Learning To Learn : How To Web Dev The Right Way With Vue If You Are A Beginner

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It is not common that people trying to break in to web dev literally learn to start from HTML/CSS or "create xyz" workflows where 25 files pop up all of a sudden after you run one command and there's no way to comprehend what just happened. Learning should be crafted and tuned to one's way of learning else we are all just dogs pretending to be sheep in a horse stable(literally not absurd at all). We will explore how I went from oh marquee is cool(it still is,believe me) to being a person that could build web apps with people having web dev experience equal to my age. I'll share my learnings, findings, lessons, how to and especially what to learn and most importantly where do I start (the most common beginner question) and why mentorship is important.

We'll talk about (in no specific order)

- How and why(like really why) to start learning;

- Choosing the right speed and mentor;

- Choosing the right framework(welp, this is gonna turn heads) and why this matters and why it should be Vue;

- Struggles and lessons learned(Rome, built, one day sorts...);

- What you should know before you really decide now based on above experiences about getting into this wibbly wobbly web stuff.

This talk has been presented at Vue.js Live 2024, check out the latest edition of this JavaScript Conference.


The first suggestion for learning Vue is to understand the fundamentals, as they are core to grasping any framework or language.

Knowing JavaScript is crucial for understanding Vue because Vue is built on JavaScript. A familiarity with JavaScript's nuances will help in getting started with Vue.

Ashwin is a speaker at the conference who started as a beginner in Vue and has developed his skills with the help of his team.

Iteratively building on individual concepts helps in understanding how these concepts come together to create a functional app, making it easier to make decisions on which approaches to use in different situations.

Building something big as a starter project can lead to frustration due to the complexity of the framework. Starting small helps in understanding the basics and gradually building up knowledge.

Constantly switching frameworks can hinder long-term learning. It's better to focus on understanding one framework well, which can then help in transferring skills to other frameworks.

A good way to gain continuous knowledge in Vue is to repeatedly work on small problem statements and explore new tricks or components posted online.

Instead of focusing solely on industry standards, you should focus on the fundamentals of the framework, as these basics are crucial for understanding and working with any framework.

You should avoid starting with a large project. It's better to begin with simple problem statements to understand basic concepts before moving on to more complex applications.

A mentor can guide you through your Vue journey, helping you understand where you are in your learning stage and providing direction.

Ashwin Vinay Phadke
Ashwin Vinay Phadke
8 min
25 Apr, 2024


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Video Summary and Transcription
Knowing JavaScript is essential for getting started with Vue. Understanding the fundamentals of Vue and building on individual concepts will help you develop more complex applications. Don't fall into the trap of building something too big as a starter project. Focus on the fundamentals and don't be swayed by industry standards or tricks posted online. Find a mentor to guide your Vue journey.

1. Getting Started with Vue

Short description:

I'm Ashwin, a beginner in Vue who has learned from my team and wants to share my knowledge with others. Knowing JavaScript is essential for getting started with Vue. Understanding the fundamentals of Vue and building on individual concepts will help you develop more complex applications. Don't fall into the trap of building something too big as a starter project. Focus on the fundamentals and don't be swayed by industry standards or tricks posted online. Find a mentor to guide your Vue journey.

Hey, everyone. I'm Ashwin, and I'm really excited to be part of this conference. Something that I would have not imagined just a couple of years ago, because even then, like right now, I'm still, or was, still a beginner in Vue. And this is in part – the reason I'm here is really part of thanks to my team who helped me understand the Vue world, helped me understand the whole JavaScript framework world, and who helped me develop my skills and improve on them so that I could be here and tell other people who are like maybe at the same level as me, or maybe who are just beginning to help them understand how they can start developing their own Vue applications, or just getting to know the Vue framework in general.

So the first question that always comes to my mind is, do you need to know enough JS for you to know about the frameworks that were built on JS? This is definitely true. You need to know some sort of JS, obviously, to get started with Vue, having a familiarity with what the language is about, how the language works, and what the specific nuances are with the language will really help you in getting started with Vue. So I guess this is probably a no-brainer, but having a working understanding of JS would really help you in developing apps using Vue.

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