Thank God I have a microphone, because fun fact about me, I speak really slowly, so microphones are the best thing that happen after QAOPS framework.
Slide. Good. Nice. So, I'm Marcella. I'm an engineering manager, and I just turned 14 years in outsourcing. I'm much older than that. My whole experience is in outsourcing. My background is in quality assurance, and this presentation is not about me, obviously. It's about QAOPS.
Please raise your hand if you heard before about QAOPS. Okay. And about QA, that was my second joke. Thank you. I have so good jokes that I need to mention them. So, I'm really happy that I'm not forced to start this presentation with showcasing the QA value, because, believe it or not, there are still clients out there that they need to showcase the QA value. They need presentation about the QA and what's the value and things like that. So, I'm very happy I'm not starting with this today.
So, we're going to start with definition of QAOPS. It refers to maintaining software quality by approaching you with DevOps mindset. About this DevOps mindset, we're going to talk today, because this is actually the key to the whole, this approach in DevOps. For application development, actually, the key here is about collaboration, right? Development teams and operation teams are working in complete synergy, right? So, DevOps, it's more like an inclusive approach. The backbone of the DevOps approach is actually the CICD, which I'm not going to explain how it works. I have here, I think, a characteristic image of how it works, but usually when you build an application and you release its first version, after the initial release, you may think that some, or maybe a lot of things could have been done better, right?
So, you start working on implementing changes. You start working on doing a lot of improvements. Continuous integration is actually the practice of integrating the whole, these new changes into the main branch, right? So, after integrating these to the new branch, you will start automating, you will start automating so you can check the functionality. After that, you don't have to wait for the new release date to merge those changes. You can do that very, very quickly. You can update them through this process. Continuous delivery is actually the next step after continuous integration, after continuous integration.