And as you can see, this is for client-side binaries. This is probably the most impressive 3D browser demo you've ever seen. You can achieve far beyond this with pixel streaming, but obviously, you're then, you're then requiring the user to have a very fast network, whereas powerful hardware is very pervasive, so. Why not leverage that hardware? Utilizing modern web technologies like WebAssembly, WebGL, WebGPU, and soon to be WebXR.
So let's go back to the slides here. Hello there, and welcome. Save that video for another day. And what else are we working on? We're also working on support for other engines to actually target the web. So Unity has had HTML5 support for many years now. It's not in the best place. The aforementioned issues around file sizes, networking, it's quite honestly a bit of a mess. And so once we finish up our support for Unreal Engine, we're then gonna commence work on Unity. And we wanna get it so you can, as a developer, build a Unity or an Unreal world, ship both to our platform and have the ability for users to jump from one to the other. These worlds, virtual worlds, should live beside one another. And to me and to our team, quite frankly, that is the metaverse, when you can jump from world to world, when you can click a link and you have true interoperability between separate worlds, made with different engines. That's the future. We're also working on support for Godot, the Godot game engine, and Amazon's Open3DE engine for WebAssembly support. And we are, of course, gonna have Unreal Engine 5 support on the web as well once Epic Games ships UE5 later this year.
Also, we are very excited to announce that we're working on WebXR support to enable cross-platform VR applications through any browser, through a headset. So Apple is gonna be releasing a headset fairly soon. The Oculus Quest 1 and 2 are the most widespread headsets out there to date. You got Valve coming out with a headset. There's gonna be a proliferation of these headsets in the next few years, and being able to empower developers to ship to all of those devices with one code base, and knowing that it just works, there's no intermediary that needs to interfere with the distribution of your applications right once, run anywhere, is truly what we're about here. And we think, like I mentioned, stitching these worlds together, when you can jump from a virtual experience or virtual world that's not only 3D on phones and computers and laptops and tablets, but fully 3D and immersive on headsets. When links become portals, and flat pages become immersive spaces and rooms and worlds, this is the future that we're quite excited about, so we're going to have WebXR support for both Unreal Engine and Unity Engine.
And I believe this is when we're going to go into the Q&A, which we will be doing live, so I'm going to skip over that. And our final call to action, if you're a developer that has utilized Unreal Engine and anything that I've said here today excites you, please come and talk to us, we would love to hear about what you're working on. We're building these tools and platform for you to enable you to ship, distribute, deploy, and be successful with your applications and run them on any device. So we have a Discord that I've linked in the slide. You can also sign up for our service for early access, and if you're interested in a role with our company, also feel free to reach out, we are indeed hiring.