i18n Was the Missing Piece: Let 70%+ of the Users in the World to Access Your Apps

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Accessibility, better DX, and performance get a lot of attention as it improves better UX significantly. Plus, it gives satisfaction to devs by seeing the significant improvements. But how about internationalization? A fun fact: Over 70% of the users in the world access non-English content. In this talk, I'll show you more surprising facts about internationalization and what are scalable approaches. You'll see examples with libraries for frameworks with a few different logic to implement different internationalization layouts.

This talk has been presented at JSNation 2023, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


The speaker of the talk is Erys Erczeki, a Deferral engineer working at Storyblock.

The three takeaways from the talk are: the impact of I18n on developers, the fundamental logic of I18n, and how I18n works with Remix.

The intended audience for this talk is developers who implement internationalization.

The three ways to determine languages and regions mentioned are: detecting location from the IP address, respecting users' browser settings, and identifying languages in the URL.

Remix I18next is an npm package for Remix that facilitates the use of I18next for internationalization.

Translation should be loaded before hydration to ensure that users can see the localized content immediately when the application becomes interactive.

The two general approaches to internationalization mentioned are using an npm package like I18next and using a content management system (CMS).

One challenge mentioned is that developers need to maintain the translation files, ensuring they are up-to-date and correct.

Localized subdirectories in URLs provide a cleaner and more user-friendly way to differentiate languages and regions.

The main topic of the talk is the impact of internationalization (I18n) on making applications accessible to over 70% of users worldwide.

Arisa Fukuzaki
Arisa Fukuzaki
13 min
05 Jun, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
Today's Talk explores the impact of I18n and DEX for developers, the challenges of I18n, and the importance of understanding different approaches. It discusses determining languages and regions using IP address, browser settings, and URL patterns. The Talk also covers translation loading, using the i18xProvider, and addressing issues such as URL parameters and maintaining translation files. Additionally, it explores connecting with a Content Management System, implementing folder level translation, and utilizing code splats for dynamic routes.

1. Introduction to I18n and its Impact

Short description:

Today, we're going to see how I18n makes applications accessible to over 70% of users. We'll explore the impact of I18n and DEX for developers, the fundamental logic, and how it works with Remix. Internationalization (I18n) has its challenges, including a relearning cost and mismatched localized text and I18n keys. However, the numbers speak for themselves. With 5.07 billion Internet users and English accounting for only 25.9%, understanding different approaches to I18n will improve your current DX.

Hi, everyone. Thank you for watching my talk. My name is Erys Erczeki. I'm a Deferral engineer working at Storyblock. Today, we're going to see together how I18n gives the impact and making your applications accessible to over 70% of the users in the world.

Moving on to the next slide. And here are the three takeaways from my talk. First of all, we're going to see the impact of the I18n as well as the DEX for the developers. And we're going to see the fundamental logic. Lastly, we're going to see how it works with Remix.

There are a couple of notes. So this talk is first of all for the developers who implement internationalization. Secondly, Remix and I18n feature on going discussions. If you're interested to join the discussions, here's the link. And I'm going to make sure to share my slides on the social media. So you will have access to all the sources I'm going to share.

So internationalization. I18n is first of all an acronym of internationalization. And let's see some of the I18n developer experience. So here's my friend, Maya. She shared with me her experience on Twitter saying that there is a relearning cost how to use the internationalization library every single time. And there is also another issue I would say that localized text versus the I18n keys, you know, in the test, they're not matching. So from her opinion or not just her, but based on that, seems it's not the best DX. So based on, you know, like the current I18n DX you have, let's talk about the numbers and facts.

So starting from the whole entire numbers of the users in the world, actually, it's 5.07 billions of the users using the Internet. And surprisingly, English is used only 25.9% on the Internet. And Asia leads more than half of the global Internet users. So all the numbers are huge, right? And we cannot simply ignore about these, you know, massive numbers. And by knowing the different approaches with more options will actually solve the your current I18nDX. So let's talk about fundamental logic.

2. Determining Languages and Framework Examples

Short description:

There are three ways to determine languages and regions: IP address, browser settings, and URL patterns. The Remix I18next example uses an npm package, while the content management system approach combines different systems. I18next configuration files define supported languages, fallback language, and namespaces. The client and server side configuration files ensure translations are loaded before hydration.

There are three ways to determine the languages and the regions. First of all, there is the way to detect the location from the IP address, which we are not going to cover in this talk. But secondly, here is the example of respecting users, you know, like configured in their browser setting, you know, like which languages to choose. And lastly, there is a way to identify in the URL. And I'm going to show you the three patterns to identify URLs.

So pattern one is differentiating, you know, by domains, but it will not follow the same origin policy. The pattern two is using the URL parameters, but it doesn't look user friendly, right? And the last pattern is localized sub directories. This looks much cleaner and much more user friendly.

So moving on to the framework examples, there are in general two approaches to choose. So the first approach would be like using an npm package that is, you know, related with I18next. And the other approach is with a combination of the content management system. So this talk is about the Remix, so I'm going to show you the Remix I18next example first. And moving on to show you the content management system example.

So Remix I18next is an npm package for Remix to use the I18next. So first step would be creating the translation files. In this case, I have a default language in English saying greeting hello and translated, you know, like the translation file greeting says hello in Japanese, and let's create I18next configuration file. So in here, what I'm defining is supported languages, fallback language and the default namespace. This namespace common is actually what I gave the names into these translation file. Moving on to, you know, like the other file called I18nextserver.js file. So in here what I'm doing is importing what we configured in I18next config file, and you know, like from the previous file, what we configured, the values are actually arrays in the strings. So we iterate them from the configuration file from the previous slide. And the rest we are setting the translation file path. So next up is creating the client side and the server side configuration files. From the time I have, I'm going to focus on the client side, but don't worry about it, server side, you know, config files looks pretty much the same and a few differences. So entry.client.jsx file. What I want you to pay attention to is with the orange highlighted, you know, line of the code, which is an API called i18xProvider. So with this, by using this API, we want to ensure the translations are loaded before the hydration happens. And we're going to see why together in one of the following slides. And next up, you know, we wrap the remix browser component in between i18xProvider component. So we're also going to see the reasons in one of the following slides.

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