In addition, Vite also provides an API to load ESM source files and instantiate them in Node.js. With module replacement like pre-system validation. Typically when we do server-side rendering with a bundler, we are essentially running two bundles side-by-side, one for the client and one for the server. So when you edit a file, we actually rerun both bundles. But in Vite, on the client-side, we do HotModule replacement over native ES modules, and on the Node.js side, we actually keep the instantiated copies of these modules in memory, and only invalidate the ones that are affected by your code changes. This is almost like server-side HotModule replacement, which is very efficient. And this also makes it very easy to create a performance server-side rendering dev setup with Vite. Now, it can be completely decoupled in production, so you don't have to use Vite in production for server-side rendering. And the result is, we are seeing a plethora of SSR metaframeworks built on top of Vite. There are SvelteKit, Ream, which is a server-side rendering framework for Vue 3. There's ViteSSR and VitePluginSSR, both are framework-agnostic SSR extensions on top of Vite. And we're seeing frameworks like Markel, essentially using Vite, which is actually able to encapsulate a metaframework-like functionalities encapsulated inside a single plugin. So this kind of speaks about how powerful the plugin system is.
OK. So Vite is growing really fast, and we're really proud of what we've achieved. But I also really want to give a shout out to the projects, these great projects Vite is built on top of, mainly rollup and ESBuild, both are great gifts to the community. And also shout outs to projects that have inspired features in Vite, Snowpack, WMR, and Web Dev Servers, and Parcel. There are a lot of interesting ideas in each of these projects, especially for Snowpack, WMR, and Web Dev Server. We are kind of exploring in the same space and we share a lot of these ideas. So shout out to them for inspiring some of the features in Vite. And yeah, so I'm very excited to see this new wave of dev tools. We are excited to make the web ecosystem move forward and improve dev experience together. Thank you. That's all. Bye.
Evan has been asking us, do you currently use Webpack or any Webpack based tool, like Next or Nuxt? And well, 52% of you, so that's just over half, has been saying Webpack based tool, so like Next or Nuxt. Evan, what do you think about this? Does this surprise you? Yeah. I guess the poll is a bit confusing because Webpack based plus Webpack adds over 100%. I don't know, I guess this just really shows how prevailing Webpack is in the ecosystem. Obviously it's a great project, but you know, one of the reasons I personally now use Vite for almost everything is because I really miss that really snappy development experience when I first started doing web projects, you know, you just write JavaScript, load it in the browser and just refresh.