#typescript libraries

TypeScript libraries are collections of pre-written code that developers can use to solve common programming problems. The code is written in TypeScript, which is a superset of JavaScript, so it can be used in any JavaScript project. TypeScript libraries provide a way for developers to quickly and easily access useful code snippets without having to write them from scratch. This makes development faster and more efficient, while also ensuring that the code is reliable and well tested.
Mastering advanced concepts in TypeScript
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
132 min
Mastering advanced concepts in TypeScript
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Featured WorkshopFree
Jiri Lojda
Jiri Lojda
TypeScript is not just types and interfaces. Join this workshop to master more advanced features of TypeScript that will make your code bullet-proof. We will cover conditional types and infer notation, template strings and how to map over union types and object/array properties. Each topic will be demonstrated on a sample application that was written with basic types or no types at all and we will together improve the code so you get more familiar with each feature and can bring this new knowledge directly into your projects.
You will learn:- - What are conditional types and infer notation- What are template strings- How to map over union types and object/array properties.
Stop Writing Your Routes
Vue.js London 2023Vue.js London 2023
30 min
Stop Writing Your Routes
Designing APIs is a challenge, and it's important to consider the language used and different versions of the API. API ergonomics focus on ease of use and trade-offs. Routing is a misunderstood aspect of API design, and file-based routing can simplify it. Unplugging View Router provides typed routes and eliminates the need to pass routes when creating the router. Data loading and handling can be improved with data loaders and predictable routes. Handling protected routes and index and ID files are also discussed.
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
React Summit US 2023React Summit US 2023
9 min
Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
Watch video: Trees aren't just Foliage: ASTs and Practical Usage
ASTs, or abstract syntax trees, are used by popular tools like Babel, TypeScript, ESlint, and Prettier to improve the developer experience. They have various use cases including compiling and code analysis. Editor tooling and writing tools can be enhanced using ASTs, with examples including formatting with Prettier, type annotations in JetBrains editors, and code mods for framework upgrades. Ts-morph is a useful tool for code transformations, while Tree Sitter is a portable tool that supports many languages and can be used to build IDEs or text editors in the browser.
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
16 min
Unleashing Object Proxies: Building Type-Safe Wrappers for Anything
Object proxies are middleware for objects that allow control over input and output. They have various use cases such as controlling data access, adding logging, and handling responses. Implementing object proxies involves transpiling calls into network requests and handling property access and method calls. Handling object proxy traps and errors involves faking object structure, logging target objects and properties, and resolving errors. Making API calls with object proxies involves defining the correct type, making backend calls, and wrapping methods to return promises. Object proxies are widely used in ORMs and RPC libraries and should be explored and experimented with.
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
8 min
The Potential of Higher-Kinded Types for Library Semantics
The Talk discusses the potential of higher kind of types (HKTs) for library semantics, enabling better inference and type-level operations. It explains how HKTs can be created in TypeScript by exploiting function types as a function of object attributes. This allows for the creation of composable functional utilities with intelligent type inference and a chaining interface that computes type-level results. Overall, the Talk highlights the benefits and possibilities of using HKTs in software development.
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Publishing TS Libraries for Fun and Profit
Mark Erickson discusses the complexities of publishing TypeScript libraries, including considerations like build artifact file formats, package exports, and different user environments. He shares his experiences with ESM support and interop with other module formats, and the challenges faced in migrating Redux to TypeScript. Erickson highlights the importance of understanding file formats and module types, and the insights gained from discussions with the TypeScript team. He also emphasizes the need for better tools and documentation in the ecosystem for publishing and maintaining TypeScript libraries.
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Unlocking TypeScript's Potential: Exploring the Power of Ecosystem Tooling
Today's Talk explores the world of TypeScript ecosystem tooling, discussing essential tools for project setup, including package managers and project scaffolding. It also covers code analysis, testing, and deployment in TypeScript, as well as best practices for maintaining high-quality code. The Talk emphasizes the importance of intelligent code editors, code formatters, and linters in ensuring code quality. It also highlights the significance of codebase maintainability and following TypeScript best practices for efficient and scalable code.
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
12 min
Enhanced AST Static Analysis with Typescript Language Server
Today's Talk discusses enhancing static code analysis using TypeScript language server and abstract syntax tree (AST). TypeScript can help with static analysis by providing types based on function signatures. By integrating TSMorph into a Babel plugin, we can check types for specific nodes in the abstract syntax tree. Enhancements to static analysis include checking console.log arguments and removing unnecessary expressions. TypeScript's type information can be used to compile CSS and extract it into a separate stylesheet, enabling better compilation and build time performance.
TypeScript Performance: Going Beyond the Surface
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
34 min
TypeScript Performance: Going Beyond the Surface
Top Content
Today's Talk provides an overview of TypeScript performance and tools to address performance issues. It covers the compiler process, including the parser, binder, checker, and transformers steps. The Talk emphasizes the importance of keeping TypeScript up to date for better performance. It also discusses strategies for optimizing TypeScript compilation and debugging, analyzing build performance using trace files, and improving performance by simplifying types and avoiding overloading union types.
Generating types without climbing a tree
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
30 min
Generating types without climbing a tree
This talk explores the challenges and benefits of generating types for APIs. The speaker discusses the need for a better client experience and the popularity of generating clients. They also explain the use of OpenAPI for generating REST API clients and the use of Cold Block Writer for code generation. The talk covers the process of defining types for parameters and responses, generating the client and request, and using the generated client. The speaker also touches on validation in production and the initial challenges with TypeScript.
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
31 min
Using TypeScript with Key/Value Databases
Key-value databases are optimized for high availability and partition tolerance, making them ideal for storing non-relational data structures. They prioritize speed and high availability over consistency, making them suitable for simple data models or one-to-one mappings. However, they have limited query capabilities compared to relational databases. Some available options for key-value databases include DynamoDB, CloudFlare Worker KV, Redis, and FoundationDB. Using key-value databases in TypeScript requires addressing challenges such as serialization, deserialization, secondary indexes, relationships, and validation. The Talk includes a demonstration of an application that showcases the use of secondary indexes and the implementation of a key-value database in Deno or Redis.
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
TypeScript Congress 2023TypeScript Congress 2023
21 min
ArkType: Bringing TypeScript to Runtime
This Talk discusses the concept of runtime validation in TypeScript and how it bridges the gap between TypeScript's expressiveness and runtime capabilities. The speaker explains the evolution of top-down parsing and the shift-reduced parser that made runtime validation possible. The benefits of runtime validation in terms of flexibility, scalability, and efficiency are highlighted. The integration of validation and the type system is emphasized, along with the enhanced validation capabilities and new features offered by the Archetype framework.
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
8 min
Type Safety at Runtime in Typescript
TypeScript does not have runtime type checking, but there are libraries available for runtime type validation. ZAD is a popular runtime type validation library in the React ecosystem, offering schema primitives for specific validations on primitive types and support for complex data like objects and arrays. ZAD also provides methods for parsing values and handling successful or failed parsing with error objects.
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
10 min
How to build distributed systems in TypeScript
This Talk discusses building distributed systems in TypeScript, focusing on an e-commerce store and implementing a create order endpoint. It covers handling retry and error cases, saving order state, handling crashes and duplicate orders, and the process order function and architecture. The Talk also introduces Temporal, a durable code execution framework that simplifies fault-tolerant software development.
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
27 min
TypeScript and the Database: Who Owns the Types?
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The Talk discusses the use of TypeScript and SQL together in software development. It explores different approaches, such as using an ORM like TypeORM or a schema generator like pg2ts. Query builders like connects JS and tools like PGTyped are also discussed. The benefits and trade-offs of using TypeScript and SQL are highlighted, emphasizing the importance of finding a middle ground approach.
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
25 min
TypeScript for Library Authors: Harnessing the Power of TypeScript for DX
TypeScript for library authors offers benefits for both internal and external use, improving code quality and providing accurate understanding of libraries. Documentation and examples should be in code to provide up-to-date information. Testing types alongside unit tests ensures accurate typing. Managing changes and exposing types requires careful versioning. Deep integration of types improves usability. Using a map in TypeScript allows for simpler implementation and customization. Leveraging types in libraries can generate code based on user access. TypeScript integration with Nuxt provides support and type declarations.
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
TypeScript Congress 2022TypeScript Congress 2022
30 min
Lessons from Maintaining TypeScript Libraries
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Mark Erickson, a Senior Frontend Engineer at Replay, discusses JavaScript libraries and their support for TypeScript, including migration, versioning, and debugging. He also explores the challenges of supporting multiple TypeScript versions and designing APIs for use with TypeScript. Additionally, he shares advanced Redux type tricks and insights into maintaining a TypeScript library. The poll results reveal the widespread usage of TypeScript among developers, with many gradually migrating their codebases. Lastly, he provides tips for upgrading TypeScript and verifying functionality.