June 16 - 20, 2022
JS Nation
Amsterdam & Online

JSNation 2022

La conferencia principal de JavaScript del año

Discover the future of the JavaScript development ecosystem and get connected to its stellar crowd! JSNation is the best place to learn about JavaScript – beside the main JS conf talks and panel discussion with high-profile specialists, be prepared for awesome MCs, in-depth workshops, a number of discussions & networking rooms, interactive entertainment, and engaging challenges for all participants.

Esta edición del evento ha finalizado, las últimas actualizaciones de este JavaScript Conference están disponibles en el sitio web de la marca.
Documentación Full Stack
28 min
Documentación Full Stack
Top Content
The Talk discusses the shift to full-stack frameworks and the challenges of full-stack documentation. It highlights the power of interactive tutorials and the importance of user testing in software development. The Talk also introduces learn.svelte.dev, a platform for learning full-stack tools, and discusses the roadmap for SvelteKit and its documentation.
El Futuro de las Herramientas de Rendimiento
21 min
El Futuro de las Herramientas de Rendimiento
Top Content
Today's Talk discusses the future of performance tooling, focusing on user-centric, actionable, and contextual approaches. The introduction highlights Adi Osmani's expertise in performance tools and his passion for DevTools features. The Talk explores the integration of user flows into DevTools and Lighthouse, enabling performance measurement and optimization. It also showcases the import/export feature for user flows and the collaboration potential with Lighthouse. The Talk further delves into the use of flows with other tools like web page test and Cypress, offering cross-browser testing capabilities. The actionable aspect emphasizes the importance of metrics like Interaction to Next Paint and Total Blocking Time, as well as the improvements in Lighthouse and performance debugging tools. Lastly, the Talk emphasizes the iterative nature of performance improvement and the user-centric, actionable, and contextual future of performance tooling.
El Viento y las Olas: La formación de Olas de Framework desde el Epicentro
19 min
El Viento y las Olas: La formación de Olas de Framework desde el Epicentro
Top Content
Our understanding of innovation is wrong. Innovations are not introduced by a single point of light. The story of who invented the computer is not linear. Many steps forward led to the development of the computer. Angular has shaped and influenced multiple JavaScript waves, and Angular v14 simplifies development with standalone components.
¿Webpack en 5 años?
26 min
¿Webpack en 5 años?
Top Content
In the last 10 years, Webpack has shaped the way we develop web applications by introducing code splitting, co-locating style sheets and assets with JavaScript modules, and enabling bundling for server-side processing. Webpack's flexibility and large plugin system have also contributed to innovation in the ecosystem. The initial configuration for Webpack can be overwhelming, but it is necessary due to the complexity of modern web applications. In larger scale applications, there are performance problems in Webpack due to issues with garbage collection, leveraging multiple CPUs, and architectural limitations. Fixing problems in Webpack has trade-offs, but a rewrite could optimize architecture and fix performance issues.
Creando lo Imposible: Virtualización X86 en el Navegador con WebAssembly
21 min
Creando lo Imposible: Virtualización X86 en el Navegador con WebAssembly
ChirpX is a technology to securely run binary code in the browser, written in C++ and compiled to JavaScript WebAssembly. It can run a full virtualized system in the browser, including Bash and other languages like Python and JavaScript. ChirpX aims for scalability and the ability to work with large code bases, supporting multiprocessing and multithreading. It uses a two-tiered execution engine with an interpreter and a JIT engine. Future plans include running the full X.Org server in the browser and implementing the Windows system call. WebVM, the underlying technology, has a virtual file system backed by Cloudflare.
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained
20 min
SolidJS: Reactivity Unchained
Solid.js is a declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces that addresses performance optimization. It introduces fine-grained reactivity and avoids using a virtual DOM. The Talk explores rethinking performance and reactivity in web applications, understanding reactivity and primitives, and creating DOM elements and using JSX in Solid.js. It also covers rendering components, sharing state, and the advantages of fine-grained rendering and the reactive approach in Solid.js.
Anunciando Starbeam: Reactividad Universal
27 min
Anunciando Starbeam: Reactividad Universal
Starbeam is a library for building reactive user interfaces with JavaScript, similar to Svelte, Vue, and Ember. It provides a data structure and query feature for filtering and sorting. The useStarBeam function ensures JSX reconciliation only occurs when reactive dependencies change. Starbeam tracks every read and write operation to update the component accordingly. It can be used with React and other frameworks, and offers debugging tools and locale integration.
¿Futuras características de JS?!
28 min
¿Futuras características de JS?!
Top Content
Welcome to the future features of JavaScript, including proposals for array operations, throw expressions, records and TPUs, pipeline operators, and more. The talk covers the introduction of type assertions for imported files, non-mutating array operations, and the simplification of error handling. It also explores the concept of immutability with records and TPUs, and the use of the pipeline operator to simplify code. Other proposals include Map.implace, IteratorHelper, slice notation, type annotations, Array UNIQBY, number ranges, and the Function 1 proposal.
Record & Tuple: Estructuras de Datos Inmutables en JS
24 min
Record & Tuple: Estructuras de Datos Inmutables en JS
Top Content
Today's Talk introduces the concept of record and tuple in JavaScript, which provide a new way to handle data. The Talk explores the references and mutability of objects, strings, and numbers in JavaScript. It discusses the limitations of freezing objects and proposes record and tuple as a solution. The Talk also covers methods and syntax for tuples, the status of the proposal, and acknowledges the contributions of various individuals. Overall, the Talk aims to redefine how data is handled in JavaScript and encourages waiting for broader browser support before implementing these features.
Yarn 4 - Gestión Moderna de Paquetes
28 min
Yarn 4 - Gestión Moderna de Paquetes
Top Content
Yarn is a package manager that focuses on stability, performance, and security. It offers unique features like plug and play installation, support for nonmodules, and the exec protocol. Yarn is committed to being a good citizen in the open-source community and contributes to fixing dependencies. It is part of the Node.js Loader's working group and advocates for Corepack. Yarn is still experimental but is improving its user experience and security features. Contributions are welcome, and switching to Yarn can improve performance in large projects.
Construye un Sistema Solar 3D con Reconocimiento de Manos y Three.js
36 min
Construye un Sistema Solar 3D con Reconocimiento de Manos y Three.js
Top Content
This Talk explores the use of TypeScript, 3JS, hand recognition, and TensorFlow.js to create 3D experiences on the web. It covers topics such as rendering 3D objects, adding lights and objects, hand tracking, and creating interactive gestures. The speaker demonstrates how to build a cube and a bouncy box, move objects with flick gestures, and create a solar system with stars and planets. The Talk also discusses the possibilities of using hand gestures for web navigation and controlling websites, as well as the performance limits of these technologies.
Makepad - Aprovechando Rust + Wasm + WebGL para construir aplicaciones multiplataforma increíbles
22 min
Makepad - Aprovechando Rust + Wasm + WebGL para construir aplicaciones multiplataforma increíbles
Top Content
Welcome to MakePad, a new way to build UI for web and native using WebAssembly and Rust. JavaScript is not suitable for complex applications like IDEs and design tools. Rust, a new programming language, was used to reimagine MakePad, resulting in a fast and efficient platform. MakePad offers live editing, high CPU performance, and the ability to load native instrument components. The future of MakePad includes an open-source release, a design tool, and support for importing 3D models.
Confesiones de un Impostor
46 min
Confesiones de un Impostor
Top Content
The Talk discusses imposter syndrome and reframes it as being a professional imposter. It emphasizes the importance of sharing and starting, embracing imposterism, and building inclusively for the web. The speaker shares personal experiences of being an imposter in various technical disciplines and highlights the significance of accessibility. The Talk concludes with the idea of building a collective RPG game to remove excuses for not making things accessible.
Aplicaciones Web de Alta Velocidad: Más Allá de lo Básico
30 min
Aplicaciones Web de Alta Velocidad: Más Allá de lo Básico
Top Content
This talk covers the latest features in Chrome DevTools, including network tab analysis, performance tab optimization, and user flows. It discusses optimizing HTTP requests with fetch priority to improve loading time. The performance tab provides insights on frame drops, long tasks, and the importance of minimizing total blocking time. The talk also highlights the optimization of page rendering and introduces user flows in Chrome DevTools.
Comienza con AG Grid Angular Data Grid
116 min
Comienza con AG Grid Angular Data Grid
Stephen Cooper
Stephen Cooper
Comienza con AG Grid Angular Data Grid con un tutorial práctico del equipo principal que te guiará a través de los pasos para crear tu primera cuadrícula, incluyendo cómo configurar la cuadrícula con propiedades simples y componentes personalizados. La edición de la comunidad de AG Grid es completamente gratuita para usar en aplicaciones comerciales, por lo que aprenderás una herramienta poderosa que puedes agregar de inmediato a tus proyectos. También descubrirás cómo cargar datos en la cuadrícula y diferentes formas de agregar representación personalizada a la cuadrícula. Al final del masterclass, habrás creado y personalizado una cuadrícula de datos AG Grid Angular.
Contenido:- comenzando e instalando AG Grid- configurando ordenamiento, filtrado, paginación- cargando datos en la cuadrícula- la API de la cuadrícula- agregar tus propios componentes a la cuadrícula para representación y edición- capacidades de la edición de la comunidad gratuita de AG Grid
Cómo funcionan los módulos de JS: una perspectiva del navegador
26 min
Cómo funcionan los módulos de JS: una perspectiva del navegador
This Talk discusses JavaScript modules from the perspective of a browser, exploring how they work and their differences from common JS. It covers topics such as loading modules, module records, and the module map. The module loading and evaluation process is explained, along with the challenges of module adoption and performance. The Talk also touches on lazy loading, dynamic import, and import reflection. The speaker shares a humorous anecdote during the Q&A session about stealing a shirt from the DOM team.
Embarcándonos en una aventura con Nuxt 3, Motion UI y Azure
141 min
Embarcándonos en una aventura con Nuxt 3, Motion UI y Azure
Melanie de Leeuw
Melanie de Leeuw
¡Nos encantan las aplicaciones web fáciles de crear y desplegar! Entonces, veamos qué puede hacer una pila tecnológica muy actual como Nuxt 3, Motion UI y Azure Static Web Apps. Podría ser perfectamente un trío de oro en el desarrollo web moderno. O podría ser una hoguera de errores y problemas. De cualquier manera, será una aventura de aprendizaje para todos nosotros. Nuxt 3 se lanzó hace apenas unos meses y no podemos esperar más para explorar sus nuevas características, como su compatibilidad con Vue 3 y el Motor Nitro. Agregamos un poco de estilo a nuestra aplicación con la biblioteca Sass Motion UI, porque el diseño estático está pasado de moda y las animaciones vuelven a estar de moda.Nuestra fuerza impulsora de la pila será Azure. Las aplicaciones web estáticas de Azure son nuevas, casi listas para producción y una forma ingeniosa y rápida para que los desarrolladores desplieguen sus sitios web. Así que, por supuesto, debemos probar esto.Con algunas Azure Functions esparcidas por encima, exploraremos lo que puede hacer el desarrollo web en 2022.
Construye una sala de chat con Appwrite y React
41 min
Construye una sala de chat con Appwrite y React
Wess Cope
Wess Cope
Las API/Backends son difíciles y necesitamos websockets. Utilizarás VS Code como tu editor, Parcel.js, Chakra-ui, React, React Icons y Appwrite. Al final de este masterclass, tendrás los conocimientos para construir una aplicación en tiempo real utilizando Appwrite y sin necesidad de desarrollar una API. ¡Sigue los pasos y tendrás una increíble aplicación de chat para presumir!
API WebHID: Controla Todo a través de USB
23 min
API WebHID: Controla Todo a través de USB
Today's Talk introduces the webHID API, which allows developers to control real devices from the browser via USB. The HID interface, including keyboards, mice, and gamepads, is explored. The Talk covers device enumeration, input reports, feature reports, and output reports. The use of HID in the browser, especially in Chrome, is highlighted. Various demos showcase working with different devices, including a DualShock controller, microphone, gamepad, and Stream Deck drum pad. The Talk concludes with recommendations and resources for further exploration.
Aceleración de GPU para servicios web y visualización en Node.js con RAPIDS
26 min
Aceleración de GPU para servicios web y visualización en Node.js con RAPIDS
Welcome to GPU Accelerating Node.js Web Services and Visualization with Rapids. Rapids aims to bring high-performance data science capabilities to Node.js, providing a streamlined API to the Rapids platform without the need to learn a new language or environment. GPU acceleration in Node.js enables performance optimization and memory access without changing existing code. The demos showcase the power and speed of GPUs and rapids in ETL data processing, graph visualization, and point cloud interaction. Future plans include expanding the library, improving developer UX, and exploring native Windows support.
La Era de los Monorepos
25 min
La Era de los Monorepos
Today's Talk is about the world of monorepos, their history, benefits, and features. Monorepos address challenges in web development, such as slow build processes and unstable connections on mobile devices. Collocation in monorepos enables easy sharing of functions and components among projects. Speed and efficiency in monorepos are achieved through collocation, dependency graphs, and task orchestration. Monorepo tools like Learnr offer features such as caching and distributed task execution. Monorepos provide code sharing, consistent tooling, and automated migration, resulting in a 10x developer experience.
a11y y TDD: Una Combinación Perfecta
24 min
a11y y TDD: Una Combinación Perfecta
This Talk explores the intersection of accessibility and test-driven development (TDD) in software development. TDD is a process that involves writing tests before writing production code, providing a safety net for code changes. The Talk demonstrates how to apply TDD principles to real-life examples, such as filling out a form, and emphasizes the importance of user-centric testing. By using atomic design principles, code can be organized in a clean and easy way. The Talk also discusses the use of labels and test IDs in tests for improved accessibility.
¿Deberíamos tener lógica de negocio en la interfaz de usuario?
148 min
¿Deberíamos tener lógica de negocio en la interfaz de usuario?
Samuel Pinto
Samuel Pinto
¿Cuántas veces has dicho o escuchado 'esta es lógica de negocio, no debería estar aquí'?En este masterclass, crearemos una aplicación frontend moderna utilizando patrones antiguos y aprenderás cómo construir aplicaciones que tengan una interfaz de usuario y servicios desacoplados.Comenzaremos con una aplicación React que tiene toda su lógica en la interfaz de usuario. Luego, paso a paso, extraeremos las reglas y operaciones para alcanzar ese punto óptimo de independencia.
🚀 Potencia tu NodeJS con Rust
21 min
🚀 Potencia tu NodeJS con Rust
In this Talk, Dmitry Kudravtsev discusses how to supercharge JavaScript and Node.js using Rust. He introduces NEON, an open-source library for integrating Rust and JavaScript, and explains how to use it to export Rust functions to JavaScript. Dmitry also explores the performance benefits of using native modules written in Rust and WebAssembly. He compares the two approaches and highlights the faster performance of Rust native modules. He concludes by recommending WebAssembly for its ergonomics and portability, while suggesting native modules for extending Node.js with performance code.
El Masterclass de Clinic.js
71 min
El Masterclass de Clinic.js
Rafael Gonzaga
Rafael Gonzaga
Aprende las formas de la suite de herramientas clinic, que te ayudan a detectar problemas de rendimiento en tus aplicaciones Node.js. Este masterclass te guiará a través de varios ejemplos y te proporcionará los conocimientos necesarios para hacer pruebas de rendimiento y solucionar problemas de E/S y del bucle de eventos.
Cómo he estado utilizando JavaScript para automatizar mi casa
22 min
Cómo he estado utilizando JavaScript para automatizar mi casa
The Talk covers various experiments with JavaScript and C++, including controlling lights and creating a car control system. The speaker shares his experiences with home automation and the challenges of hiding wires. He explores using JavaScript with Esperino for face recognition and discusses the benefits and limitations of the platform. The Talk concludes with suggestions for using JavaScript in hardware projects and learning opportunities.
Controles de seguridad en la cadena de suministro de JavaScript
28 min
Controles de seguridad en la cadena de suministro de JavaScript
This talk discusses the security challenges in the JavaScript ecosystem, including supply chain security, lock file tampering, and arbitrary command execution. It highlights the risks of blind upgrades and hidden comments in code. The talk also covers dependency confusion attacks and the importance of establishing a threat model for node applications.
Descubriendo NodeJS y Kafka: Un Cuento de Transmisión de Eventos
8 min
Descubriendo NodeJS y Kafka: Un Cuento de Transmisión de Eventos
This lightning talk introduces distributed computing and discusses the challenges, patterns, and solutions related to using Kafka for event sharing. It emphasizes the importance of separating services and using strong typing to avoid broken messages. The talk also covers Kafka's transaction configuration and guarantees, highlighting the need for proper configuration and the use of transaction IDs. Overall, it provides valuable insights into scaling companies, big data, and streaming platforms.
La próxima ola de frameworks web es BYOJS
23 min
La próxima ola de frameworks web es BYOJS
The next wave of web frameworks is BYOJS, covering the history and evolution of building web applications. The evolution of web frameworks and build systems includes popular choices like React, Angular, and Vue, as well as advanced build systems like Webpack and Rollup. The rise of performance measurement tools and the adoption of the Jamstack have led to improved web performance. The Jamstack architecture focuses on pre-rendering pages, decoupling APIs and services, and enhancing pages with JavaScript. Astro, a static site generator with SSR support, promotes the islands architecture and partial hydration.
¡MIDI en el Navegador... ¡Vamos a Rockear la Web!
28 min
¡MIDI en el Navegador... ¡Vamos a Rockear la Web!
MIDI is a versatile communication protocol that extends beyond music and opens up exciting possibilities. The Web MIDI API allows remote access to synths and sound modules from web browsers, enabling various projects like music education systems and web audio-based instruments. Developers can connect and use MIDI devices easily, and the Web MIDI API provides raw MIDI messages without semantics. The WebMidi.js library simplifies working with the Web MIDI API and offers a user-friendly interface for musicians and web developers. MIDI on the web has generated significant interest, with potential for commercial growth and endless possibilities for web developers.
Animaciones con JS
19 min
Animaciones con JS
Today's talk is about animations in Javascript, covering frame rates and different methods like CSS transitions and animations. JavaScript provides more control over animations, allowing interpolation and simulation of real-world scenarios. Different approaches to animating a box from zero to 100 pixels are discussed, including for loops, timers, and the web animations API. Request Animation Frame is highlighted as a solution for consistent and smooth animations. The Web Animations API is introduced as a powerful tool alongside CSS animations and transitions, although it has limited browser support.
Construyendo aplicaciones JS con internacionalización (i18n) en mente
21 min
Construyendo aplicaciones JS con internacionalización (i18n) en mente
This Talk discusses building JavaScript apps with internationalization in mind, addressing issues such as handling different name formats, using Unicode for compatibility, character encoding bugs, localization and translation solutions, testing in different languages, accommodating translated text in layouts, cultural considerations, and the importance of enabling different languages for users. The speaker also mentions various open source tools for internationalization. The Talk concludes with a reminder to avoid assumptions and embrace diversity in the World Wide Web.
Computación Cuántica en JavaScript con Q.js
26 min
Computación Cuántica en JavaScript con Q.js
Stuart Smith discusses his journey in virtual reality and quantum computing, highlighting his work in web VR and the creation of Quantum JavaScript. He introduces QGS, a platform for quantum tutorials and experimentation, and explains the concept of qubits and superposition. Smith also mentions Amazon Bracket, a quantum service that allows the building and running of quantum circuits on simulators or actual quantum hardware.
Encontrar, Hackear y solucionar las vulnerabilidades de NodeJS con Snyk
99 min
Encontrar, Hackear y solucionar las vulnerabilidades de NodeJS con Snyk
Matthew Salmon
Matthew Salmon
npm y seguridad, ¿cuánto sabes sobre tus dependencias?Hack-along, hacking en vivo de una aplicación Node vulnerable https://github.com/snyk-labs/nodejs-goof, Vulnerabilidades tanto de código abierto como de código escrito. Se anima a descargar la aplicación y hackear junto con nosotros.Corrigiendo los problemas y una introducción a Snyk con una demostración.Preguntas abiertas.
Docker 101 - Introducción a los contenedores
116 min
Docker 101 - Introducción a los contenedores
Shy Ruparel
Shy Ruparel
Los contenedores de software se están convirtiendo rápidamente en una herramienta esencial en el arsenal de cada desarrollador. Facilitan compartir, ejecutar y escalar código. En esta masterclass aprenderás cómo utilizar Docker para escribir software mejor y más compartible. En este taller, el Sr. Developer Advocate de Docker, Shy Ruparel, te guiará en tus primeros pasos con Docker. Cubrirá la configuración de Docker, la ejecución de tu primer contenedor, la creación de una aplicación web básica con Python y Docker, y cómo subir la imagen de Docker a DockerHub. Compartirá por qué querrías usar contenedores en primer lugar y cómo permiten a los desarrolladores escribir software mejor y más compartible.
Cómo Blitz.js hace que el desarrollo web full-stack sea muy fácil
8 min
Cómo Blitz.js hace que el desarrollo web full-stack sea muy fácil
Bleach.js is a toolkit designed to make full-stack web development enjoyable. It is built on top of Next.js and includes features like authentication, authorization, Prisma setup, React Query, utilities, recipes, and code scaffolding. The upcoming version, Blitz 2.0, is being worked on. Blitz.js toolkit expands on the core framework with additional features like web sockets, scheduled jobs, mailers integration, and better mobile app support. Visit canary.blitz.js.com for documentation on the new toolkit and blitz.js.com for framework documentation.
Fundamentos y Futuros de Tauri
22 min
Fundamentos y Futuros de Tauri
Tauri is a tool built to improve the JS ecosystem, providing a lightweight alternative to Electron. It integrates the stack, focuses on security, and offers cross-platform compatibility. Security measures include a new iFrame interaction and a thorough audit. The importance of taking care of the planet and reducing app consumption is emphasized. Tauri's community, licensing, and future plans are discussed, as well as the challenges of web view support and the aim to create a consistent engine using Servo.
Construyendo una Base de Código Sostenible con FP
20 min
Construyendo una Base de Código Sostenible con FP
Today's Talk focuses on building sustainable architecture through functional programming, tests, and hexagonal architecture. It emphasizes the importance of maximizing functional programming and immutability to improve code quality and maintainability. The Talk also highlights the significance of tests for accuracy and speed, and discusses the benefits of hexagonal architecture in separating business logic from technical concerns. The concept of isolation and encapsulation in functional programming is explored, along with the advantages of using pure functions. Overall, the Talk provides insights into designing and implementing a sustainable and efficient codebase.
Construyendo con SvelteKit y GraphQL
170 min
Construyendo con SvelteKit y GraphQL
Scott Spence
Scott Spence
¿Quieres familiarizarte con el marco de trabajo que ocupó el primer lugar como el marco de trabajo más querido en la encuesta de desarrolladores de Stack Overflow en 2021?Svelte es un marco de trabajo súper versátil sin virtual DOM, a diferencia de React y Vue. Es un compilador que convierte tus proyectos en HTML, CSS y JavaScript puro.Este masterclass cubrirá los conceptos básicos de la configuración con SvelteKit y la consulta de datos desde una API de GraphQL, utilizando esos datos en SvelteKit para obtener datos para su uso en el cliente (navegador).Aprendizajes clave:Cómo utilizar SvelteKit para construir un proyecto simple, obtener datos desde una API de GraphQL y mostrarlos en el cliente. Se cubrirán muchos de los conceptos fundamentales de Svelte y SvelteKit en este masterclass.
Mantener automáticamente miles de ejemplos de código en múltiples variaciones de frameworks
7 min
Mantener automáticamente miles de ejemplos de código en múltiples variaciones de frameworks
The talk focuses on creating the best JavaScript data grid by categorizing code using abstract syntax trees. Code files are represented as tree structures, allowing for the extraction of different sections. Framework-specific converters generate code examples for Angular, React, and Vue. TypeScript validation and testing ensure code quality and easy updates for framework examples.
El rendimiento es la experiencia del usuario: Optimizando el frontend para los usuarios
8 min
El rendimiento es la experiencia del usuario: Optimizando el frontend para los usuarios
Today's Talk discusses software performance and optimizing the frontend for the user. It emphasizes the importance of passive performance, which is a subjective measure of how well users perceive the application's performance. Techniques to improve performance include using a shared cache, HTTP2, preloading requests, and CDN. Optimizing frontend performance involves avoiding blocking the main thread, loading necessary resources first, using progress bars, and implementing optimistic patterns. It also highlights the importance of considering users' changing expectations throughout their interaction with the application.
Cómo utilizar la gamificación para mejorar la calidad en tu proyecto
13 min
Cómo utilizar la gamificación para mejorar la calidad en tu proyecto
Welcome to my talk on using gamification to improve quality. Code quality is crucial and involves maintaining technical debt, ensuring maintainability, and prioritizing delivery and quality. To improve code quality, create a new standard, automate enforcement, and motivate teams. Resolving merge conflicts by removing warnings and automating warning decrease and error reduction can prevent future issues. Strive for zero errors by finding a balance, enhancing tools, blocking pull requests with errors, and incentivizing developers.
Potenciando los Monorepos con los Espacios de Trabajo de npm
25 min
Potenciando los Monorepos con los Espacios de Trabajo de npm
This Talk provides an introduction to NPM Workspaces and covers various aspects of using them, including starting a workspace with npm init, adding dependencies, forcing correct library versions, running scripts and orchestrating in a monorepo, and using npm pkg and npm exec. The examples provided demonstrate real-life use cases and highlight the flexibility and control that NPM Workspaces offer. The speaker also mentions improvements and future developments in the NPM CLI, emphasizing the importance of correct declarations in the package.json file and the ability to manage data across all workspaces.
Construye aplicaciones Web3 con Javascript
49 min
Construye aplicaciones Web3 con Javascript
Shain Dholakiya
Shain Dholakiya
El masterclass está diseñado para ayudar a los desarrolladores Web2 a comenzar a construir para Web3 utilizando el Hyperverse. El Hyperverse es un mercado abierto de módulos inteligentes construidos por la comunidad, auditados y fáciles de descubrir. Nuestro objetivo es facilitar a los desarrolladores de JavaScript la construcción de aplicaciones Web3 sin escribir una sola línea de código de contrato inteligente. Piensa en 'npm para contratos inteligentes'.Aprende más sobre el Hyperverse aquí.Repasaremos todos los conceptos básicos de blockchain/crypto que necesitas saber para comenzar a construir en el Hyperverse, por lo que no necesitas tener ningún conocimiento previo sobre el espacio Web3. Solo necesitas tener experiencia en JavaScript.
Aplicaciones Web Inmutables
20 min
Aplicaciones Web Inmutables
Today's Talk discusses immutable web apps and their benefits, such as faster loading times and easy version tracking. The use of Universal Module Definition (UMD) style bundling allows for flexible dependency management and gradual upgrades. Tools like Webpack and Rollup provide ways to reference UMDs in bundles and automate dependency configuration. Arborist and YAML files help resolve dependency trees and handle conflicts, while the Orchard CLI tool automates dependency ordering. Internal and external dependencies can be initialized and managed effectively for optimal performance.
¡Los componentes web son increíbles!
10 min
¡Los componentes web son increíbles!
Web components allow you to create your own HTML elements that can do anything you want, and they are supported by all modern browsers. Many companies, including YouTube and GitHub, use web components to enhance their websites. There are extensive tooling and libraries available for web component development. The Model Viewer Web Component enables the display of 3D models in Virtual and Augmented Reality without needing to know underlying technologies. Web components can be used with various frameworks and libraries, and there are resources available to help with compatibility.
Web3.js - Pasado, Presente y Futuro
21 min
Web3.js - Pasado, Presente y Futuro
Today we will discuss the Web3JS library, its history, maintenance, and community involvement. The upcoming version 4 aims to address challenges faced in version 1 by introducing native TypeScript support, reduced size, improved code readability, and increased test coverage. Version 4 also introduces a new validator for easier Ethereum data validation and allows developers to customize how they handle numbers and bytes. It brings a dynamic data format for custom formatting and introduces TypeScript for contracts without transpiling. The API in version 4 is easy to extend and has future improvements and refactoring.
Encontrando Bots Sigilosos en el Juego del Escondite de Javascript
11 min
Encontrando Bots Sigilosos en el Juego del Escondite de Javascript
The Talk discusses the challenges of detecting and combating bots on the web. It explores various techniques such as user agent detection, tokens, JavaScript behavior, and cache analysis. The evolution of bots and the advancements in automated browsers have made them more flexible and harder to detect. The Talk also highlights the use of canvas fingerprinting and the need for smart people to combat the evolving bot problem.
Aportando el poder de la IA a tu editor con GitHub Copilot
29 min
Aportando el poder de la IA a tu editor con GitHub Copilot
GitHub Copilot is a software development productivity tool that suggests whole blocks of code based on the collective knowledge of software developers. It has been in technical preview for a year and is used by thousands of developers. Copilot's success has grown over time, and it now supports multiple editors and programming languages. The AI model used in Copilot, called Codex, operates on natural language and doesn't require special encoding. Copilot will become a paid product in the summer but will remain free for students and verified open source contributors.
Asegurando que tus usuarios sigan el camino correcto: el futuro de los Modals y la gestión del enfoque
17 min
Asegurando que tus usuarios sigan el camino correcto: el futuro de los Modals y la gestión del enfoque
This Talk discusses the new features of Modals and focus management in web development. The dialogue element allows for the creation of modal dialogs that appear on top of other elements and prevent interaction with elements below. The note element can mark a subtree of the DOM as inert, making it unusable. The field set component can group input elements together and disable them. Using these new primitives can improve focus control and user experience in web applications.
Introducción a la Modelización de Contenido
7 min
Introducción a la Modelización de Contenido
This Talk provides an introduction to content modeling and its importance in organizing content for teams. It explores the top-down approach to simplify and make content models more reusable, using a recipe app as an example. The Talk also highlights the best practices for content modeling, including considering reusability, rendering for end users, content governance, platform considerations, and continuous iteration.
Crédito de Accesibilidad y Cómo Pagarlo
21 min
Crédito de Accesibilidad y Cómo Pagarlo
The Talk discusses technical debt and its relationship with bad code and lack of caring. It emphasizes the importance of repaying technical debt, particularly in terms of accessibility. The low number of websites passing basic accessibility tests is highlighted. The Talk provides strategies for repaying accessibility technical debt, promoting accessibility, and incorporating design systems. It emphasizes that accessibility is everyone's responsibility and should not be overlooked.
Una Introducción a Deno para Desarrolladores de Node.js
22 min
Una Introducción a Deno para Desarrolladores de Node.js
This Talk provides an introduction to Deno for Node.js developers, highlighting the differences in architecture and dependencies between the two runtimes. It discusses the Deno CLI and integrated toolchain, the Deno standard library and dependency management, as well as the Deno runtime and its core features. The Talk also covers Deno's permission system, its focus on web platform compatibility, and its support for TypeScript. Overall, it provides a comprehensive overview of Deno and its advantages over Node.js.
Pruebas de seguridad de JS en GitHub Actions
101 min
Pruebas de seguridad de JS en GitHub Actions
Zachary Conger
Zachary Conger
Este masterclass se centrará en automatizar el análisis de composición de software, las pruebas de seguridad de aplicaciones estáticas y las pruebas de seguridad de aplicaciones dinámicas utilizando GitHub Actions. Después de una breve introducción que cubre los diferentes tipos de seguridad de aplicaciones y la importancia de encontrar vulnerabilidades de seguridad antes de que lleguen a producción, nos sumergiremos en una sesión práctica donde los usuarios agregarán tres herramientas de pruebas de seguridad diferentes a sus pipelines de construcción.
Construye dApps de Blockchain usando JavaScript
21 min
Construye dApps de Blockchain usando JavaScript
Hello, my name is Russ Fustino, and welcome to Build Blockchain DApps Using JavaScript. We'll cover Algorand blockchain, layer one, setup your development environment, creating a simple DApp, verification, and UI controls from pipeline. Blockchain tools are now accessible to anyone for creating liquidity pooling, staking, and more. The Italian Society of Authors and Publishers is using NFTs on the Algorand blockchain to identify copyrights. Algorand accounts, ASAs, Atomic Transactions, Algorand Smart Contracts, and reporting with Indexer are part of the solution. Creating NFTs can be done using visual tools like Algodesk.io and wallets like Algosigner and MyAlgoWallet. Algorand atomic transfers guarantee the exchange of goods and facilitate decentralized applications. Smart signatures approve spending transactions and smart contracts facilitate global and local storage. DApp architecture includes a UI front end, payment transactions between accounts, asset transactions for NFTs and Fungible Tokens, and application calls for smart contracts. Various SDKs and tools are available, such as AlgoDesk.io, Algorand Studio, and Algodia. Reach is a high-level language and compiler for deploying DApps to the blockchain. Verification and audits play a crucial role in preventing locked away tokens. The Pipeline UI offers controls and components for easy integration into solutions.
Construyendo interfaces de usuario - ¡Por la gente, para la gente!
22 min
Construyendo interfaces de usuario - ¡Por la gente, para la gente!
This talk focuses on the importance of accessibility in building user interfaces, discussing WCAG and WAI. It emphasizes the use of correct HTML tags for accessibility and provides practical tips for improving accessibility in apps. The talk also highlights the significance of keyword accessibility and the use of semantic HTML. It covers navigation techniques, such as ARIA tags and breadcrumbs, and emphasizes the importance of internationalization. The demo showcases the improvements made to a login app after applying accessibility practices.
¿Qué son las extensiones de Docker?
6 min
¿Qué son las extensiones de Docker?
Docker Extensions allow users to extend Docker Desktop and integrate with partners, enhancing team workflows. The Extensions SDK simplifies extension development using React and TypeScript. Users can easily install extensions from the marketplace, such as Disk Usage and Logs Explorer, to manage disk space and search logs across containers. Docker Desktop users can upgrade to access these extensions and provide feedback to improve the marketplace experience.
JavaScript Vence al Cáncer
25 min
JavaScript Vence al Cáncer
This Talk discusses using JavaScript to combat skin cancer, with a focus on machine learning integration. The speaker has experience in medical imaging and has partnered with dermatoscopy companies to develop hardware. JavaScript libraries like TensorFlow.js and Pandas.js are used for model deployment and data analysis. The Talk also covers building neural networks, analyzing skin cancer using scoring methods and image processing techniques, and extracting asymmetry in skin images using Python and JavaScript.
WebBluetooth: El eslabón perdido
24 min
WebBluetooth: El eslabón perdido
This Talk introduces the Web Bluetooth API and its role in bridging the gap between browsers and peripheral devices. It covers how to interact with devices using the API, explores creating BLE devices like a buzzer and a small car, and discusses the limitations and availability of the Web Bluetooth API. The Talk also highlights the potential of the Web Audio API for hardware development and mentions the current lack of support for the Web Bluetooth API on iOS devices.
Pruebas automatizadas de seguridad de aplicaciones
9 min
Pruebas automatizadas de seguridad de aplicaciones
StackHawk is a dynamic application security testing tool that runs active security tests on various types of applications, providing simple descriptions and examples of security issues. It integrates with CI processes and provides feedback on scan findings. The StackHawk YAML is used to configure the scanner, including important information about the application and additional configuration options. OpenAPI and GraphQL integration is possible with minimal configuration.
Potenciando el comercio electrónico con la Web Visual
12 min
Potenciando el comercio electrónico con la Web Visual
Images, video, and media are crucial in e-commerce to deliver the best user experience. Nike's acquisition of Artifact Studios and the launch of Nike land on Roblox demonstrate the future of e-commerce in the metaverse. Clear and zoomable images, point-based details, and video are essential for enhancing the user experience. Optimizing media delivery through modern image formats, compression, resizing, and technology can significantly improve conversion rates in e-commerce.