Yeah, well, talking about use cases, that's a nice bridge to our first question, actually. The question is from Frazili Shchalkov. And the question is, do you think it's still valuable to use stencil in the use case where a company's only using one framework, so probably React in our context, for all of their front-end projects? Can you give an example that proves why it's still valuable? Yeah, that's a tough one to answer because that's, like, trying to, you know, predict the future of what framework will be around for the next 20 years or something like that. And so I think if this was 2012, we'd all be saying, well, Angler.js is the way to do things. That's the best framework that everyone's using. My entire company uses Angler.js, so let's go all in on it and let's do everything with that. But as you know, times change, and React came out and Vue came out, and none of it got spelt, so it's difficult to predict the future, which is a lot of why we created Stencil for ourselves was that Ionic needed to keep adjusting. You know, and I guess I go over this again and again inside of the presentation. So because we had to keep adjusting, we needed to go to the lowest level of a element, you know, and that's just a custom element. And so through that, we're able to adjust for the future, you know, and able to adjust things like that. So for a company that is only doing React development, like if you're doing just a Web app, you know, with three other developers, and this is a self-contained Web app, and it's not sharing any of the components with any other Web app, things like that, then I think it's an easy choice to go with all in on React, because it's really not the same use case of what Stencil's trying to solve, whereas if you're trying to create a UI library, a design system that this Web app's going to use, the one that the marketing team, you know, in Europe is using, the one that the sales team in America is using, if there's all this shared components, that's where Stencil's a better use-fit for that, because then it's more future-proof in that you can adjust, like all these different components can stay to a certain version. There really is no version when it comes down to it. The compiler has a version, and a compiler can do different things, but for the most part, those components aren't versioned, and that's a good thing, because you don't know if they're using Backbone and they're stuck on Backbone, or if they could be using the latest React 25 or something like that. It's a tough one to answer, and I think it really comes down to your use case and how you're going to be doing your components. In our case, if it's something like a design system, then a design system for a large organization, then I think Stencil is a good choice for that. Yeah. I think that kind of tears it down for me. I was talking to Adam a little bit before, and the use case where I was trying to sell it to the company I was working at at the time is that we were working with a lot of micro front-ends. So it's one big web app with micro front-ends. They all used React. The whole team used React. But we don't know if we still are going to do that in five years, right? So maybe in five years you want to create one of these micro front-ends in Svelte or whatever new fancy framework comes out by that time. Then it would be really easy because they just have to build the logic, but all the front-ends, like the components, are there. And that's what I think really is the power that people can use Stencil for by being kind of future proofing themselves. Yep, exactly. Yeah. Awesome. The next question is from Zandro. Does Ionic or any other web component-based framework work in a micro front-end? When each integrated front-end app uses a different version of Ionic, the web components are global so they may overwrite each other. Yes, that is an issue with Custom Elements is that window.defineCustomElement is a global.