Fire-side chat on Remix

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The speaker's favorite feature of Remix is its modular design which supports multiple rendering frameworks and allows apps to run on any runtime, provided it's built on web standards.

Being part of Shopify allows Remix to leverage Shopify's large-scale e-commerce platforms to test and refine features, gather extensive feedback, and enhance the resilience and effectiveness of its design and functionality.

Yes, Remix remains an open source project even after joining Shopify. The team is focusing more on the open source aspect and has implemented an open RFC (Request for Comments) process to involve the community in feature development and discussions.

Hydrogen is expected to provide valuable feedback and insights to the Remix team, influencing future developments. However, Remix will maintain its separate identity and continue to support Hydrogen by helping ship solid products for its users.

Some anticipated features include the ability to send promises in responses from loaders and actions, which can be resolved in components, and enhanced support for styling solutions like CSS modules and vanilla extract without a first-step compiler pass.

The roadmap for Remix version 2 includes changes to the route meta API and other features that allow users to opt into new updates before the official release, providing a smoother transition and incremental upgrade path.

Yes, the development of a framework-agnostic version of Remix is underway, facilitated by the re-architecture of React Router in version 6.4 which separates the core logic from React-specific elements. This enables potential future support for other frameworks like Vue, Svelte, and Angular.

The Remix team is in regular communication with the React team, providing feedback on the design and implementation of server components. While Remix has a different approach to some goals, they are open to integrating advancements from server components in the future.

Chance Strickland
Chance Strickland
28 min
18 Nov, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription
Remix is an open-source project with a modular design and excellent mutation story. It benefits from being part of Shopify and has an open RFC process for feature requests. Remix is influenced by the Hydrogen team and plans to work closely with them. Exciting features include the ability to send promises in responses and support for styling solutions. Remix version 2 will have a roadmap and be framework agnostic. Collaboration with React on server components is important. Livestreams and community discussions are encouraged. The design philosophy focuses on web standards and simplifying code. Remix prioritizes server-side first but also considers static generation. Overall, Remix simplifies code and removes complexity.
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1. Introduction to Remix and its Benefits

Short description:

We're all doing good. Thank you so much for joining us for this fireside chat. One of my favorite things about Remix is the modular design. The ability to ship your app on any run time is a really awesome feature. The mutation story in Remix is excellent. The biggest benefit for Remix being part of Shopify is the ability to dog food design questions and ideas through Shopify's large e-commerce sites. We are still very much an open source project and are leaning into the open-source story of Remix. We've instituted an open RFC process for feature requests and discussions.

All right, hey Chance, how are you? Hey, Brittany, doing well. How are you? How are you, Paul? Hey, great to see you. Awesome. We're all doing good. Thank you so much for joining us for this fireside chat.

We've been asking all of our speakers, I know you don't have a talk but I want to ask you too, we asked the audience in the beginning, what is their favorite Remix feature. So what is your favorite Remix feature? Oh, and that's – how do you answer that question when you, like, work on the whole thing? Say all the things.

All the things, yeah. No, seriously, though, I think one of my favorite – I don't know if you'd call that feature, but my favorite things about Remix is just sort of the modular design that we sort of started on. We – the way it's designed, I think, is really – it's really helpful in some of our longer-term goals of being – supporting multiple rendering frameworks. And our current goals of supporting any run time, right? You can sort of tear it down into parts, different levels of abstraction and ship anywhere, which I think is great. Yeah, I guess just the ability to ship your app on any run time is a really awesome feature. You don't have to worry too much about us not supporting your run time because we're built on web standards, right? As long as your run time is built on web standards, you can ship Remix, right? And I just really love that. As far as individual features, I have to say, like, the mutation story in Remix is excellent, like being able to grab data from your actions immediately after using interactions without actually having to manage any of that state internally. I think it's just a superpower. I really enjoy working with those. Yeah, that's a great answer. Yeah, that's awesome.

My first question would be what would you say the biggest benefit for Remix is now that is part of Shopify? Yeah, no, that's a great question. And it's one that I think we were all asking ourselves internally at the very beginning of the process. And now that we've had some time to let it shake out, I'm very excited about it. I think it's going to be a huge deal for us to be able to sort of dog food some of our design questions and our early thoughts and ideas and features. To be able to dog food that through Shopify, which manages some of the largest e-commerce sites in the world, that's going to be invaluable data for us, and really is going to help us make a lot of our features and future intentions and our future designs are going to be that much more resilient and bulletproof because we're going to be able to test those things internally through Shopify and get lots and lots of feedback before we have to worry about going public with these things. Now, we still are very much an open source project. In fact, I think one of our biggest goals since joining Shopify is to lean into the open source side of things a lot more than we may have in the past. And so, we've recently instituted an open RFC process where folks can go into the Remix repo and submit RFCs, submit feature requests that go through a process and we debate those internally. And that's true of all of our internal discussions as well. Any features that we want to introduce in Remix, even internally, we are now enforcing this RFC process and it's done all in the open. So just because we are a part of Shopify, we really are still leaning into the open-source story of Remix. And I think it's going to be really cool to be able to get the feedback and the high amount of production usage from the Shopify team, but also being able to develop in open and public, I think it's still really, really important to us.

2. Influence of Hydrogen on Remix

Short description:

Absolutely. That's amazing that they're going to allow you to still work in the open and have that community feel that we've come to know about Remix and be able to contribute back to it. Our intention is to work very closely with the Hydrogen team to help them ship really, really solid products for their users. That feedback loop is highly valuable and it's certainly going to influence us in the long term. We're just such a naturally good fit for what they're doing already.

Absolutely. That's amazing that they're going to allow you to still work in the open and have that community feel that we've come to know about Remix and be able to contribute back to it. Do you think that Hydrogen is going to influence any of the Remix features now that you're kind of working alongside of it? Yeah, I think absolutely. In terms of just, again, the ability for that team to be able to provide insight and to provide feedback to us, I think that in of itself is highly valuable. And certainly will influence us. But to the degree that we become a Hydrogen or Shopify product, that's not in our cards. That's not the plan. That was never part of the story. And it's not how we're going forward with this. We are still very much Remix. We are what we were when we started and joined Shopify. And they invested in us because they believe in that vision. And they believe that Hydrogen is going to benefit from Remix, just like Remix is going to benefit from the usage in Hydrogen. So our intention is to work very closely with the Hydrogen team to help them ship really, really solid products for their users. And we are still very much a separate layer from that. But yeah, that feedback loop is highly valuable and that it's certainly going to influence us in the long term. But I think we're just such a naturally good fit for what they're doing already. So it's really just like a really great matchup in my mind.

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