How to Secure Your Node.js Containers on Kubernetes With Best Practices

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Learn security best practices for Kubernetes and especially for securing applications built with NodeJS running on Kubernetes. We will talk about securing the cluster, your Node.js containers, and more. We will also look at how to use OIDC to secure access to the clusters.

This talk has been presented at DevOps.js Conf 2022, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) is a widely used security mechanism in Kubernetes that allows defining different permissions based on user roles within an organization. It helps in implementing security policies that closely match an organization's structure and is most effective in medium to large organizations.

OpenID Connect (OIDC) is a secure and scalable authentication protocol that provides a single sign-on solution for Kubernetes cluster access. It simplifies onboarding and off-boarding processes by allowing user management through the OIDC provider, eliminating the need to manage sensitive data like passwords directly in the cluster.

Secrets in Kubernetes are used to manage and store sensitive information such as passwords, tokens, and keys securely. They can be mounted as data volumes or exposed as environment variables within containers, ensuring that sensitive data is handled securely and is not exposed in plaintext.

Regularly updating Kubernetes helps in addressing bugs, security vulnerabilities, and ensuring compatibility with the latest features. Staying current with updates is crucial to maintaining the security and efficiency of the cluster, especially to protect against known vulnerabilities and exploits.

Isolating workloads into different namespaces aids in managing permissions and access control more effectively. It allows for finer-grained security policies and limits the potential impact of security breaches, as compromised resources in one namespace won't affect others.

Using minimal and up-to-date base images reduces the attack surface by eliminating unnecessary packages and vulnerabilities. This practice also ensures that containers are lightweight and only contain essential functionalities, which enhances both security and performance.

Monitoring and auditing provide visibility into the activities and health of the Kubernetes cluster. They help in detecting abnormal behaviors or potential security breaches early, allowing for quick mitigation actions and ensuring compliance with security policies.

Deepu K Sasidharan
Deepu K Sasidharan
34 min
24 Mar, 2022


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Video Summary and Transcription
Today's talk is about securing Kubernetes containers, especially for Node.js. The best practices for securing Kubernetes include using RBAC, OIDC, and secrets, as well as isolating workloads and securing container images. OADC is recommended for authentication in Kubernetes, and securing the Kubernetes cluster is crucial. Cloud-based Kubernetes clusters can utilize OADC or the default authentication mechanism provided by the cloud provider. Managing team size and dealing with different security philosophies are important considerations. Overall, securing Kubernetes is essential for protecting the infrastructure and data.

1. Introduction to Kubernetes Security

Short description:

Today's talk is about securing Kubernetes containers, especially for Node.js. Regardless of how you run your Kubernetes clusters, you need to ensure their security. Introductions: I'm Deepu K. Sashidharan, co-lead of jHipster, creator of kdash, and a developer advocate at Okta. Follow me on Twitter and check out my blog and book about jHipster.

Hello everyone. Welcome to my talk. Today I'm going to talk about securing your Kubernetes containers, especially for Node.js. If you're a DevOps engineer, there's a good chance that you're maintaining either an on-prem Kubernetes cluster or a PaaS like EKS, AKS or GKE. But regardless of how you run your Kubernetes clusters, you need to make sure that they are secure.

But first, introductions. My name is Deepu K. Sashidharan. I'm the co-lead of jHipster. I also created a nifty dashboard called kdash for Kubernetes. I'm an open-source aficionado, a Polyglot developer and a Java champion. I work as a developer advocate at Okta with a focus on DevOps. I also write frequently about languages and tech on my blog. You can find it on Please do follow me on Twitter if you are interested in my content. I have written a book about jHipster. If you like this talk, you might like the book as well. So please do check it out.

2. Understanding Kubernetes Security

Short description:

Before we talk about securing Kubernetes or before we talk about security best practices in Kubernetes, it is important for us to have a basic understanding of Kubernetes security. Like any other complex piece of software, security in Kubernetes is multifold. TLS is used to ensure transport security and authentication and authorization can be done using multiple mechanisms in Kubernetes. Kubernetes comes with many security options out of the box, as we saw. But to bulletproof your infrastructure, you need to consider many more security best practices.

Before we talk about securing Kubernetes or before we talk about security best practices in Kubernetes, it is important for us to have a basic understanding of Kubernetes security. Like any other complex piece of software, security in Kubernetes is multifold. It can be broadly categorized into four layers. The transport security, authentication, authorization, and admission control.

TLS is used to ensure transport security and authentication and authorization can be done using multiple mechanisms in Kubernetes. There is also a possibility of adding custom admission control modules to add further policies and security in Kubernetes. So these are the things that are available out of the box in Kubernetes.

Kubernetes comes with many security options out of the box, as we saw. But to bulletproof your infrastructure, you need to consider many more security best practices. Today, we'll look into some of the vital security best practices. You can also find a similar blog for me in the link provided in this slide. So please do check that out if you want to read a bit more info about these.


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