Yeah. RNX kit, it's amazing. I really would like to invite everyone to check it out, especially if you'd like to upgrade your React Native application, you should do so.
I do have one more question. What's your advice for open source newcomers? Or, yeah, because you are the best person to ask, if you can give us, like, I'm a newcomer to the open source community, what I should do first and what do you think it's, what's your advice here? Yeah, I mean, I think open source can really feel like a massive thing, and React Native repo, the repository in particular, is so massive that people can get scared off quite easily. My suggestion is, like, find a small project that you use, like, let's say a library, a React Native library, that you use, but it's, like, let's say has less than 100 stars, like, something small, and try to establish a direct communication with the maintainer. Like, be like, hey, I would like to learn open source, I would like to help out with this library, and, you know, usually what happens, especially with these smaller libraries, is that the person is really able to, you know, walk you through and give you some understanding of, like, what's needed and how you do, you know, contributions, and also, like, the other half of this is every contribution is a good contribution. Like, it's not like, oh, I submitted, I fixed the typo, and that doesn't count, no, literally everything, that's how I started. There was that website that showed your first ever PR, and it was like, I fixed the typo in a ruby website or something, it's about getting started and learning how the tooling works, and then all of the things will happen over time, just don't rush it.
Okay, that's great, and as a follow-up question to this, I mean, let's assume that you know how to get started with open source, you have contributed a little or quite a lot, how to deal with the stress in open source, and yeah, maybe the imposter syndrome, but the stress in general. Oh, yeah. Doing open source can be really stressful, like, I'm kind of like, in the one percent of people that, like, whenever I click release, I don't want to think about the download numbers because if not, I'm never going to release anything. But like, it's hard. You need to establish healthy boundaries, and like, don't get sucked into the actual culture of like, oh, I need to do it every day, I need to be immediately responding to every issue, like, it's fine, it can wait. Like, unless you're working on, for some reason, an open source project that like, keeps an hospital alive, it's fine. If it takes one week too long, it's okay. Like, it, you know, it's a lot about creating boundaries, I think. Speaking about hospitals, just a side parenthesis here. We do have a talk on Monday about public toilets in the UK, so definitely you should check it out, which is open source, by the way. It's, yeah.
So, thank you so much, Lorenzo, we unfortunately ran out of time. If you'd like to ask any question, just find him out. Actually we have one, okay. What are the opportunities coming from the new architecture that you're the most excited about? Oh, okay, yeah. I'll try to be brief, because we are out of time. But I think the new architecture especially opens the door for optimizations that normally with native code are not achievable. So I can foresee a future where some React native based apps and components are actually faster than their native counterparts. That's technically possible so I'm just looking forward to see that happen in the future. That's great, yeah. Thank you so much and once again, just give a round of applause to Lorenzo.