Feel free to unmute when, you know, I pause for questions and I'll also pause midway and by the end of the session, I'll do a quick break for questions as well or feel free to just type it in chat and I can get to that when, throughout the meeting as well.
So, with that, let's start with the first bit here. So, what is application monitoring and why? So, let's start off first with reviewing a problematic application. This will kind of give a more hands-on example of what we're looking for. So, I've got this application that crashes periodically. So, I'm just going to refresh it a bit and it crashed. Okay, what the heck happened? So, this is one thing we need to worry about for this problematic application. Sometimes it crashes, sometimes it doesn't on a refresh, on load. Another problem with this application is when I go into looking at these products, it's an eCommerce site, I'm looking and trying to buy stuff as an end-user, right? I've got my end-user hat on, took a long time for me to see the products that I want to buy, and lastly, when I try to check out and buy the products that I've added to my cart, we encounter an error. So, we've got three problems with this application and as an end-user, I'm frustrated, confused, I don't know what's going on. Maybe I'll click this to reach out to the developers or whoever's in charge to, you know, notify them of these problems, but it's just not a cohesive way to do it. And as an end-user, I might just, you know, try again later or just give up on buying these things in my cart. So that's without Sentry and something that we need to figure out. So that's the problem situation, what we're trying to fix together.
Now without Sentry, maybe we'll get notified of this problem that we're experiencing, try to reproduce it as we, you know, enter the problem through that page load. Oh, I can't reproduce it, what's going on? Or I eventually do reproduce it and I look at my console to investigate what's the problem, maybe check out the network tab as we reproduce the problem as well. There are opportunities here to figure out that problem we experienced by the end user, but it's not as streamlined and efficient as we'd like, not as trackable either. So that is why we care about application monitoring. We want, as the developers, we want to know the problems in our code and the user experience with the code we write. So that's why we've got Sentry, right? So Sentry is focused on code observability. We monitor the health of an application from the front end to the back end. And with the Sentry SDK on your application, the concept is to set up alerts. And these are like targeted alerts that aren't noisy and not spamming our team members. So we'll set up very specific and granular alerts with our alert platform, those necessary or the important team members and developers would be notified and they can work through the issue. All the details that are captured by Sentry are all available for them to understand the context, what the user experience as well, any clues on which problems might be related and also what parts of the code are important, things like that, contextual information through a timeline of activity and tags will talk about as well. At the end of the day, we'll figure out what's going on, make the necessary commits and then fix the problem, right? That's the way we would incorporate Sentry in our application.
Now to follow along, what we have is a demo app. So that's what this URL is for, but if you want it to, and that's what we'll be reviewing together. So I've got one running locally and I've also got one that's hosted. So we'll go through both and tinker a bit with the one that I've got running locally.