Hi, I'm Daniel Rowe, and I'm going to be talking about optimizing developer experience with Nuxt 3. Developer experience is a topic close to my heart and I think that's probably true for most of us here today. It matters a huge deal, doesn't it? The tools we use have the capacity to make our life painful or make it magical.
At the moment I'm speaking in my role as a member of the framework team for Nuxt itself which means I get to maintain and work on the framework alongside a huge community of people who contribute and make Nuxt possible. In my previous role though I was CTO for a tech startup. Our main product was built on Nuxt and so I've really encountered Nuxt from both angles both as a user being frustrated by issues trying to solve them and in fact contributing and fixing issues was my first way of contributing to the Nuxt community, but I also of course have now got the perspective of working on the the Nuxt team too and really I'm going to be thinking about developer experience from both perspectives today.
This is where I'm based. I'm in the northeast of the UK, it's already cold and crisp, it's definitely autumn and this is where I sit most days. I'll look across my desk and see my cat, one of my cats, I have three but that's Lily in the picture and I'll have a cup of coffee if it's in the morning or a cup of tea if it's the afternoon and this is where I like to be. I like to sit and code or chat, figure out problems and try and make things better. This is where I feel most in the zone.
So I have a question for you, when have you felt most productive, most in the zone, most in that flow state that we sometimes talk about as developers? Just take a moment call it a mind, see if you can freeze that moment in your head. It might have been that you were confronting a problem. You had some great idea that you were implementing. You'd been on a bug hunt for it seems like ages and you've found it at last. Maybe you've published a library and you're seeing the GitHub stars come in, or you've just seen your first PR merged. Whatever the reason, it feels like you are on top of the world.
So the more I've thought about my own moments of being in the zone or talk to others who have had the same experience. I think there are a lot of things that go into them and it's a hugely complex topic. Obviously we want to replicate it. It's addictive. It's a wonderful moment in time and it depends on lots of things going on. Everything from your own personal well-being, to how much sleep you've had, how much caffeine you've ingested, to whether people are treating you well or fairly, whether they are giving you the value that you deserve, how you feel about yourself.
But there are some common factors I think when it comes to thinking about the tooling that we use which is particularly of course the topic that I'm thinking about today ways in which the tooling we use can promote that in the zone moment, can promote our developer experience and I think it's particularly around these two axes. So on the one hand constraint things that are holding us back and on the other creativity the things that we're trying to do that sense of vision or energy or impetus that we have. And now when I'm talking about constraint I'm not talking about the constraints that you work with when you're trying to find a solution to a problem like a business problem I'm talking about the constraint that's more like red tape that just holds you back that prevents you from implementing the idea that you might have. Obviously that might be hugely oversimplifying it but I think you see great developer experience when you have that creativity when you're going with the flow you have some amazing idea and there's very little if anything to prevent you from realizing it.
So the more we we make opportunities for creativity and the more we reduce constraint I think we see better developer experience and that is really where NUXT has always sought to position itself. Don't worry if you don't know what what NUXT is, NUXT is a view framework, a JavaScript framework. It's a it's a progressive framework which means that it's suitable for someone with no knowledge of it.