That actually means that there's servers around the world that are points presence in different continents and countries, and we're constantly adjusting that, too. Right now, Static Web Apps is in preview, which is kind of like an alpha or a beta. So we're testing it to see, like, are the places we've distributed around the world the places that most people are using it? So I imagine those things could change, but it's basically putting the content as close to your users as possible, and you don't have to do anything to make it happen.
Cool. Question from Beresford. Do static asset servers hold sessions or session states? Could it be mediated by a third party, but removing that computation would make getting to the 10K trio easier? What was the last part of that question, sorry? The what trio? Could this be mediated by a third party? You could use… I'm not sure I entirely understand the question, but I think if you're talking about session state in general, this is just serving the content. So if you wanted to have anything stateful about it, my ideal solution would be to link into an API that offered state. You could use serverless functions to do that, or you could actually just point to any API of your choice to manage that state between the apps. It's just a regular web app, so you could track who the user is and then use that inside of some kind of store, like a Reddit store, even if you wanted to. Mega. Beresford, if you are a ticket holder, paid ticket holder, you can go into the Zoom room afterwards and ask John Moore about that, if that didn't fully answer the question.
Drum asked, is there a way to automate user roles, for example, add role to user after payment? Does Azure offer some GraphQL and database solutions? That's a great question. So right now today, in preview, the only way to have users is they, everybody who uses Twitter, Facebook, GitHub, whatever authorization techniques you need, automatically gets anonymous, signed up for it and authenticated as a role. If you want special roles, you have to invite them from the Azure portal today. There is a GitHub issue open on this, up on our website, and I think it's slash Azure slash static dash web dash apps. And I can put this on Twitter as well. And there's an open issue on this where this exact topics being talked about is having other ways for people to sign up for roles, to automatically be created in roles, etc. So please add your feedback there. Because now is the time to get the engineering team to listen to the feedback, since we're still articulating what's going to be in the final product.
Wild, and Didem, Didem, Didem, do you foresee a future where this will be integrated with GitHub pages? I can't speak for GitHub on this and where they're going with with GitHub pages. You know, like any large company, we've got a lot of products, which have slight overlap in different ways. GitHub page itself will host an app, right? But if you want, and if you just want to host an app, there's lots of options. But if you want all the things that I showed in the presentation here, with security and global distribution and SSL and custom domains, and it all just kind of works out of the box, this is a solution that's more tailored for that, as opposed to propping up a single page, for example. So could these things overlap? Absolutely. All large companies have lots of products overlap, unfortunately. Fortunately, I mean, lots of things, lots of things can overlap, but the actual product is looking at very different people, maybe. Databite asks, can you extend the authentication system to allow them for more than the five listed here? For example, configuring SAML for SSO with other organizations that might be using one logic or Okta? That's another great question. And this is also one of the open issues up on our GitHub page. So I'll refer you again to go into there to add it today.