React for Chrome Extension Development

Initial Challenges with HTML and jQuery

When starting with Chrome extension development, we initially relied on injecting HTML strings directly into the inner HTML of divs on the page. This approach quickly proved to be difficult to maintain. Despite recognizing the issue, our lack of experience led us to adopt jQuery after some research. While jQuery offered animation support and facilitated web scraping, it didn't solve the core problem of maintainability. The absence of unidirectional data flow and straightforward styling made the code complex and cumbersome.

Realizing that jQuery wasn't the ultimate solution, we sought a better approach for future projects. The experience taught us the importance of choosing the right tools and frameworks to ensure code maintainability and scalability.

Choosing React for Octoshop

When embarking on the Octoshop project, a browser extension for price comparison across the web, we aimed to avoid past mistakes. We needed a framework that supported rapid UI development and iteration. React stood out for its extensive package ecosystem and strong community support, making it an obvious choice for our team, who were already familiar with it.

React allowed us to consolidate our business logic within the component tree, enabling the creation of complex UIs efficiently. The availability of open-source libraries, like charting tools, further streamlined development, requiring minimal customization to fit our needs.

Integration Challenges with Ibotta

Upon acquisition by Ibotta, we faced the challenge of integrating our React-based extension with Ibotta's existing Vue-based extension. The solution involved creating a messaging layer to bridge the two systems. Although functional, the integration was messy, prompting us to consider a complete codebase rewrite for better maintainability.

This experience highlighted the complexities of integrating disparate technologies and underscored the need for a more unified and maintainable solution.

Addressing Style Conflicts

One major issue encountered during development was style conflicts. We needed to prevent our extension's styles from interfering with the host website's styles. The solution lay in using shadow DOMs, which allowed us to encapsulate our CSS within a hidden DOM structure on the page. A utility function was developed to create shadow DOMs, into which we could inject our CSS and render React components.

This approach effectively isolated our styles, ensuring they remained unaffected by external styles and vice versa. It provided a clean and maintainable way to manage styling within the extension.

Rendering Components with React Portal

For features like price comparison on search pages, rendering components in a maintainable manner was crucial. We utilized React Portal to centralize our UI elements, such as buttons, in an array. This allowed us to inject them into specific divs on the page, keeping the code organized and state centralized.

React Portal provided the flexibility to choose where to inject components while maintaining a clean and consistent code structure. This method was instrumental in managing state and rendering effectively across the extension.

Managing State Between Chrome and React

Another challenge was synchronizing state between Chrome's storage APIs and React's state management. Chrome's APIs, with their own reactivity callbacks, were not well integrated into the JavaScript ecosystem, making state management cumbersome.

To address this, we developed custom hooks that interfaced with Chrome's APIs, simplifying the process. These hooks mimicked React's useState, allowing engineers to use familiar patterns without delving into Chrome's complex callback system. This abstraction significantly improved the maintainability and ease of use of the extension's codebase.

Understanding Chrome Extension Architecture

Chrome extensions consist of two main components: the content script and the background script. The content script runs on every tab, handling logic specific to each page, while the background script serves as a centralized process, akin to a server, managing communication and API calls via a messaging layer.

This architecture allows for isolated operations within the extension, ensuring that API interactions occur internally rather than directly on websites. Understanding this structure is crucial for designing efficient and secure Chrome extensions.

From Vanilla JavaScript to React

Our journey began with simple extensions built using vanilla JavaScript, evolving over time as we tackled more complex projects like UT Registration Plus. This extension simplified class registration for students, integrating features like grade distributions and professor ratings.

The progression from vanilla JavaScript to React was driven by the need for more robust solutions as projects grew in complexity. React's component-based architecture and state management capabilities provided the tools necessary to build scalable and maintainable extensions.


Throughout our experiences developing Chrome extensions, we learned the importance of selecting the right tools and frameworks to ensure maintainability and scalability. React proved to be a powerful ally in creating complex UIs quickly and efficiently. By addressing challenges such as style conflicts and state management, we improved the overall quality and usability of our extensions. The journey from basic HTML and jQuery to a sophisticated React-based solution highlights the value of continuous learning and adaptation in software development.

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This talk has been presented at React Summit US 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


They initially used vanilla JavaScript to build Chrome extensions.

They chose React because it allowed quick UI building and had strong community support and packages.

The main topic is making React work effectively in Chrome extensions.

The speakers are Shriram Hidiyaddin and Darshan Bhatta.

They founded a company called Octoshub, which was later acquired by Ibotta.

A shadow DOM is a hidden DOM used to avoid style conflicts with the website's existing styles.

They created custom hooks to integrate Chrome's state management with React's state, improving maintainability.

Using jQuery made the code unmaintainable due to lack of unidirectional data flow and complex styling.

They installed React DevTools core and managed tab visibility to connect and disconnect from the DevTools WebSocket.

They met while studying at UT Austin.

Sriram Hariharan
Sriram Hariharan
Darshan Bhatta
Darshan Bhatta
11 min
22 Nov, 2024


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