This is a headline you don't want to see. As a product owner or as a business, you don't want to. As a developer as well, you don't want to see this headline popping up at the New York Times. This one really did pop up in 2002, 2020, sorry, because Jeff Bezos' iPhone was hacked because there was a vulnerability in WhatsApp, so not on iOS, which you were multiple times, of course, that are some exploits for iOS itself. But this was only because WhatsApp made an error somewhere, so they were, yeah, and Jeff Bezos was infiltrated that way and escalated on iOS multiple times.
So every time you make a feature or you create code, of course, there is a chance of a bug. And every bug and feature can also be a potential flaw or potential entry point for a bad actor to use so they can exploit your app, exploit your business. So in research, there was like 75% of apps have bugs in them or features that can be used to infiltrate your app or exploit your business. So for example, the 7-eleven one was a nice feature, what they used to reset your password, which is of course an obvious functionality, but they thought, what happens if you change your email? So if you change your email all the time, maybe you could just enter another email and reset your password that way. Sounds great, but of course, if somebody new, and multiple people new, they reset passwords of other user accounts, and then just ordered everything, what they could online. So that feature was misused multiple times, and like it says here, it costs some money for them as well.
Another thing you see online a lot is fake applications. So they use your brand or has your icon, if it's really popular of course as well, to make fake applications, put it in the app store, for example, iOS or Android doesn't, or Google Play doesn't really matter, and try to lure you in to download that app, and try to escalate privileges. For example, you can ask the app for the contact permissions for the contact list, although your normal app doesn't do that, the fake app does, and just upload that contact list of yours to their own server and try to do it that way. Another trick is, of course, what they do is try to put advertisements in your application. So they make a copycat application, just 101, and enter advertisement code in it. So if you open the app, there's advertisements, which you didn't add, so they are profiting off your application as well. You would think that Apple and Google would do a great job of protecting your app, of course, because they have this really neat review process, which everybody loves and hates. But still, there are thousands of fake applications in the app store right now. Of course, some with great brands, while others smaller, which do this all day long. And also, there are some app stores which are not really app stores, but they are fake app stores with correct applications, for example, because some applications are expensive and people try to use them in a free way. So they will go to an app store, which isn't of course the Google or the Apple one, and then download the application. And usually, there is malicious code in there as well, because they also need to make a profit of you, of course. In the Fortnite example, for example, Fortnite is of course still a popular game, but they made an announcement that they were making a mobile version of it. They made an Android application which downloaded the real game, let's say like that, so they made a launcher app. So everybody made a fake launcher app, which downloaded some other app, which of course escalated the permissions, and of course tried to inject everything in your mobile device. Another one is, it's not only, they are not only attacking your app, but also your tools you use every day. Of course, most notably the fake Xcode, as we call it, is one of an example of that. And not only the tools, but also your dependencies. So all the dependencies you have in your application are targeted to get there into your device, so in your MacBook or laptop.