Text compression, so if you ask me, this is the lowest thing hanging for it. It's super easy and we are missing 53% of the files. 53% of the files are not using text compression, which is, I think it's like the first thing that we should do. It's the start point of solving this page weight issue because basically, let's say that I'm sending my phone to my grandma. I'm grabbing a huge package, I'm going to Deutsche Post, DHL, I'm putting my phone inside of it and I just ship that huge package. It's just going with the air, it's just like there's a small phone inside of it. We don't need to ship a huge package, we can just compress it and we can ship it that way. It will save a lot of data transfer for us, up to 80%.
Caching. Caching is actually in good statistics, if you ask me. 25% of the pages are not using caching. Even if they are not using caching, at some level they are being cached without their control. If they don't specifically say that, no, there's no cache. 25% is not bad. You can say that maybe 25% is in purpose not caching at all, but I don't think 25% is in purpose not to cache it at all, maybe like 10%. It would be better to have it more, it's really good statistics if you ask me, but still caching is not something new. It's been there for ages, so maybe it would be better to have that to have it in the level of ideal level. Yeah, it's not a bad statistics.
And lastly, AI. So I'm not against AI, basically, but I need to tell this. In compared to traditional searches that you are doing, AI searches, according to research, it's consuming 30 times more energy. So maybe we should stop asking small questions to AI and ask it to Google, just like a traditional way, or other platforms, Bing, other ones, I don't know, whichever you prefer. And I like this, we had this phrase before, the juniors, interns, people were coming to us, they were saying, I have a stupid question. And at that point, it's like, they feel weak a bit, but it's the point that they have something that they cannot resolve in their minds. But once you resolve it, they are going to grow a lot. And now nobody's coming with, I have a stupid question phrase. Everybody's going to AI, unfortunately. And I really miss that phrase, I think it was super lovely. Please return back that question if you're a junior or an intern, I'm not going to judge. If the people who you ask will judge, come to me.