Unreal Engine in WebAssembly/WebGPU

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Wunder Interactive has made significant advancements in bringing Unreal Engine to the web using WebAssembly and WebGL, with plans to integrate WebGPU for better graphics and performance. They have developed a custom asset file system and texture compression to handle large file sizes and improve load times for web-based games. Their platform includes a hosting platform, a front-end dashboard, and a discovery service for developers. Additionally, they are working on WebXR support for cross-platform VR applications. Wunder Interactive aims to create an open platform on the web for game developers to distribute, host, and monetize their games independently. They also plan to support other game engines like Unity, Godot, and Amazon's Open3DE engine. The future vision includes enabling console-quality games in the browser with Unreal Engine 5 and WebGPU support.

From Author:

Traditionally, browser games haven't been taken seriously. If you want to target the web, that traditionally has meant compromising on your vision as a game developer. Our team at Wonder Interactive is on a mission to change that, bringing one of the world's premiere native game engines to the browser - Unreal Engine. In our talk, we'll dive into our efforts porting the engine to the browser and carrying on the pioneering unfinished work started at Epic Games nearly a decade ago in collaboration with Mozilla. We'll dive into what this means for the future of games in the browser, and the open metaverse on the web.

This talk has been presented at JS GameDev Summit 2022, check out the latest edition of this Tech Conference.


Wunder Interactive's mission is to bring Unreal Engine, a premier native game engine, to the browser, enabling developers to distribute real-time 3D applications and games directly online without the need for traditional storefronts and their associated fees.

Wunder Interactive aims to create an open platform on the web that allows developers to deploy, host, and monetize their games independently, avoiding the 30% fees and restrictions imposed by traditional walled garden storefronts.

Wunder Interactive is utilizing WebAssembly and WebGL to bring Unreal Engine to the web, and they are working on integrating WebGPU to leverage modern hardware capabilities for improved graphics and performance.

Wunder Interactive has added support to the latest versions of Unreal Engine, up to 4.27, and is planning to support Unreal Engine 5. They have also developed improved compression techniques and a dynamic asset streaming system for better performance and smaller file sizes.

Wunder Interactive's platform includes a hosting platform, a front-end dashboard, and a discovery service for developers. It offers tools like the Wonder SDK for texture compression, an HTML5 export pipeline, and Wondernet for networking libraries.

The future vision for Wunder Interactive includes support for Unreal Engine 5 and WebXR to enable cross-platform VR applications. They aim to support multiple game engines like Unity and Godot, facilitating a distributed open metaverse with seamless interoperability between different virtual worlds.

Wunder Interactive is tackling the challenge of large file sizes by implementing advanced texture compression and a custom asset file system that streams assets dynamically as needed, significantly reducing the initial load time and improving overall user experience.

Alex St. Louis
Alex St. Louis
33 min
08 Apr, 2022


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Video Transcription

1. Introduction to Unreal Engine in the Browser

Short description:

Alex Saint-Louis, co-founder and COO of Wunder Interactive, shares the mission of bringing Unreal Engine to the browser. They aim to enable cross-platform, real-time 3D applications and games, allowing developers to distribute directly online without going through storefronts. Alex's passion for media and games started with browser games, and his fascination with the intersection of film and games led him to research the Unreal Engine. Along with his co-founder Rob Stewart, they believe in creating an open platform on the web for game developers to freely distribute their apps. They started Wonder Interactive after realizing the commercial opportunity presented by WebAssembly and WebGL. They conducted research on Unreal Engine on the web and found that Mozilla partnered with Epic Games to bring it to the web.

♪♪ Okay, hello and welcome. My name's Alex Saint-Louis, I'm the co-founder and chief operating officer of Wunder Interactive. Delighted to be speaking to you today about Unreal Engine in the browser.

Just a bit of context on my company. We're on a mission to bring one of the world's premier native game engines to the browser, enabling cross-platform, real-time 3D applications and games, enabling developers to ship their applications without the need to go through wall-to-garden storefronts and pay 30% fees to storefronts and distribute directly online to their users.

So, a little bit about my background. I actually come from the realm of film and TV. I had an agent for a while, did some film here in Canada. Lifelong passion for media, games, got me started on the road to the video game industry. I think browser games were the first games that I ever played, had access to on just a regular computer. The ability for me to click a link and just instantly jump in was like magic to me. Club Penguin, RuneScape, those were some of my first real games that I remember playing as a kid.

And started researching the Unreal Engine a few years ago. Got really into it, quite fascinated by the intersection of film and games and where real-time 3D is going. My co-founder Rob Stewart, who is not present for this talk, his background's in computer science, and he's been working with the Unreal Engine for several years now.

So as I mentioned, our vision is to create the most open platform on the web, an alternative app platform for developers to freely distribute their games in real-time 3D apps on the web. And you should be able to ship one code base, one binary, and it should perform the same across all devices. That's our belief. You shouldn't be hampered by walled gardens that demand a cut, have rules and regulations in place. You should be able to host, deploy, monetize on your own terms as a game developer.

So how we got started, one of Rob's initial clients with one of his software development companies was interested in web-based support for their Unreal Engine game. I was interested in web support. Around the same time, Rob and I connected and we realized the real commercial opportunity around the new technologies, WebAssembly and WebGL and how they would once again just disrupt the method of distribution for games online. And we started working together. We founded our company, Wonder Interactive, raised some seed funding. And last year we officially kicked off.

So we did a bit of research into Unreal Engine on the web. And it turns out that since Unreal Engine 3, Mozilla actually partnered with Epic Games to bring Unreal Engine to the web. And as you can see here in this GIF, that's representation of actually what was a mobile game called Epic Citadel. So kind of like World of Warcraft style graphics.

2. Pushing the Limits of 3D on the Web

Short description:

Now, WebGL 2 is based upon OpenGL, which is an old API. It's decades old. And so WebGPU is clearly the future 3D on the web, because you're going to get that Vulkan quality graphics API that can fully tap into modern hardware. And so this is a quantum leap from what you can do today. So we are currently working on a WebGPU back end for our platform for Unreal Engine.

Now today that's about OpenGL ES 3.1. So about a mobile game, several years old mobile game. That was running in the browser and also on phones. So it was an effort and a collaboration between Mozilla and Epic to see how far could web and 3D on the web be pushed.

And this actually turned into robust support in Unreal Engine 4 with the release. Once 4.23 version of the Engine came out, HTML5 support was officially deprecated and removed. There was only WebGL1 support present in the Engine at this time. There was no optimization for file sizes. So you would have these very large binaries that you'd be requesting the user to download over the network.

As you know on the web, as many of you know developing games, an instant start time, rather, is crucial. The time from your users clicking a link to jumping into the action, it has to be as minimal as possible to be successful. That's what users expect. The same way that they expect a 2D web page to load quickly and populate with content, they also expect the same for games on the web. Any type of content on the web, quite frankly. And below there is a blog post if you want to check out more on the history of Mozilla and Epic's work together.

As I mentioned, we raised a small seed round last year, started filling out the team. We also reached out to Epic Games and we wanted to see where they were at, to see if they'd be interested in us picking up the torch from where they left off what we considered unfinished work. So how far have we gotten? We've actually added support to the latest versions of Unreal Engine. I'm quite happy to say 4.24 all the way up to 4.27. Since 4.23, as I mentioned, Epic publicly removed support and made it a community supported platform extension. But nothing has really been done with it. So we've actually built out support for the newest releases of the engine. Unreal Engine 5 is in the works.

Now, WebGL 2 is based upon OpenGL, which is an old API. It's decades old. And so WebGPU is clearly the future 3D on the web, because you're going to get that Vulkan quality graphics API that can fully tap into modern hardware. And so this is a quantum leap from what you can do today. So we are currently working on a WebGPU back end for our platform for Unreal Engine. Some of the other innovations are initially, as I mentioned with previous versions of HTML5 support in Unreal, you would have to ship a very large binary. There was no code splitting.


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