Real-Time Collaborative State on the Edge

Practical talk showing how to go from a local state to an on-the-edge offline capable persisted state to make an app like Figma, Notion, and more.

This talk has been presented at React Advanced 2023, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.

Watch video on a separate page


Steven has worked at Facebook Messenger, Campaign Monitor, InVision, and currently runs a company called LiveBlocks.

Steven is passionate about building and designing creative tools, particularly design tools and applications that enable users to create something.

At Campaign Monitor, Steven worked on an email builder, a drag-and-drop tool for designing responsive emails.

Easy is a tool that helps designers create web animations without coding. It was created by Steven.

At InVision, Steven worked on the team responsible for creating InVision Studio, a UI design tool for designing apps, websites, and creating animations and prototypes.

LiveBlocks is a company run by Steven that provides APIs and tools for developers to build multiplayer and collaborative experiences.

Steven faced challenges in converting InVision Studio from a desktop-based, file-based application to a browser-based, collaborative application, which took about a year and a half to develop.

Figma revolutionized the design industry by creating a high-quality, browser-based, collaborative design tool that allows multiple users to work on the same design file simultaneously.

Key features include presence indicators, broadcasting events, data storage for collaborative documents, comments, mentions, document browsing, and integrated audio and video functionalities.

Steven is a design tool enthusiast who has lived in various places including Paris, Sydney, Quebec, and New York City.

Steven Fabre
Steven Fabre
26 min
23 Oct, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
Steven, a design tool nerd, worked on InVision Studio and now focuses on LiveBlocks, providing APIs and tools for multiplayer collaboration. Collaborative design tools like Figma, Canva, Mural, Notion, Mirror, Linear, and Pitch use conflict resolution algorithms such as OTs and CRDTs. Data migration and collaboration patterns are important considerations for building production applications. Figma stands out for its seamless assembly of collaboration features. LiveBlocks enables front-end developers to build collaborative experiences without complex backend infrastructure, using fractional indexing for consistent ordering.

1. Introduction to Design Tools and Experience

Short description:

Hey, everybody. My name is Steven, and I've lived all over the place. I am a massive design tool nerd. I worked at Facebook Messenger and Campaign Monitor. I created Easy and joined InVision. At InVision, I worked on InVision Studio, a UI design tool.

Hey, everybody. My name is Steven, and I've lived all over the place. So, I'm doing this talk from Paris today, but I lived in many different places. I spent, you know, 7 ½ years in Australia, in Sydney, even lived in Quebec before that for a little bit, and also spent a few years in New York City.

So, yeah, great to be here today. And what I want to tell you guys is that I am a massive design tool nerd. I love building. I love designing design tools. I love creating apps and things that people use as a return and create something with that tool that I helped make. And so, this is the angle for my talk. I'm a big design tool nerd and I love making this kind of creative tools.

So, I worked at Facebook Messenger for a little while on the design system slash Messenger team to help them with their tooling needs internally. I also spent some time at a company called Campaign Monitor in Australia back when I was in Sydney. And, my main project there was to work on this email builder. So, it was a drag-and-drop tool where you could design beautiful emails that were like responsive, so they worked on mobile and desktop. And we helped brands kind of create those emails just in a drag-and-drop way very easily. That was the first time really that I was really introduced to creative tools. That eventually led me to create Easy. And Easy, I don't know if some of you have heard of it, it's pretty old now, was a tool to help designers create animations for the web, and then to do that without having to code. And then you just could click that and get the CSS from it. It was pretty cool. I enjoyed working on that. And that eventually led me to join InVision.

And so at InVision I worked on the team responsible for creating InVision Studio. I worked on that for four and a half years. And I don't know if you guys are familiar with InVision Studio. But that was essentially a UI design tool where you could, you know, obviously design apps, websites, but also create animations for them and prototype them, make them very interactive. And this sounds pretty obvious, but back in the day there weren't very many tools that could do that sort of stuff. And really, that experience really led me to the path I'm on today. We had a, you know, it was a desktop application working on the file system, and Figma was this amazing browser based tool to do UI design and that sort of stuff was starting to become really popular.

2. Challenges of Building Collaborative Products

Short description:

Figma's multiplayer feature and the challenges of converting InVision Studio to a browser-based collaborative tool led me to start LiveBlocks. At LiveBlocks, we provide APIs and tools for developers to build multiplayer and collaborative experiences. Building a collaborative product involves more than just multiplayer functionality. It includes features like comments, annotations, shared dialogues, document browsing, and audio/video capabilities. Google Docs played a significant role in shaping the collaborative SaaS landscape with its browser-based document editing capabilities.

And one thing that Figma did really well is that, as I said, the product worked in the browser, meaning you don't have to download an app to get it to work, and it was what they called multiplayer. And so, we eventually had this project at InVision to convert InVision Studio from a desktop based file based application, excuse me, to an application that was browser based and collaborative by default. And so I led design for the project, and this is the first time I really got exposed to the problem of like, damn, this is freaking hard to do. We had a dedicated squad of, I think, at the peak, seven engineers, one point manager, and I was the designer of kind of heading up that initiative. And it took over it took about a year and a half before we could have a working version of that desktop based, sorry, browser based multiplayer application a year and a half. That's a very long time. And, yeah, I was eventually a little bit frustrated with this because I was like this, I just don't understand how this could take that long. But that is that's just how it is. Like it takes very long to build those kind of experiences when you do all that stuff yourself. And so being exposed to that I didn't realize, but that eventually led me to the path I'm on today. I run a company called LiveBlocks and at LiveBlocks what we do, we provide APIs and tools to developers like you guys to build multiplayer experiences, but also more broadly collaborative experiences like comments and pretty much anything you want to do that's collaborative and requires multiple people to work together on some type of digital experience. But don't don't be worried. This is not a sales pitch. I promise I'm only here to share my learnings and dive into the behind the scenes of those kind of infrastructures, the kind of infrastructure needed to build those kind of experiences. But yeah, just to show that this problem that I personally faced with my co-founder Guillaume at InVision has become I mean, it's always been an issue, but most recent years there's been a lot of technologies and frameworks to do to work on this problem. And so a lot of those frameworks and tools when they talk about this often refer to multiplayer. But in the world of collaboration, when you build a collaborative SAS product, multiplayer is only the tip of the iceberg. There are a lot more things to think about when building a collaborative product, right? You need to think about, okay, well, when my users are in my product, how can they leave comments? How can they mention their co-workers or collaborators in comments, in specific annotations within the document, so that those people end up collaborating asynchronously and can join the document and be notified elsewhere? There's also shared dialogues, like how do you share an artifact or something with somebody else? How do you add those people? How do you take care of the permissions for those people? And then, obviously, once you have those documents and those collaborative artifacts working, how do you browse them? How do you find them? How do you find all those documents? How do you share those set of documents? How do you put them into a folder and that kind of stuff? So document browsing is a big part of that. And then, obviously, things like audio and video are becoming more and more present. So if you want to do an audio huddle, you can do that sort of stuff. Share like a video as you're working on something. Having that experience directly in the tool is becoming more and more relevant for a collaborative experience. And so if we take a step back and think about how we got to the state of where we are today in terms of collaborative SaaS products. To me, it really started with Google Docs. I think that was 15 or 20 years ago at this point. They introduced this is not the screenshot. You see, this is a lot more recent, but they introduced Google Docs, a browser-based document or similar to Microsoft Word. And it was mind blowing. Like you could just open a URL and that URL was a Word document pretty much. And you could edit it.

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