Setting Up Feature Flags with React

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As developers, we release features daily – but how do you ensure those features are working properly in production before you release them to all your users? If you ask me, the answer is feature flags! Feature flags are beneficial because they allow you to test your code in production, perform canary releases, and even conduct A/B testing. The power of React makes it easy to implement these flags. We will walk through how to easily create a feature flag in the UI, install dependencies with npm, and implement your feature flag in your react app.

This talk has been presented at React Summit Remote Edition 2021, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


A feature flag in React is a technique used to enable or disable features in your application without deploying new code. It allows developers to control the visibility of features based on certain conditions.

Feature flags benefit front-end development by allowing developers to test new features in production, roll back features if issues arise, and control feature visibility without requiring new code deployments. This minimizes risks and improves the development process.

Common use cases for feature flags include testing in production, using them as a kill switch to turn off problematic features, migrating from monoliths to microservices, A/B testing, subscription management, canary releases, and experimentation.

To create a feature flag in, log in to, create a free developer account, and then click 'Create Split' on the left pane. Name the split and configure it with the desired settings. This split will act as your feature flag.

You need to install the JavaScript SDK. Import split treatments and withSplitFactory components from the SDK in your React component to perform feature evaluation and wrap your to-do list component.

In your React app, import the SDK, instantiate and use the SDK by wrapping your component with withSplitFactory, and use split treatments in your render function. Configure the split instance with your user authentication key and set the desired feature flag names.

Yes, non-technical team members such as product owners can control feature flags using a feature flag management application like They can set who can see which features without committing new code.

The 'allow delete' variable in the React app example is used to differentiate between the treatment being on or off. If the treatment is on, users can see the delete tasks button; if off, the delete option is not available.

You can verify which users are targeted by a feature flag in by checking the browser console logs after running npm start. The logs will show which user is getting the treatment and whether the treatment is set to on or off for that user.

If a feature controlled by a feature flag has bugs, you can temporarily roll back the release by turning off the feature flag. This allows you to disable the problematic feature without deploying new code.

Talia Nassi
Talia Nassi
7 min
14 May, 2021


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Video Summary and Transcription

This Talk discusses setting up feature flags with React, which allows for controlled rollouts of new features. Feature flags provide more control without touching the source code and can target specific users or types of users. In React, feature flags can be created and configured using Different treatments can be applied to determine if a feature should be shown. Feature flagging provides control and flexibility in development.

1. Setting up feature flags with React

Short description:

We're going to talk about setting up feature flags with React today. Let's say I am a front-end developer working on this to-do list app. And right now, users only have the ability to add tasks to the list. And I want to add the ability to delete tasks. And adding this feature requires back-end work as well because we need a new API endpoint. And I don't know if the back-end change is going to be ready in time. But here's what I've done so far. I have this conditional statement set. And by default, the user is not allowed to delete. So this is the current state. And when I'm testing this feature locally, I flip this boolean to true to test stuff out. And once the back-end is ready and I want my users to be able to see the delete button, then I'm just going to push this commit with the boolean equal to true. And right now, this is working.

Hi, everyone. I'm Talia. We're going to talk about setting up feature flags with React today. So I want to start off by setting the stage a little bit. Let's say I am a front-end developer working on this to-do list app. And right now, users only have the ability to add tasks to the list. And I want to add the ability to delete tasks. And adding this feature requires back-end work as well because we need a new API endpoint. And I don't know if the back-end change is going to be ready in time. But here's what I've done so far. I have this conditional statement set. And by default, the user is not allowed to delete. So this is the current state. And when I'm testing this feature locally, I flip this boolean to true to test stuff out. And once the back-end is ready and I want my users to be able to see the delete button, then I'm just going to push this commit with the boolean equal to true. And right now, this is working.

2. Using Feature Flags for Controlled Rollouts

Short description:

Once the back-end is ready, I can push a commit to enable the delete button. Feature flags have various use cases, including testing in prod, kill switches, microservices migration, AB testing, subscription management, Canary releases, and experimentation. Feature flags improve development, testing, and delivery of new features while minimizing risks. They also allow for measuring the impact of changes and providing control over the user experience without code commits.

And once the back-end is ready and I want my users to be able to see the delete button, then I'm just going to push this commit with the boolean equal to true. And what's great about this is that if there's bugs with the back-end API, it's relatively easy for me to temporarily roll back this release. And so what we've created here is just a super basic example of a feature flag. Code deployment from feature release. And we just saw one example of how we want to use this, but there are so many other ways to use feature flags, so we can use them to test in prod, we can use them as a kill switch to turn features off in production that aren't working. You can use them to safely migrate your micro services. If you have a monolith, you can use this to migrate your micro services to micro services. And then you can use this for AB testing, subscription management, Canary releases and experimentation. And why do we care about these use cases? It's because feature flags improve your ability to develop, test and deliver new features while minimizing risks throughout the process. And this is how you measure the impact of your changes. So feature flagging allows you to directly correlate the impact of your changes by pushing information about the feature flags to your internal analytic system. And so by using a feature flag management application, you are able to set who can see which features without ever committing new code. And this is really great for product owners and non-technical people because they can control the user experience without having to ask the developers to commit new code.

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