May 12 - 15, 2023

London, UK + Online
Vue.js London 2023
Code / Create / Communicate
Following the expansion of the Vue ecosystem, Vue.js Live Conference has grown from a local Meetup to an international conf. The event will welcome more than 5k Vue folks remotely from anywhere in the world. Every participant around the world can access our online workshops, fun & networking with stellar Vue people.
This edition of the event has finished, the latest updates of this JavaScript Conference are available on the Brand Website.

Evan You
Vue.js & Vite Creator, Singapore
Talk: Vue: Feature Updates
Evan is an independent software developer and the creator of the open source JavaScript framework Vue.js. Most of his work is open source and publicly available on GitHub. You can follow Evan on Twitter where he mostly tweets about Vue and frontend technologies.
Daniel Roe
Nuxt, UK
Talk: Building for the Edge - Crafting a Next-Gen Framework
Daniel leads the Nuxt core team - previously CTO of SaaS startup and founder of a creative agency focusing on clarity of vision and message. His open-source work has a focus in the Vue.js and Nuxt ecosystems and he's involved in consultancy with companies around the world, particularly around JAMstack, serverless and software architecture. He's based in Scotland where he lives with his family and cat.

Jessica Sachs
Ionic, USA
Talk: Building Backwards Compatible Vue Libraries
Jess is a Software Engineer and leader in the frontend testing space. She led the development of Cypress Component Testing, is a Core Team Member of Faker, and is currently working at Ionic on the future of mobile development. She’s been programming professionally for more than 12 years and has been working professionally within the Open Source community for many of those. She’s a contributor to Vue and Vitest.

Alba Silvente Fuentes
Storyblok, Netherlands
Talk: A Saga of Web Rendering Woes
Alba Silvente, aka Dawntraoz, is a Sr FullStack Engineer at Storyblok. She loves writing about FE development, Jamstack, and Web Performance on her blog, speaking at conferences, hosting a Spanish tech podcast, and working hard in the open-source community. She is also a GoogleDevExpert in Web Technologies, a Microsoft MVP and an ambassador at WTM & Nuxt.

Alexander Lichter
Developmint, Netherlands, Amsterdam
Talk: The Art of Rendering Modes: Go Beyond a Blank Page
Alex is a web engineering consultant and Nuxt team member in his twenties. When he's not working on open-source projects, he's busy giving talks, writing blog posts and shooting educational videos.

Markus Oberlehner GmbH, Austria
Talk: Writing Good Tests for Vue Applications (e2e vs. Component Tests, Features of a *Good* Test)
Software Architect @ – Crafting resilient and sustainable software solutions. Professional Web Developer for 12 years. I specialize in Vue.js and am a strong advocate for Test-Driven Development.

Tim Benniks
Uniform, France
Talk: Alive and Kicking - A Vue Into Rock & Roll
Tim is principal developer advocate at Uniform with a focus on developer relations, community building, and content creation. He’s active in the developer community through speaking engagements at conferences and creation of YouTube videos on modern technologies. Tim collaborates regularly with startups like Cloudinary, Prismic, Zeplin, and NuxtJS, and is a member of the MACH Alliance Tech Council. It's all about quality, community, and development of great websites.

Alvaro Saburido
Storyblok, Spain
Talk: TresJS, a declarative way of creating 3D scenes from Vue components
Creative Engineer, passionate about Front-end Development and sharing knowledge. Open source contributor on VueJS and Nuxt related projects. Learning 3D modelling and WebGL.
Storyblok Ambassador. Lead of micheladas. I love penguins.

Lisi Linhart
Storyblok, Austria
Talk: Testing Vue 3 Applications with Mock Service Worker
Lisi a Principal Frontend Architect at Storyblok. Her previous experiences include teaching web developement at an university as well as working on various websites and applications. She loves to be involved in the community, organized a conference and often speak at conferences about the web.

Ramona Schwering
Auth0 by Okta, Germany, Schöppingen
Talk: Let’s Get Visual - Visual Testing in Your Vue.JS Project
Ramona is a Developer Advocate at Auth0. With a background in software engineering and quality assurance, she bridges the gap between testers and developers and fosters trust in identity topics. Ramona is also a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies, a Women Techmaker, and a Cypress Ambassador.

Lucie Haberer
Prismic, France
Talk: Nuxt 3 Modules and Open-Source
Lucie Haberer is a Nuxt hacker and ambassador who's into crawling GitHub to find and learn new things. She's currently working from Northern France as a Developer Experience Engineer for Prismic. Lucie loves to fiddle with Node.js and serverless things. With those technologies, she makes things ranging from bots of all sorts to questionable CLIs. Occasionally, she writes technical pieces and promotes artists' work on her website:

Tyler Clark
Auth0/Okta, USA
Talk: Auth0 and Vue: A Match Made in Heaven for Secure App Development
Tyler has a passion for the web and loves everything about the front-end ecosystem. He currently works as a Senior Developer Advocate at Auth0 as well as an instructor on He teaches on a wide range of topics which includes everything from CSS to SQL.
Joran Quinten
Jumbo Supermarkten
Mentorship available
Talk: Great Migrations: Upgrading a Component Library at Scale
Jorans passion involves getting people to love technology and getting technology to play nice. He works as an interaction developer with ♡ for web, tech, science & tinkering with stuff. Focussed on innovation at Jumbo Supermarkten. Published author, tweets and speaks every now and then.

Aaron Mitchell
HeroDevs, USA
Talk: The Hidden Cost of Open Source, The Hidden Cost of Open Source
Aaron “Mitch” Mitchell has 10+ years of experience in product management. He’s consulted for Twitter, Sony, Western Digital, Lyft, and others on new product development and strategy. He is currently the President of HeroDevs and spends his time longboarding and playing with his 3 sons.
Aleksandar Gekov
Axion BioSystems, Netherlands
Talk: Prefetch Strategies to Boost the Performance of Your Vue.JS App
Alexander Gekov is a skilled Vue developer based in the Netherlands. He is enthusiastic about the Vue.js framework and actively works to contribute to the frontend development community through writing blog posts and recording educational videos.
Denny Biasiolli
Fingerprint Compliance Services, Italy
Mentorship available
Talk: Vuex to Pinia. How to Migrate an Existing App
Hi there!
I'm a developer and a trail runner, and I enjoy both coding and hitting the trails. When I'm not busy turning lines of code into beautiful and functional applications, you can find me running through the mountains and breathing in the fresh air. I'm a firm believer that a healthy mind and body lead to better coding, so I try to balance my love for technology with a love for the great outdoors.
Just remember: if you can't find me at my desk, I'm probably out for a run!
I have experience with Python/Django, JavaScript/Vue.js, and a little bit of Go. I'm also an active public speaker and open source contributor.

Adam Jahr
Vue Mastery, USA
Talk: Proven Pinia Patterns
Adam Jahr is the co-founder of Vue Mastery, the ultimate learning resource for Vue developers and the biggest financial backer of the Vue framework. As an e-learning educator, he has taught hundreds of thousands of developers worldwide and teaches live at conferences across the globe. Adam is a proud Vue.js Community Partner. When he isn't teaching Vue, he enjoys creating interactive art installations.