone.