Thanks so much for the intro. I'm Anson. I'm here today to tell you about JAS, my new framework for building apps around sync and secure collaborative data. Before I get into it, this is kind of the first time I'm talking about this publicly. So, if this is interesting to you guys, you could actually really help me out by checking out the homepage and joining the Discord, especially if you want to play around with JAS or have some questions. All feedback is just really helping me at this early stage.
Today, I'll talk about these things. Why did I start making JAS? What is it really? We'll have a look at a small demo app and do a detailed code walkthrough to give you a quick impression of what it feels like to build an app with JAS. If we have some time, we'll do a little bonus demo app and I'll talk some more about what's next for JAS.
So, why did I decide to start building JAS? I build a lot of apps and basically every time I'm like, hey, let's build an app, but then you have to worry about like all of this stuff, like choose a database, deploy it, how do you build the backend and especially if you want to do multiplayer in real time, it just adds more complexity. Suddenly you need message queues, web sockets, and I'm like, why is everything so difficult? And more interestingly, what if it didn't have to be? What if we could just kind of get rid of almost all of that and be left with only the things that really make our app, our app, right? Wouldn't that be nice? That's kind of the promise of JAS, sounds nice, right? And it gets even better. What if I told you that you also get cross-device sync, real-time multiplayer, automatic granular data fetching that you don't have to worry about, local and cloud persistence, offline support, and really fast UI for free? That sounds great, right? That's kind of roughly the dream that I had when I started with that, but how can we get there?
And I think to answer that question, it really helps. And that's what I started with, is to ask ourselves, how did we get into this mess in the first place? So really quick history, let's start from first principles. This is like kind of my mental model of a computer, right? And it turns out it's not my mental model of a computer, it's actually this guy's mental model, and he just willed it into existence, and that's what we have now. And it's pretty much unchanged since, except in the 60s and 70s, these guys added one box to it, which is the internet, and we're still kind of recovering from that. For the web itself, this guy was super influential. He basically saw this computer architecture and was like, hey, you know what, we should kind of build hypertext on that, and he created some of the first graphical user interfaces, but hypertext didn't really catch on until much later when this guy was like, research collaboration at CERN is kind of a mess, maybe we should build hypertext, and the problem with his implementation of hypertext, of course, is that it was good enough, and that's what we're stuck with now, that's the web. But later, in 95, this guy was like, hey, that's some nice hypertext you got there, how about we build a computer architecture on top of that? And also my boss gave me ten days to do so. And similarly, the problem with JavaScript was that it was good enough, so that's what we have now, right? So we're now in a situation where basically this is the most popular computer architecture, the JavaScript VM in the browser as we know it. But actually, there's nothing really wrong with that. The complexity is really inherent in the more generic model of the computer here because if we want to build an app, we have to worry about way too many of these boxes. Basically the reason we have all of these questions is because every time we want to build an app, we need to think about these arrows and shuffling data between the memory, the disk, the internet, other computers. That's where I think most of the complexity comes from. When I first heard about CRDTs, I got really excited because CRDTs promise an alternative model to that. I don't really have much time to explain CRDTs. There's a really good blog post called Data Laced with History. That's a very good mental model to think about CRDTs as well. So definitely check that out. A simple way of thinking about CRDTs that I like is, instead of trying so hard to put your data onto the internet and having that in different places, you basically put the internet into your data and your data is now aware that it exists in different places. Many people are editing it at once.