Video summary
Hi everyone, my name is Anselm and today I'd like to tell you about LocalThirst, a crazy new way to build apps. The traditional technologies are not made for the advanced features that users expect. Local first infrastructure simplifies the app development stack by allowing app-specific parts without a complex stack. Building apps with CRDTs enable real-time multiplayer, cross-device sync, offline support, and auto-merging of conflicts. Public key cryptography simplifies sharing, complex permissions, and enables end-to-end encryption. Local first frameworks like Jazz combine permissions, local first user identity, and cryptography. Managing schema changes in local first apps can be challenging but can be managed with patterns and caution. Backend workers in Local First work the same way as front-end workers, and Jazz allows precise access control for server workers. Jazz enables easy offline-first and local-first user experiences and is used for various apps like Invoice Rater, Learn Anything, and Succulent. Start building local-first apps with Jazz at