The Age of Universal React: What’s the Catch?

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Web and Mobile are getting closer and closer in the React ecosystem. With the launch of Expo Router and React Strict DOM in the last year, the message is clear: Web and mobile can no longer be separated. The React Core Team and community have been working silently in the background on this project, and there have been RFCs to bring Web APIs to Native, and make the RN event loop closer to the web.This is great for developers - suddenly React devs can “learn once, write once, and run anywhere”, and can target web, iOS, and Android (and even more) from a single codebase. You might be thinking: is this just a pipe dream, and will the reality live up to the expectation of “writing once” for every platform? In this talk, we’ll share our real-world experiences of building universal React apps from a single codebase. We’ll look at the libraries and tools, cover some of the real-world challenges, and share with you a <List /> of what you can and can’t share across different platforms.  

This talk has been presented at React Day Berlin 2024, check out the latest edition of this React Conference.


React Strict DOM is a Meta-initiated approach that emphasizes performance and accessibility by leveraging web APIs, aiming for platform agnostic development and bridging the gap between web and native.

The future includes advancements like React Strict DOM, which focuses on improving cross-platform performance and accessibility, along with efforts to align React Native with web standards.

React Native Web acts as a compatibility layer that translates React Native components to web-compatible HTML and CSS, enabling cross-platform development.

Frameworks like Expo and libraries like React Native Web, Expo Router, and universal UI libraries like Tamagoyi and Gluestack facilitate universal React development.

Universal React employs styling abstractions that convert inline styles to platform-compatible styles, allowing for consistent styling across web and native applications.

Challenges include maintaining performance across platforms, especially on the web due to large bundle sizes, and ensuring compatibility with non-core platforms like Windows.

Existing apps can leverage tools like Expo DOM and React Strict DOM, along with monorepo setups to abstract shared components, gradually introducing universal code without a complete rewrite.

Universal React allows developers to use a single codebase for multiple platforms, reducing the need for separate teams per platform, saving costs, and enabling small teams to compete with large industry players.

Universal React refers to cross-platform apps using React and React Native, encapsulating the principle 'learn once, write once, run anywhere.' It enables building apps for multiple platforms with a single codebase.

Universal React combines React and React Native to target multiple platforms from a single codebase. It maintains native experiences across platforms, unlike web view apps, and allows for code sharing and reuse.

Mo Khazali
Mo Khazali
Anisha Malde
Anisha Malde
30 min
13 Dec, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
We're going to talk about the age of universal React, the next paradigm shift of React. Universal React is cross-platform and follows the principle of learn once, write once, and run anywhere. React Native is born as a declarative way to build iOS and Android apps. React Native components and APIs are implemented in an interoperable way with React DOM, powering a large part of Twitter's web platform. Code sharing in a universal React app maximizes code reuse, reduces duplication, and allows platform optimization. React Native for Web is the compatibility layer that enables universal development, handling translations between React Native and React Dom. Expo is the framework of choice for React Native, with Expo Router V3 completing the universal story. Challenges in achieving parity with React Native Core due to specific platform implementations. React Strict DOM prioritizes web, bringing web APIs to React Native. Taking a universal React approach can improve performance across platforms. React Native Web and React Strict DOM prioritize performance and accessibility.

1. Introduction to Universal React

Short description:

We're going to talk about the age of universal React, the next paradigm shift of React. Mo and I met at conferences and decided to join efforts. I started as a web developer and transitioned to React Native. Now I'm a React Native developer advocate at Amazon App Store, and universal React helps us navigate the fragmented world of devices.

Folks, thank you so much for coming here. We're both incredibly excited to be with you. We're going to be talking about the age of universal React, which we think is this next paradigm shift of React. And we're incredibly excited to talk about it. We're going to be looking at the good, the bad, the ugly, and hopefully a little bit into the future.

As Antonio mentioned, my name is Mo. I head the mobile team at Theodo. I've always loved building apps. I built my first app when I was 13. So I started with native iOS, transitioned into the web world with React, and then went back to native with React Native. So I think universal React kind of encapsulates all of the things that I've done in my journey and I'm super excited for it.

Yeah, so Mo and I actually met at the many conferences we've been to and spoken at over the last few years. And we realized we were both talking about, like, very adjacent topics. Mo was talking about sharing code between React and React Native. I was talking about building for multiple devices. And so we decided, let's just join efforts and talk about universal React. Unlike Mo, I don't know what I was doing when I was 13, probably playing, I don't know, Pokemon or something. But I did start as a web developer eight years ago and I was a React developer. And then I transitioned to React Native. And I'm currently a React Native developer advocate at Amazon App Store, which is the app store that runs on our devices. So the types of apps that I work with run on phones, tablets, auto, web, TV. And universal React helps me and our developers navigate that fragmented world of all the devices that we have to target.

2. Exploring Universal React

Short description:

Universal React is cross-platform and follows the principle of learn once, write once, and run anywhere. It levels the playing field for small teams and indie developers. BlueSky is an example of a small team taking on big competitors using universal React. It starts with a single code base and provides truly native experiences for each platform. This approach allows web developers to use familiar technologies without learning new ones and saves costs by targeting multiple platforms with one code base.

So the first question on everyone's minds must be, what is universal React? So universal React are cross-platform React and React Native apps. In my opinion, what it means is a principle of learn once, write once, and run anywhere. And that's my answer. But a month ago at React Native London, Mo asked a panel of us that question. So I want to throw it back to you, Mo. What does it mean to you? Because to me, it's learn once, write once, run anywhere. But what about you?

I'm going to take a slightly different facet to this because I want to talk about what this gives us the potential to have. I think the power of universal apps is that it levels the playing field for small teams and indie developers to really take on the existing big behemoths that are there in the industry. A prime example of this is BlueSky. How many of you have heard of BlueSky recently? Exactly, right? So BlueSky is a small team of four or five developers who are taking on X, Twitter, whatever it's called these days, and they're taking on some of the richest people in the world to build their own social media, which I think is incredibly powerful. And really, the backbone of this is universal React, which is really cool. And so at its core, it starts with a single code base. You use one code base to target multiple platforms, be it web, mobile, TV, AR, VR. Really, the world is your oyster. And it uses React and the web principles that we're all familiar with and puts those into native technologies. But it does it in a way where it doesn't compromise the nativeness of each of those platforms. So these aren't some sort of shitty web view apps that you're used to that don't really feel like a native app. They're truly native experiences for each of the platforms that you're targeting. And what this means in principle is that you, as probably a group of mainly web developers, can use that familiar web technology, JavaScript, CSS styling, my favorite storybook, for app development, TV development, VR development, without picking up new technologies and languages. And the added benefit of this is it helps you target that complex fragmentation of the device landscape. You don't need a team per platform or per device. And this helps you save costs in rebuilding the same thing multiple times, which means more money for feature development, for improving the actual product, and really for keeping your PMs happy.

So, Mo, you said you developed apps since you were 13. Was that 10, 20, 30 years ago? Why don't you give us a bit of a history lesson? Look, I know I'm losing my hair and everything, but you don't have to make me feel like a grandpa hair. I thought you should color it. All right. Okay. That's my stuff. Unfortunately, the color doesn't apply to bald, but here we are. So history lesson.

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