Zen and the Art of UI Components Testing

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Yes, we do need to test our UI components but... If this rings a bell, and especially if your application has advanced UI functionality, this talk is for you.In this talk, we will cover what are the factors that need to be tested in UI components. We will challenge the testing pyramid when it comes to UI Components testing, and review the different tools that we have nowadays for making UI component testing complete Zen.

This talk has been presented at TestJS Summit 2023, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


The original test automation pyramid, introduced in 1990, consists of three levels: Unit, Service, and UI. It places UI tests at the top of the pyramid.

The test automation pyramid has evolved to include three levels: Unit tests, Integration tests, and End-to-End tests. End-to-End tests are often considered synonymous with UI tests.

The principles of UI component testing include isolating components, testing them in a real browser, and ensuring efficient execution of tests.

Tools recommended for UI component testing include Storybook for isolating and showcasing components, and Playwright for browser automation and running tests.

Testing in a real browser is important for UI components because it ensures that the components are rendered correctly, CSS is applied properly, and interactions like gestures and animations function as expected.

Using fake DOMs, such as Jest or HappyDOM, can lead to challenges like not rendering components accurately and missing out on real browser interactions. This can result in a guessing game when testing advanced UI components.

Modern tools like Playwright and Puppeteer use out-of-process browser automation, which allows full access to browser APIs, parallel test execution, and real interactions, making UI component testing more efficient and accurate.

Storybook allows developers to build, render, and test UI components in isolation. It provides a visual interface to ensure components function correctly and can be easily integrated into larger applications.

Playwright enhances the testing process by providing browser automation, parallel execution, and advanced debugging and tracing capabilities. It ensures tests are stable and can be run efficiently on CI/CD pipelines.

End-to-end testing focuses on testing complete user flows with a real backend server, often covering happy paths. Component testing, on the other hand, isolates components, mocks the backend, and focuses on variations and edge cases.

Tally Barak
Tally Barak
21 min
11 Dec, 2023


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Video Summary and Transcription
The Talk discusses the evolution of test automation from the original test automation pyramid to the testing pyramid. It explores modern approaches to UI component testing, including isolations and testing with a fake DOM. The importance of testing in a real browser and the emergence of tools like Selenium, WebDriver.io, Puppeteer, Cypress, and PlayWrite for browser automation are highlighted. The advantages of out-of-process browser automation are explained, along with the use of Storybook and Playwright for testing components. The distinction between end-to-end testing and component testing is also mentioned.

1. Introduction to Test Automation Pyramid

Short description:

In 1990, testing was not taught in programming boot camps. A book published by Mycom introduced the original test automation pyramid with three levels: unit, service, and UI. Over time, it evolved into the testing pyramid, with unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests.

A short walk down memory lane. This is me. Here I just graduated my programming boot which was in the Israeli Army, the Mammran boot camp. We learned a lot of things. The one thing we did not learn is testing. And this is because the year is 1990. And this is the very same year that this book was published by Mycom. And it's talking about succeeding with Agile. And if you dive into this book, you would find this diagram. This is the original test automation pyramid. It talks about three levels. Unit, service, and UI. And you notice that the UI is at the top. Later on, this is evolved into the testing pyramid, which we all know. And the name changed. We still talk about unit test. But we also talk about integration. And the UI test has become end to end test. And this is actually true, because this is what happened for many years. We would see end to end test as a synonym for UI tests.

2. Modern Approaches to UI Component Testing

Short description:

I want to talk about modern approaches to UI component testing. The first principle is isolations. Components let you split the UI into independent and reusable pieces. You can think about each piece in isolation, build it in isolation, and test it in isolation.

My name is Tali Barak. I work for a company called Ubiq. And I want to talk about modern approaches to UI component testing, and I call this talk Zen and the Art of UI Component Testing. And soon, we will see what is the Zen and how we can achieve it.

And the first thing, the first principle, is I want to talk about isolations. This is a page, what a web page, a web application looked like back in the 1990s. As you can see, it is quite simple and it is just one page. But then, later on, and we're talking here about 2015, sort of like, we started working in a complete different way when building our web application. We started talking about components.

This is AngularJS, as I said, in December 2015. They are talking about understanding components when you develop an Angular application. And this is from June 2016. This is the actual commit that was made into the React readme. And it started talking also about what it means to be component based. It talks about building encapsulated components that manage their own state and then compose them into more complex UIs. And we still look at components as sort of lego bricks. You have a separate component exhibit. Each one with its own functionality and then you go and you build them into larger UI such as ships, houses, or even a search engine rack server that was built from lego.

Today when we talk about the modern framework for building UI such as Angular React, Vue, Solid, Svelte, etc., they are all built on the principle of component-based. And this is what components let you do. They let you to split the UI into independent and reusable pieces and you can think about each piece in isolation. And when you say think, it's not just about thinking, it's also about building it in isolation and testing it in isolation. In this example here, we can see this is a CodeWe app, a demo app that is built in multiple languages and frameworks. You can just find almost any framework you would like. And you can see here that it is actually using the same component of an article preview both on the global feed and on the MyPost. And this actually implies that if I want to test the functionality of this component, I don't need to go to the specific page of the global feed as I would do in end-to-end test or to login and go into MyPost as I would do in the MyPost page. I can actually isolate this component, put it on separately. And such as we see here, this is the same component, but the page only shows this component. This is using Storybook. Storybook is a great tool for demoing and showing and showcasing components in isolation.

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