Um, I really nice way of doing this because by having it serverless, you don't have to worry about these things like deployment being available, being up. And of course, next year has been built by versa. It's also a support for that. And there's also cool new tools. If you want to make sure that your serverless, uh, apps and API is actually running, uh, but those maybe we can save them for the Q and a.
So there's running middleware. It's a really cool thing because, uh, by having this executable way of extending your API routes, it also makes it really future proof because all the things that have already been built all the open source libraries, uh, for different express API APIs. You can already do them now from API routes. So using this, I can just basically create a graphical API that runs on an API route. Uh, have all my resolvers have my schema there. We're in the middle there like express graphical, but maybe auto middleware for authentication middleware for logging, all just from one, uh, one directory. So it's a really cool, uh, cool feature to have.
So yeah, so if you want to learn more about using API routes and next AS, uh, of course, I need you to check out the documentation because the documentation really helped you try and understand the API routes, but besides that, I'm also launching a course about using next ES, but graphical well in API routes. So if you are interested in this course, make sure to go to my website, so it's hack slash courses. And you could find a link to the building the serverless graph, well, API next is in this course. I will show, of course, more in depth, the code we already saw before. Um, and also learn some cool new tricks about API routes next years, most of all, also graphical. So we'll be building cool things, um, like network polling on the backend, uh, but also how to handle these API right. So next next to yes. Um, and most of all, also learn how to deploy them serverless. So if you do want to learn more about next to yes, make sure to go to next to yes. Website's fit to know more about my courses. Please go to my website. Uh, most of all, if you want to learn more about, uh, react graphical, TypeScript, uh, these kinds of things, make sure to follow me on Twitter or find my, um, find my videos on YouTube. Uh, and then I wish you really enjoyed the conference so far, and you still enjoyed the conference, uh, talks coming up. Because if I looked at the schedule, I see there's some really nice people talking about really cool, really cool things. So make sure to, uh, to stick around. And then I hope to see your questions flowing in on Twitter, uh, or maybe some other way you can find me.