Start playing around. At the end, I'll show some resources, but beware, some of the stuff is new.
Now, because I've got a minute and we're talking about CSS and stuff, I feel weirdly obligated to mention my opinions on here. I have them. So, these are just my opinions. Please don't think of me as like the thought police, or trying to be the thought police or whatever. This is just my perspective.
Personally, I think basically all, not all, but most small or larger than small projects should probably use a design system. At the very least, try to separate tokens out from your app logic. It'll save you a lot of time if you use your brand variables, your colors at the very least, instead of defining raw values in line. If you ever have to change them, it's a lot easier.
I also think that all three major systems I showed, using CSS on its own, tailwind, style systems, CSS and JS in general, they each have their strengths and weaknesses. It's really hard to make a claim that any are universally good or bad. Because, honestly, we're all still iterating. We're all getting better. What's considered great today is going to be considered probably mediocre at best in 10 years. So, if you see someone make a statement that tailwind bad or Chakra good or whatever, I would recommend if you don't know or at least believe it to be true, or more specifically if you haven't put in good faith effort to validate that it's true, please don't amplify the opinion.
Again, this is just my perspective online discourse. But things like tailwind bad, tailwind the only acceptable choice, real devs, insert thing here, I don't like this. I think it's a little shallow. I would personally lean towards nuanced opinions. Like I prefer thing over or under other thing for reasons. There are advantages and disadvantages always. Those are just my opinions. So let's close out. Let's have some thoughts. I have nice links on these slides here which are also linked on my website to vanilla extracts docs, the wayfare docs for rainbow sprinkles. I got code examples for all the code slides I showed. And also gamut is Codecademy's design system that uses a lot of the glamour or vanilla extract style features. Which I'm really excited about. So if you want to talk to me about open source again, I'm always happy to chat. So thanks, y'all.