Or, I think it should be done better, but I'll be happy to get an explanation why you did it. Because probably if you did it, you did something right. Maybe even in the end I'll not accept with it, but this is why we, as people, speaking each other. And we want to think in team over individual. Do not think on someone of the team that is like doing the work alone and we need to affect them in a way. We are a team, we are working together. We are all responsible for our software. And we want to encourage collaboration over competition. We are not compete each other, we are team members that should together do the best and just create a better software.
And we want to avoid the nitpicking. If I'm seeing a nitpicking ward in a code review, that means someone just trying to waste my time. I don't care about nitpicking, you could create a conversation about your nitpicking and then I can answer and maybe I'll agree with you at the end. And also let's keep it simple. One of the thing that I'm seeing in code reviews and you can even see it in a large open source project is that people trying to complex, people trying to make the message complex, people trying to make the code review complex. Let's be a mensch when we do a code review, let's be a better people.
And also we want to treat the code review as product feature, mean we want to put them into analysis. When we do retrospective for our sprint and look why a task took so long, let's see also how long the code review was stuck in a review phase. It's easy to get it from GitHub API and this is actually very important metrics. If we can see a pattern on code review that stuck again and again, maybe that say that we don't have enough expertise on the team, maybe that mean some people should do other task. We could use the insight and the metrics that we get from, let's say GitHub code review tools and get a better product for them. And last but not the least is manage priorities. There are tools today that could help you manage the priority of code review. So as I mentioned, for example, GitStream is looking on code review themselves and see if this is a code review is something that actually should be prioritized for stack other tasks or just could go to the automatic CI, CD and go to production. Sometime yes, sometime without human eyes, human eyes, as we said, is important, but we need to use them wisely. I'm pretty sure that you have also best practices for your code review. But let's remember, we are building our software. We are crafting the new stack of code review. See for yourself, find what is your stack for code review? Build your best practices, made a better product and happier developer.