The New Next.js App Router

Next.js 13.4 recently released the stable version of the "App Router" – a transformative shift for the core of the framework. In this talk, I'll share why we made this change, the key concepts to know, and why I'm excited about the future of React.

This talk has been presented at React Summit 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

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Next.js is a React framework designed to make building web applications easier by providing built-in features like server-side rendering and static site generation.

The App Router supports shared layouts through file system-based routing, and it can handle data fetching at the layout level, allowing data to be shared across multiple pages efficiently.

Incremental adoption refers to the ability to gradually integrate the Next.js App Router into existing projects without needing to overhaul the entire application, facilitating a smoother transition and reducing development risks.

Server actions in the Next.js App Router allow developers to run functions directly on the server as part of the component's lifecycle, simplifying API interactions and improving the encapsulation of server-side logic.

The Next.js App Router is a recent feature in Next.js that enhances routing capabilities, making it easier to manage navigation and data fetching in Next.js applications.

The App Router allows for co-located data fetching, meaning data requirements can be defined alongside the components that use them, improving page loading times and developer experience.

Yes, both the Pages Router and the App Router can coexist in a single Next.js project, allowing developers to incrementally adopt the App Router while maintaining existing functionality with the Pages Router.

'getInitialProps' fetches data on each request, 'getServerSideProps' fetches data at request time only on the server, and 'getStaticProps' fetches data at build time for static generation.

Lee Robinson
Lee Robinson
27 min
02 Jun, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
Today's Talk is about the Next.js App Router, which has evolved over the years and is now a core feature of Next.js. The Talk covers topics such as adding components, fetching remote data, and exploring layouts. It also discusses submitting form data, simplifying code, and reusing components. The App Router allows for coexistence with the existing pages router and enables data fetching at the layout level using React Server Components.

1. Introduction to Next.js App Router

Short description:

Today, I'm gonna be doing something a little different because my talk will be entirely in VS Code. I'm Lee and I work at Vercel and I lead the Next.js community. We recently released something called the Next.js App Router. Today, I'm gonna be walking through a demo of what the App Router looks like. Next.js has evolved a lot over the years. It was originally released in 2016 and it had a certain way of building. I'm gonna talk about the journey through a real application of how we landed on the App Router today. The core of Next.js is routing. We released Next.js in 2016 with file system-based routing. This is what Next.js was built on six years ago. We're going to be building an internal app dashboard that shows a list of invoices and has some settings pages with layouts. Let's start scaffolding out this page a little bit more. We'll use the home layout for the nav bar and invoices. This is the shell of our homepage.

Today, I'm gonna be doing something a little different because my talk will be entirely in VS Code. Woo! So, like she said, I'm Lee and I work at Vercel and I lead the Next.js community. If you haven't heard of Next.js, it's a React framework. And we recently released something called the Next.js App Router. Has anyone heard of the App Router? OK, that's more hands than I expected, that's awesome.

So for those who haven't, what I'm gonna be walking through today is a demo of what the App Router looks like. So the premise of this talk is called Next.js Metamorphosis. And the name for that is because Next.js has evolved a lot over the years. It was originally released in 2016 and it had a certain way of building. And I'm gonna talk about the journey through a real application of how we landed on the App Router today.

So what I have here is my editor on the left running a Next.js application and then my browser. And the first thing we're gonna start off with is the core of Next.js, which is routing. We released Next.js in 2016. We said we love file system-based routing. We wanted to make it as easy as possible for you to get started. Just drop a file in a folder and it will create a new route. So I have pages slash index.tsx here. So if I do export default function home page and I say return React summit and save. We see React Summit. This is all it takes to get your first route up and available on your local server or in production and this is what Next.js was built on six years ago.

Now what we're going to be building today is kind of an internal app dashboard that shows a list of invoices, it's got some settings pages that have some layouts and we'll get into more some of the advantages of some of the new things we've been using. So let's start scaffolding out this page a little bit more. So rather than returning a string here, let's return some layout component and we'll see if my VS code is not giving me my helpful auto-completes, but that's okay. We can manually type things out. That's fine. We'll do import layout for components and I have two different layouts from application. We have a home layout so we'll use that one here. There we go. Okay, so we have a nav bar that's going to be shared throughout our application and then we have my invoices. So this is kind of the shell of our homepage.

2. Adding Components and Fetching Remote Data

Short description:

Now let's add some components like cards and tables to display statistics about our account. We'll fetch remote data using the get initial props API and pass it to our React components. This API runs on the server and on page transitions. To improve this, the API was split into two separate functions: getinitialprops and get server side props.

Now inside of here, we also want to have some components and display some UIs. So let's do some cards that are going to display some statistics about our account, maybe how much money is in our account, what the invoices are and then we'll also do, oh, there we go, it's coming back, it's trying to help me out a little bit here. Components slash table, let me just manually import the card as well too, import card from components card.

I scaffolded out some UI components for us to use ahead of time. Cards, cards, okay, cool. So we have some cards that don't have any data right now. And then we have a table with some static data.

The core of Next.js is built on React, allows you to compose components but very frequently you need to actually fetch some remote data and pass it to your components. So the first API that Next.js released to do this back in 2016 was called get initial props. So let's use that to actually fetch some data and put it on the page. So I'll say homepage.getinitialprops and this is gonna be an async function that we want to fetch some data from. So we'll do cons data equals await get card data. And then we're gonna return that data to the page. So let's see. Nope, I'll type it out myself because oh, there we go. Okay. From our library from our database, I'm gonna import this function get card data that's gonna return some JSON here, we're gonna return that data from this function, and that gets forwarded to our React component. So inside of our React component, I have props so I can de-structure out data here. And we'll just throw on some any type here. Gotta love that. And then down below on our cards component, we can forward along that data by passing props. So I'll do data here and I'll hit save. We have data on our page. Woo! Love it. This works. And we're able to fetch remote data, but it does come with some tradeoffs or some things that maybe are not obvious. So this runs on the server, but it also runs on page transitions. So this first API left some room for improvement for us to clarify how you would actually import and use these functions for fetching remote data. So the metamorphosis of this, the next evolution of this API was breaking this into two separate guys. So export async function get server side props, and okay, cool.

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