Hello everyone, welcome to my talk, the anatomy of Webpack a deep dive into its architecture. So a little bit about me that I'm a front end engineer at Razorpay and I love open source. I've been involved in open source for almost three years and I've been helping in the maintenance and development of ESLint and Webpack ecosystems. I'm also a big fan of animes particularly One Piece and you can find me on internet as at snitin315.
So let's dive into our talk. So let's start with what is Webpack. So as we all know that Webpack is a module bundler. Another way of explaining Webpack is like it lets you write modules that works in the browser. So what does that mean is we write stuff that is nice for us to write and then Webpack takes all that code and converts into stuff that is nice for browsers to read. So what does that mean? So nice for you to write means easy for developers to read, can be separated into multiple files, multiple repositories. Might be in a language that browsers can't understand, ES6, TypeScript, etc. What would be nice for browsers to read would be ES5, frequent requests, smaller responses.
So how do we use Webpack? So you can use Webpack via configuration. You can define a configuration object with entry and output. And you can also use Webpack via its command line interface. You can just, on CLI, you can just pass Webpack, hyphen, hyphen entry, part to your entry file and then hyphen, hyphen output, hyphen file name, the file name of your bundle. You can also use Webpack server command which will spin up a local development server for you. Or you can directly use the Node API and you can just require Webpack from your Node modules and pass two arguments. First argument is the configuration objects, second is a callback.
So let's see the broad overview of how things work for Webpack over the hood. So we start with a Webpack configuration file. This is where you specify how Webpack should behave when it runs, including options such as entry points, output, directory, plugins, loaders, everything, optimizations, then Webpack read your entry files. And these are the files that Webpack uses to start building your dependency graph. Webpack will analyze the code in these files and follow any dependencies it finds to other files in your applications. Then it creates the dependency graph, which is nothing but just analyzes which module is mapped to another module. Relationships, basically relationships between each modules. Then it applies the loaders and transforms. So Webpack uses loaders to transform the code into each module. For example, there is a non-javascript file which you want to parse through Webpack. You will have to use a loader.