I want to tell about some of the utilities we have in our system, and they just live in utilities, in hooks, and in styles. We split it into three folders, because for engineers we have found out it's good to have a dedicated place for things like hooks, and we know that the files there are very special. I want to focus on styling.
One problem which we were writing a lot of styling for was margins and padding. So what we did was we added this helper which we use in our core component, which is, we have those properties for margin and padding. So here is something that on the web, we use the flex-gap property, but this is not something we can implement with React Native. And because of this, we just have this styling helper where we have margin, bottom, padding, and all the associations. And every component can have this spacing prop, so we can add every spacing to those components, and this was very useful.
The other thing which was part of the new feature set was having support for dark mode, which is a cool feature. So we use this package called React Native Dynamic, and we created a wrapper around it where you can use this dynamic style sheet, and depending on the color, you decide what color you are using. And we have a couple of helpers and style themes like, for example, use color background. And we have this color map, which is the dynamic value. So on text with this color, the subtile text is with this color, and every color in our app is defined to this color and has to go to React Native Dynamic. So we actually have built-in support for dark mode. And this is basically how the whole application combines. Like, we built on the foundations, which are the utilities. And we have a lot more smarter utilities. They are a lot more internal helpers. But the one I showed you, I think, are the most memorable and most useful, and I haven't seen a lot of those used in other applications so far. And then on top of them, we build this core set of components, which is we have this core set, which is things like buttons, text, infinite scroll, stuff that they don't care about the domain logic. And then we have the domain component, which is like post button, post button, post item, post thumbnail, which are basically things with fragments, things that take stuff from GraphQL. And then this, the whole thing got combined into the pages, which are wrapped with this help or create page. So to recap that, if you want to take some takeaways from my talk is, yeah, GraphQL is awesome. It helps a really nice to design a system which uses the GraphQL everywhere. From screens, create screen is something which I'm surprised I haven't seen many people use a pattern like that or the screen scalper. And for components, notice how we have isolated a lot of our dependencies. We use directory of construction and we have this concept of domain component. So, yeah, thank you very much. And that's all from me.