#js runtimes

JavaScript runtimes are environments in which JavaScript code is executed. They provide an interface for developers to write code and interact with the underlying operating system, allowing them to create dynamic webpages and applications. The most popular JavaScript runtime is the browser, but there are also server-side runtimes such as Node.js and Deno.js, which allow developers to write server-side code in JavaScript.
Build Peer-to-Peer Applications with Pear Runtime
JSNation 2024JSNation 2024
152 min
Build Peer-to-Peer Applications with Pear Runtime
David Mark Clements
David Mark Clements
Learn how to rapidly build peer-to-peer applications with Pear Runtime. No servers required. Understand peer-to-peer paradigms and construct applications from well-defined building blocks. This workshop will cover how to create both Desktop and Terminal applications (with discussion for Mobile) that work entirely peer-to-peer from anywhere in the world. By the end of this workshop you should know how to build a new type of highly scalable application with entirely reduced infrastructural costs (~0) along with suitable architectures and best practices for peer-to-peer applications. From the creator of Pear Runtime and the company that brings us keet.io. Table of content:- Introducing Pear- Initial Q & A- Getting Setup- Creating a Pear Desktop Application- Sharing a Pear Application- Running a Pear Application- Creating a Pear Terminal Application- Releasing a Pear Application- Architectural Discussions- Wrap-up Q & A