Web security is crucial in a constantly evolving environment where potential threats are always present. To better understand this concept, we can imagine our web application as a garden or a home that needs to be protected from possible attacks. We can draw parallels with the popular game "Plants vs. Zombies," which aims to safeguard your garden from intruders.
Our automated tests function as diligent guardians whose primary objective is to identify and address potential vulnerabilities, much like the diverse plant arsenal in the game. Instead of framing the security process as a never-ending fight, we will explore how automated tests act as defenders against possible issues, whether they are zombies or intruders. Next to an overview of tools you can utilize, we emphasize the importance of fundamental testing types, such as unit or end-to-end tests, in securing your digital garden.
This is my draft slide deck: https://speakerdeck.com/leichteckig/plants-vs-thieves-automated-tests-in-the-world-of-web-security. I'm thinking about replacing the code snippets with videos or live coding.
After my session, the Attendees will better understand the tools to choose from. However, there are other focuses than this - I'd like to highlight how to ensure web security by using fundamental testing types like unit or End-To-End tests to keep the maintenance and learning curve low. A nice side effect will be the showcase of common security threats by seeing the tests used to catch them.
- The attendee will learn an overview of the tools you choose from
- The Attendee will explore options to use test automation to improve web security without the need for new dependencies
This talk is rather framework-agnostic. However, Testing and Security are highly relevant topics for the React community, as both secure a high-quality application and protect users and features. Security is essential, especially nowadays. My talk combines Security and Testing. Both can be daunting, too, so I'd love to help the viewers build their applications securely.
This talk has been presented at React Day Berlin 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.