And that's because we don't have styles. We're only mounting the numbers. In our application, the app CSS is imported by the app component. Because we don't have app component, we're working with just numbers right now. We'll import app CSS ourselves from the spec files, and it will include it in the scaffolded app.
So now, our numbers component will render more accurately, but not perfectly yet. Because as you can see, it's all spread out. It is because our component and our styles assume a certain dump structure. So in order for us to render the numbers component accurately, we have to surround it in a div with a class inter, in a container, and in a section with class status. In this case, the mount will be exactly what our CSS and the dump structure expects. And now I can see those numbers on a screen inside my real browser, the way they look in a real application.
Great, what about all the props and clicks? When I'm mounting numbers from my test, I can pass a property on click number and I can create a stub so that whenever numbers is interacted with, like, right here, contains, sorry, it's right behind, I will actually get the click back. And I can see in a command log, in Cypress command log, I can see that those stubs were actually involved on user click. Excellent, so the last piece of input to my component is the context provider, where the data, like, selected number is fetched from. So in this case, when I'm mounting, I'm surrounding numbers component with sudoku context provider. And I'm setting the number selected to four. And then I can see that my number in the DOM will actually have the class that I expect it to have. So this test confirms that the component is working as expected. But now is the crux of the matter in my talk. What if I change CSS, or selectors, or the DOM structure, or the layout parameters? Just a little bit. My application will still probably work because I didn't break logic. But does it look right? You can kind of see that for numbers component it's easier to say, yeah, it's just numbers, and if a selected number should be blue and it should be in the grid. But what about bigger components? They have a lot of nice, unique styles in this case. And if I interact and have different context properties, they'll look differently because the most I said. Will changing CSS for one component suddenly affect some other component in another part of a game? And what about the entire application? It looks really, really nice on desktop. Does it still look as nice on a desktop? Does it still look good on tablet? And does it still look good on mobile? Do you manually go for your application every time you change a little bit of CSS? You probably cannot. So the trick here is to understand that you only have to do it manually as a human being wants. When you work on application, when you design in CSS, you want to look at the application in your browser and say, yeah, this is what I want. Computers cannot do that automatically. So instead, when you're happy with your result, you want to save a screenshot of your application.