Hey, everyone, I'm Josh Goldberg. I'm an independent open source maintainer focusing on static analysis tooling around JavaScript and TypeScript. Most notably, I work on TypeScript ES that allows you to run ESLint on your TypeScript code. I'm also the author of the book recently published through O'Reilly.
And honestly, React Debra Lynn, I've got some anger in me. I've got a lot of problems with the tech industry, and now you're going to hear about it. As software developers, we've mostly become accustomed to the fact that many of our friends and family are never going to understand what we do. We don't like it. We disagree with their unwillingness to learn, but some people just cannot or will not be able to understand computers or even learning to code. Here's an actual quote from my fantastic loving parents, we don't know what TypeScript code is, but we're very proud of Josh and are sure it will be a lovely book. Referring, of course, to Learning TypeScript, available on Amazon O'Reilly and other retailers, buy it today.
Okay. Coding can be falsely intimidating, the issue is not that the concept of using a computer is unusually difficult on its own, many people can figure that out, it's that it is incorrectly assumed to be difficult by many folks. Many people who aren't tech capable find it hard to imagine using a computer at all, even, God forbid, even learning to code, and so are intimidated and distracted and discouraged from doing it. A big source of the problem is that a lot of folks grew up accustomed to the idea that computers are difficult, impossible to understand contraptions. And then they have a bunch of people yelling at them, oh, send a file, open Facebook, attach an attachment, press start, whatever, that's hard. What on earth? And the problem is made worse because many developers, because many people, do not explain technical or complex subjects well. It's something a lot of us struggle with. And a non-technical person can only go through so many bad explanations, convoluted descriptions, before they decide the problem is me, I'm just never going to understand this.
And let that be context for you, as I talk about two problems, changing context and bad explanations, for static analysis, tooling that analyzes your code without running it. Because in parallel, many software developers experience that very same false intimidation, even though they've already learned how to code, they know how to use computers, when they try to think about static analysis. Static analysis tooling for many years was thought by many to be just in the purview of academics or hardcore language engineers. And when they tried to look at resources for static analysis, what they got was high-level theoretical explanations, academic shenanigans, things that are theoretical rather than introductory and practical. But that's not the case. Maybe it never was. It certainly isn't now. Static analysis does not have to be intimidating. The static analysis landscape today, especially for modern TypeScript codebases, I promise you is much more approachable than it's ever been. I think you will find that the concepts I'm going to walk you through today are very relevant and applicable for your projects, and you may even enjoy using them when you get back to work on them. So this is static analysis is awesome, a.k.a.