Another thing about JavaScript is that it's dynamic and that you never know, you can never be sure about anything. An example is no extra arguments. This is a rule from our plugin from my company. This rule reports when you use the function which has less arguments than you are calling it with. In case this is just a local variable, local function, this is working perfectly, but this is probably not when you're going to make this mistake because you have this function declaration just next to it, but I put an example when the function is exported, or imported from another model or file, or you have a callback and you don't have a handle with how many parameters are there, that's when you can make this mistake easily, but this rule implementation is not able to know that. And at the end I wanted to talk about advanced techniques, so when we were talking about models, we were talking about some, let's say, big thing, which you're going to use for many rules, like control flow, graph, or data flow analysis. Here I'm talking about literally like a technique, which is useful for basically one rule. This rule I took as example is dead store detection and this is not really known, I think, in JavaScript community, but I believe it's a really cool one. So this rule is supposed to detect, I'm going to show on this example, when you are writing the value, for example, here you assign x equals zero, and in fact, the next thing you're going to do is x equal 10, assign 10, which means that this assignment is actually, it's never used, and this zero is a dead store. This is often, in some cases, you can just drop the line and say that, okay, I in fact don't need this assignment, but often that means something else that you really did your algorithm wrong. And to implement that store, you need to implement leave variable analysis, which calculates the variables that I leave at each point in the program, so everything which is not leave is dead, that's just a copy-paste from Wikipedia, and variable is leave at some point if it holds a value that may be needed in the future. So in this example, we see that, okay, the zero will never be needed in the future because it will be overwritten just after that. To see how to detect that store, let's have a look at this small piece of code. I have here many assignments and assignments, read, assignment, read, so I represented this as a control flow graph with a branch on the EVE, and then we do two things, and then we merge again. Here we don't care about actual things to be able to report on this rule, we just need to know about write and read of the variables. In this case we consider only X variable, and if we try to, in order to find the dead store, what we need to find is that we need to find those writes which don't have any path in the control flow graph which will read that after. So let's say if we find the path in the call graph which will read the value, this is net dead store. So if you take the first one, the one on the top, it has this flow to this read. If we take this write on the left, it has if we take the one on the left, in fact we see that it doesn't have any flow in the graph which will read it because it has only one flow and it writes it so we can say that okay, this is dead store. And the next write here, it will be read the next instruction in the same block. So this is just an intuition implementation of the rule for this particular case and in order to generalize it and to have the generic implementation, here what you need to implement. This is a screenshot from Wikipedia where you see that you need to have some formulas with sets and every time I needed to implement this store, it took me like a whole day to load it in my head and then I forgot it in one week. So I wanted to finish with the screenshot from GitHub with a number of YesLingDisable and in the code, you see it's almost three million of YesLingDisabled, I believe many more in private code, which means that yeah, it's not so easy to write static rules. People need to disable it because they are not happy with their results. And this is just false positive, you see here, we can never say how many false negative there because nobody is able to see them. And as a takeaway from my talk, I wanted to tell you that you guys know how static analysis works and what ICT, abstract syntax tree is, so feel free to contribute, write custom rules if you need some, those rules can be easy to write, so don't be scared, just do that. And on another side, if you like challenges, if you like something, here is something hard to do, static analysis is also the place to be for you, so have a look at it, especially at the more advanced techniques. And, of course, use static analysis tools, this is really something which will help you in your code quality. And that's it for me.