Although headless CMS is the way to go when you have an in-house development team and you are working with modern JavaScript frameworks, some of the small disadvantages of a headless CMS may become challenges when you work in a large-scale project, especially in a large organization with a lot of content authors and more advanced SEO requirements from a dedicated SEO team. I will summarize them into categories, content authoring experience and SEO tools.
I think you can get away with both of these challenges in a small to medium-sized project, but not in a large one. There will be cases where the SEO team may need features like maintaining a list of url directs, editing a robot.txt file, previewing how Google renders your pages or metadata. Also when it comes to content authors experience, although most early CMSs have done great improvements in the last few years, things like content preview, content editing and in general the enhanced user experience are not the same level as in some traditional CMSs. With Contentful in specific there's nothing that you cannot achieve due to its custom apps features and this also I think stands true for a number of other headless CMSs. You can achieve everything but it requires some effort from your team to develop target features.
So what do you have to consider? Choose your headless CMS wisely based on your current and future needs. Focus on extensibility, flexibility and support. Most SaaS products today offer sufficient uptime SLAs like 99.99999% etc. Even if you do your own headless CMS implementation, you will most probably host it in a cloud service like AWS which also offers almost 100% uptime. Calculating the fact that you can also use a number of additional caching layers for your data in order to ensure uptime, even if your SaaS products fail, then you can be sure that you will have 100% uptime for your great features. The metric that counts most is the uptime your end user experiences and not the uptime that your servers have. Most of the time, the features in large-scale and complex projects are dependent on a number of legacy backend systems to retrieve any kind of data. These systems, most of the time, are handled by different departments in the organizations and may have low uptimes, bad patch update practices with long maintenance periods, and a number of other issues. Moreover, some of your web app features may be strongly related to business functions and services which may rise up issues unrelated to their network. For example, a click-to-call service where suddenly your call center goes down and your feature will appear unresponsive to your user. Maybe a live chat could be a great example. And the list can go on. Unavailability on all of these cases may not mean actual unavailability to your web app, but if it's not handled correctly, it may lead to crashes and bad user experience.
So, what you should consider. You need to analyze all these cases for each feature. You need to create mechanisms, like, for example, feature flags, that may help you change your user experience on the fly when such a crisis happens. Also, you need to have advanced error handling, and finally, you need to have an effective logging and monitoring mechanism to catch unhandled cases. Most of us are used to the global state concept and we have been applying this pattern in our apps extensively. There is a number of popular third party libraries, such as Redux and MobX, that can help you manage your global state in the application. React also offers context API and user-to-user hook for the same reason. Global state is a great way to avoid prop drilling and store stateful information when many of your components need access to it. I am pretty sure that this is not the first time that you are hearing someone talking about global state overuse or abuse or something like that. As we mentioned before, global state is a very useful tool.